

农业工程学报 2019年8期




(河北农业大学机电工程学院,保定 071001)

为解决旋耕整地作业阻力大、能耗高等问题,该文基于旋耕刀理论受力模型设计了一种楔形减阻旋耕刀。采用Inventor和HyperMesh软件分别创建国标旋耕刀及楔形减阻旋耕刀的三维模型和切削土壤模型,分析了楔形减阻旋耕刀的应力强度,对比了国标旋耕刀与楔形减阻旋耕刀的切削阻力。通过田间试验对比了国标旋耕刀与楔形减阻旋耕刀的扭矩、功耗与碎土率。结果表明:楔形减阻旋耕刀所受最大应力为29.49 MPa,远小于材料的屈服强度430 MPa,在保证刀身强度的前提下,与国标旋耕刀相比,楔形减阻旋耕刀质量减轻8.3%;平均切削阻力较国标旋耕刀下降10.65%。在相同工况条件下,楔形减阻旋耕刀的平均扭矩为648.916 N·m,较国标旋耕刀下降11.35%;楔形减阻旋耕刀的平均功耗为67.3 kW,较国标旋耕刀下降9.29%,碎土率提高4%,耐磨性能与国标旋耕刀持平,能够达到在降低作业功耗的同时,提高耕作质量并保证刀具使用寿命。


0 引 言

旋耕可一次完成耕地、碎土、整地等作业,达到犁耙几次耕地的效果,且旋耕后的地表平整、松软,一次性使土壤达到待播状态,是目前平原地区采用的主要耕作方式[1-3]。旋耕阻力及能源消耗主要来源于旋耕刀[4]。为减小旋耕阻力,生产中通常采用理论减阻、振动减阻和仿生减阻等方法。理论减阻主要是通过改变旋耕刀的工作参数、折弯角和刃口角等结构,来降低切削阻力[5-7],如陈雪等采用ADAMS软件对旋耕刀工作参数进行了优化,极大地降低了旋耕刀阻力[8]。盖超等采用COSMOSwork软件分析了不同旋耕刀折弯角的切削功耗,结果表明折弯角在125°~130°时功耗最小[9]。康松林等采用LS-DYNA软件分析了双面刃口与单面刃口对切削阻力的影响,结果表明双面刃口阻力小于单面刃口阻力[10];振动减阻通过凸轮机构的摆动使旋耕刀在切削土壤的同时,通过振动使土壤疏松,从而达到降低耕作阻力的目的[11-13]。如蒋建东等在旋耕刀轴部位加装凸轮机构,利用刀具振动来降低切削阻力,结果表明合适的震动频率及幅值能够实现土壤耕作减阻[14];仿生减阻主要是参考蚯蚓、鼹鼠等动物表皮、爪趾等特点,对旋耕刀的材料和结构进行优化设计,从而达到减少耕作阻力的目的[15-17]。如郭俊等根据鼹鼠指爪结构优化旋耕刀,结果表明在秸秆覆盖50%以上时,优化的旋耕刀耕作阻力低于国标旋耕刀[18]。上述减阻技术虽在一定程度上都能降低旋耕耕作阻力,但振动减阻需要加装相应装置,在增加了制造成本的同时也增加了机具故障率;仿生减阻多为被动模仿生物的生物学特性,结构复杂,不易加 工[19-21]。而理论减阻通过优化改进刀具自身结构参数实现减阻,不增加机械结构且易成型加工。为此,本文针对典型的IT245型国标旋耕刀旋耕阻力大的不足,设计一种楔形减阻旋耕刀,旨在通过改变旋耕刀表面形状结构以降低切削阻力。

1 旋耕刀结构与受力分析

1.1 国标旋耕刀结构、工作过程及受力分析




1. 刀柄 2. 刀头 3. 主切削刃 4. 副切削刃 5. 国标旋耕刀(右旋)6. 土壤 7. 刀座 8.刀轴

1. Blade handle 2. Blade head 3. Main cutting edge 4.Auxiliary cutting edge 5. National standard rotary blade (right-rotary) 6. Soil 7. Blade holder 8. Blade shaft

注:刀柄宽=30 mm;刀轴孔直径=13 mm;刀轴孔边距=15 mm;旋转半径=245 mm;切削刃宽度=12 mm;切削刃厚度=4 mm;正切面高度=50 mm;耕作宽幅=50 mm;折弯角=120°;折弯半径=30 mm;为旋耕刀旋转速度,r·min–1;为拖拉机前进速度,km·h–1。为坐标原点。

Note: Blade handle width=30 mm; Rotary blade hole diameter=13 mm; Rotary blade hole space=15 mm; Radius of gyration=245 mm; Cutting edge width=12 mm; Cutting edge thickness=4 mm; Blade height=50 mm; Tillage width=50 mm; Bending angle=120°; Bend radius=30 mm;is rotation speed of rotary blade, r·min–1;is tractor forward speed, km·h– origin of coordinates.

