边彩莲 黄立宏 王佳伏
摘 要 在经典传染病模型的基础上,通过考虑阈值策略,研究了一类基于媒体报道的不连续的传染病模型.利用Filippov意义下的右端不连续微分方程理论,对阈值策略下传染病模型的动力学行为进行了定性分析,并利用Poincaré映射研究了无病平衡点、地方病平衡点及伪平衡点的全局渐近稳定性.
关键词 媒体报道;Poincaré映射;全局渐近稳定
中图分类号 O193 文献标识码 A
Abstract Based on the classical epidemic model,by considering the threshold policy,a class of discontinuous epidemic model based on the media coverage was studied. The dynamical behaviors of the epidemic model under the threshold policy were qualitatively analyzed by using the theory of the differential equation with a discontinuous right-hand side in Filippov sense.In addition,the global asymptotical stability of a free equilibrium ,endemic equilibrium or pesudo-equilibrium was investigated by Poincaré maps as well.
Key words media coverage ;Poincaré map; global asymptotical stability
1 引 言
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