

现代电子技术 2019年6期

代曾 余红英 刘琛

关键词: 欠驱动系统; 滑模控制; 双闭环控制; 四旋翼飞行器; 系统仿真; 控制律

中图分类号: TN876?34; TP212.9               文献标识码: A                    文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)06?0088?04

Abstract: A sliding mode control strategy based on inner and outer loops is proposed for the first?class under?actuated quadrotor UAV controlled model, so as to realize stable control and tracking of the Quadrotor UAV system. The dynamics model of the quadrotor UAV is established by using the Lagrange equation. The inner and outer ring control strategy which takes the location system as the outer ring, the attitude system as the inner ring, and the sliding mode control law as the control method is designed according to its mathematical model. The system was simulated in the Matlab environment, by which the effectiveness of the control strategy was verified.

Keywords: under?actuated system; sliding mode control; double closed?loop control; Quadrotor UAV; system simulation;control law

0  引  言


四旋翼飞行器(Quadrotor UAV)系统是一类经典的欠驱动系统,在本文中以Quadrotor UAV为受控对象,根据Lagrange方程建立动力学模型[4],以位置子系统为外环,姿态子系统为内环,通过设计滑模控制律,实现对航迹及滚转角的跟踪,同时保证偏航角以及俯仰角的稳定[5]。

1  Quadrotor UAV的动力学模型

Quadrotor UAV的示意图如图1所示。

5  結  语

本文在Quadrotor UAV系统数学模型的基础上设计一种基于内外环的滑模控制方法,从而实现对系统期望状态的跟踪控制[10]。通过Matlab仿真,验证了该算法的可行性,并与经典PID控制方法进行对比。仿真实验表明,采用双闭环滑模控制方法设计的Quadrotor UAV控制系统可以保证系统的鲁棒性,姿态角可以快速有效地跟踪到期望值,而且稳态误差较小,具有良好的控制性能,在实际系统中具有很广阔的应用前景。


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