图1 右旋国标旋耕刀结构参数与工作示意图

Fig.1 Structural parameters and working sketch of right-handed national standard rotary blade








1.2 楔形减阻旋耕刀设计及受力分析

1.2.1 楔形减阻旋耕刀设计


1. 国标旋耕刀切削部截面 2. 优化部分 3. 楔形减阻旋耕刀切削部截面

1. Cross section of cutting part of national standardrotary blade 2. Optimized part 3. Cross section of cutting part of wedge drag reduction rotary blade


Note:is edge width of rotary blade, mm;is edge width of wedge drag reduction rotary blade, mm;is edge angle of rotary blade, (°);¢is edge angle of wedge drag reduction rotary blade, (°).

图3 楔形减阻旋耕刀设计原理

Fig.3 Design principle of wedge drag reduction rotary blade




注:刃面宽度l'=31~50.09 mm。

1.2.2 楔形减阻旋耕刀受力分析







2 旋耕刀切削运动仿真


2.1 有限元模型建立

2.1.1 刀具有限元模型

在Inventor软件中按照GB/T5669—2008《旋耕机械刀与刀座》中旋耕刀几何参数进行三维实体建模,同时对楔形减阻旋耕刀建模,如图6所示,利用HyperMesh(能够测量刀具质量,楔形减阻旋耕刀质量减轻50 g,较国标旋耕刀下降8.3%)完成刀具有限元模型的网格划分,采用5 mm网格对2种旋耕刀进行划分,国标旋耕刀的网格数量为931个,楔形减阻旋耕刀的网格数量为670个,参照LS-DYNA-971用户手册,刀具单元定义为刚性材料MATL20,2种刀具模型材料均为65 Mn,密度为7.8×10-6kg/mm3,弹性模量为2.1×108kPa,泊松比为0.3。

a. 国标旋耕刀a. National standard rotary bladeb. 楔形减阻旋耕刀b. Wedge drag reduction rotary blade

2.1.2 土壤-刀具模型

由于HyperMesh软件中没有自带土壤模型,在仿真过程中先选择HyperMesh自带的材料模型MATL1,然后根据关键字手册把土壤模型改为MAT193(MAT_drucke_ prager)塑性土壤模型,并结合华北地区土壤特性[30]输入材料参数。土壤模型的主要参数取值如表2所示(依据后文田间试验土壤实际状况,秸秆均已粉碎还田,仿真试验未考虑秸秆状况)。

表2 土壤参数

图7所示为土壤-旋耕刀初始模型,土壤模型尺寸为520 mm×200 mm×240 mm,为了缩短计算时间,采用分割法划分网格,将土壤网格划分为切削部分(尺寸为4 mm)和未切削部分(尺寸为8 mm)。

2.2 边界条件


2.3 刀具切削过程及应力分析


图8为国标旋耕刀在LS-DYNA中模拟仿真切削土壤过程。切削参数依据《GB/T 5668-2008 旋耕机》[32]选取:旋耕刀转速300 r/min(5 r/s),前进速度4.10 km/h(1.1 m/s),耕深150 mm。

由图8可知,0s时,旋耕刀与土壤进行接触;400s时,旋耕刀先沿侧切刃由近及远切入土壤,土壤受到剪切力的作用,开始发生变形;750~3 000s时,正切刃切入土壤,在旋耕刀的剪切与挤压共同作用下,土壤沿着旋耕刀正面发生破坏变形。

由图9a可知,国标旋耕刀工作时所受的最大应力为35.68 MPa,其远小于刀具材料的屈服强度430 MPa,验证了国标旋耕刀设计合理性;由图9b可知,楔形减阻旋耕刀工作时所受最大应力(29.49 MPa)小于国标旋耕刀最大应力(35.68 MPa),满足强度设计要求。另外,在满足强度设计的要求下,与国标旋耕刀相比,楔形减阻旋耕刀质量较小。

图8 旋耕刀切削土壤过程

图9 2种旋耕刀应力图

2.4 切削阻力分析

依照上文,已对2种旋耕刀的材料参数进行定义与边界约束,其工作参数为前进速度1.1 m/s,旋转速度5 r/s,耕作深度150 mm,定义旋耕刀为正旋,以切削阻力为指标,在HyperMesh软件中对2种旋耕刀的切削阻力进行分析,导出K文件,将K文件导入LS-DYNA中进行计算,对比2种旋耕刀切削阻力。

图10为国标旋耕刀与楔形减阻旋耕刀切削阻力仿真结果对比。由图10可知,旋耕刀由0s开始,切削阻力先上升,达到最大切削阻力之后再下降,直至旋耕刀切出土壤。模拟仿真的切削阻力趋势与参考文献[10,33]相似,证明了其研究可行性。国内学者葛云[34]、陈雪等[8]对国标旋耕刀切削阻力做了研究,得出国标旋耕刀的最大切削阻力大概为450~500 N,本文中,国标旋耕刀最大切削阻力为530 N,平均切削阻力为375.5 N,楔形减阻旋耕刀最大切削阻力为510 N,平均切削阻力为335.5 N,楔形减阻旋耕刀平均切削阻力比国标旋耕刀平均切削阻力降低了10.65%。

图10 旋耕刀切削阻力仿真结果对比

3 田间试验


3.1 试验方法

3.1.1 设备安装及扭矩传感器标定


1. 拖拉机2. 扭矩-转速-功率显示仪3. 电脑4. 扭矩传感器5. 旋耕机6. 旋耕刀7. 输出轴

扭矩传感器标定结果如图12所示。根据标定结果,静止时,扭矩传感器的频率在10 000~10 040 Hz之间波动,扭矩传感器存在的误差为0.4%(即静止时,传感器频率波动值与初始频率的比值),误差在可接受范围之内,满足试验要求。

图12 扭矩传感器标定结果

3.1.2 试验设置


试验地为壤土,地势平坦,虽有部分秸秆,但均已粉碎还田,对土壤旋耕功耗不造成影响,0~150 mm土层内平均硬度为6.5 kg/cm2,平均含水率为15%。

将楔形减阻旋耕刀和国标旋耕刀分2次各自安装在河北双天机械制造有限公司生产的1GKN- 220A1旋耕机上,依次进行田间试验。

选取地势平坦的100 m×30 m地块,去除地头地尾各10 m,在中间80 m的旋耕机稳定运行段进行5次重复试验,测试旋转扭矩和功率消耗,取平均值。依据上文作业参数为:拖拉机前进速度取4.10 km/h,后输出转速540 r/min,刀辊转速为300 r/min,耕作深度为150 mm。试验装备及实物图如图13所示。

3.2 试验结果与分析

每次试验取稳定段测试数据,每次记录50 s数据,2种旋耕刀的扭矩和功耗测试结果如图14所示,质地复杂,旋耕扭矩波动比较大,2种旋耕刀扭矩趋势大致相似,符合试验要求。

由图14a可知,国标旋耕刀的平均扭矩值为732.038 N×m,楔形减阻旋耕刀的平均扭矩值为648.916 N×m,楔形减阻旋耕刀较国标旋耕刀平均扭矩下降11.35%。由前文可知,拖拉机后输出转速固定,结合扭矩计算公式[35],扭矩值能够对功耗进行表达且与功耗呈正线性相关,楔形减阻旋耕刀在作业过程中平均扭矩优于国标旋耕刀,进一步验证了楔形减阻旋耕刀节能降耗的可行性。

由图14b可知,楔形减阻旋耕刀功耗整体优于国标旋耕刀,国标旋耕刀平均功耗为74.2 kW,楔形减阻旋耕刀平均功耗为67.3 kW,楔形减阻旋耕刀较国标旋耕刀平均功耗降低了9.29%。


图13 试验装备及实物图

如图15所示,对试验土壤采样并计算碎土率以评价旋耕刀耕作质量。在已旋耕的500 mm×500 mm耕层进行土壤采样5次,分别测试采样土壤质量总及土壤中直径大于40 mm的土块质量>40 mm,根据公式(13)计算碎土率R


2018年9月30日,在河北保定庞口试验田对国标旋耕刀与楔形减阻旋耕刀的耐用性进行了田间对比试验。试验结果表明:经过连续不间断33 hm2耕作后,楔形减阻旋耕刀未发生崩刃和断裂现象,且其磨损程度与国标旋耕刀相当:国标旋耕刀的平均磨损量为98.5 g,楔形减阻旋耕刀的平均磨损量为97.3 g,磨损量相差1.3%。按规定旋耕刀磨损量超过100 g即无法继续使用。上述结果表明,在保证与国标旋耕刀耐用性基本持平的情况下,楔形减阻旋耕刀能提高耕作质量,降低作业功耗。

图14 2种旋耕刀的扭矩和功耗测试结果

图15 碎土率测算

4 结 论


2)以旋耕刀与楔形减阻旋耕刀为研究对象,运用Inventor软件建立刀具三维模型,基于HyperMesh-LS- DYNA软件对刀具进行了切削过程及切削阻力分析。结果表明:模拟动态仿真能够客观的反映旋耕刀切削土壤过程;国标旋耕刀最大应力为35.68 MPa,楔形减阻旋耕刀的最大应力为29.49 MPa,其应力远远小于刀具材料的屈服强度430 MPa,在质量减轻8.3%的情况下,保证了刀身强度。国标旋耕刀的最大切削阻力为530 N,楔形减阻旋耕刀最大切削阻力为510 N,楔形减阻旋耕刀平均切削阻力比国标旋耕刀平均切削阻力低10.65%,验证了楔形减阻旋耕刀设计可行性。


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Design and test of wedge drag reduction rotary blade

Hao Jianjun, Yu Haijie, Zhao Jianguo, Li Jianchang, Ma Zhikai, Cai Jinjin


In order to solve the problems of high resistance and high power consumption of rotary tillage and land preparation, the rotary blade is studied based on theoretical analysis, simulation and field experimentin this paper. First, a wedge drag reduction rotary blade is designed based on the theoretical force model of cutting tools in mechanical soil dynamics. Second , the three-dimensional model of the national rotary blade and the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is established by using the Inventor software and the simulation experiment is carried on. The cutting soil model of 2 kinds of rotary blades is established by using HyperMesh software, and the material parameters, boundary constraints and working parameters are defined. On this basis, the soil cutting process, stress and cutting resistance are analyzed. It is proved that the wedge drag reduction rotary blade design is reasonable. In order to verify whether the wedge drag reduction rotary blade meets the strength requirement, the stress of the rotary blades is analyzed, and the cutting resistance of the national rotary blade and the wedge drag reduction rotary blade are compared. Third, field comparative experiments are carried out on national rotary blade and wedge drag reducing rotating blade with the evaluation indexes of torque, power consumption and soil breakage. The results show that the cutting resistance of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is smaller than that of the national rotary blade; the maximum stress of the national rotary blade is 35.68 MPa and the maximum stress of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 29.49 MPa, which is less than that of the national rotary blade and far less than the yield strength of the material 430 MPa. On the premise of ensuring the strength of the blade body, the weight of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is reduced by about 50 g, which is about 8.3% lower than that of the national rotary blade. The maximum cutting resistance of the national rotary blade is 530 N, the average cutting resistance is 375.5 N, and the maximum cutting resistance of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 510 N, the average cutting resistance is 335.5 N, the average cutting resistance of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 10.65% lower than that of the national rotary blade, which proves the feasibility of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade designed; The average torque of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 11.35% lower than that of the national rotary blade. In the working process of rotary blades, the average power consumption of the national rotary blade is 74.2 kW, the average power consumption of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 67.3 kW, and the average power consumption of the wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 9.29% lower than that of the national rotary blade. The average breaking rate of soil of the national rotary blade is 75%, and the average breaking rate of wedge drag reduction rotary blade is 79%, which is 4% higher than that of the national rotary blade; After continuous 33 hm2tillage, rotary blades did not break, and the average wear of the national rotary blade is 98.5 g, the average wear of the wedge shaped drag reduction rotary blade is 97.3 g, the wear difference is 1.3%, and the wear degree is the same. The wedge drag reduction rotary blade can effectively solve the problems of high resistance and high power consumption of rotary blade, which is helpful to accelerate the development of arable land machinery, improve the mechanization level of cultivated land, and reduce the production cost of crops.

agricultural machinery; soil; models; wedge drag reduction rotary blade; field experiment









郝建军,于海杰,赵建国,李建昌,马志凯,蔡金金.楔形减阻旋耕刀设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(8):55-64. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.007

Hao Jianjun, Yu Haijie, Zhao Jianguo, Li Jianchang, Ma Zhikai, Cai Jinjin. Design and test of wedge drag reduction rotary blade[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 55-64. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.007


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