万连城 黑蕾 王迎斌
关键词: 二维DOA估计; 压缩感知; 贝叶斯; 多任务贝叶斯压缩感知; 分辨率; 算法复杂度
中图分类号: TN951?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)06?0010?04
Abstract: The constant development of the compressed sensing theory provides a new idea for the problem of 2?D direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. The traditional 2?D DOA estimation method is only the extension of the 1?D DOA estimation, and the modeling method of the 2?D DOA estimation is the same as that of the 1?D DOA estimation, which leads to problems of high computation complexity and low resolution in solving. The multitask Bayesian compressive sensing (MT?BCS) theory is applied to the 2?D DOA estimation problem by remodeling of the 2?D DOA model, so as to propose a separable 2?D DOA estimation algorithm based on MT?BCS. A comparative experiment was carried out. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has the advantages of high resolution and low complexity.
Keywords: 2?D DOA estimation; compressed sensing; Bayesian; MT?BCS; resolution; algorithm complexity
基于稀疏表示[1?3]的二维DOA(Direction of Arrival)估计算法大多是基于一维DOA估计的扩展,算法建模时也是将二维矩阵展开为向量,仿照一维DOA估计的建模方法进行建模。这类算法主要有:基于[lp]范数的POCUSS算法[2?4],经典的高分辨[lp?SVD]算法[5],MP[6],OMP[7?8]等贪婪算法和基于贝叶斯压缩感知的DOA估计算法[9]。
然而,这类仿照一维DOA的二维DOA建模方法导致稀疏基矩阵的维度过大,求解时算法的时间复杂度过高,难以满足实时性的要求。为了降低算法的时间复杂度,本文提出了可分离的二维DOA建模新方法,并使用MT?BCS(Multitask Bayesian Compressive Sensing)算法[10]进行求解,成功解决了二维DOA估计算法时间复杂度高、分辨率低的缺点。
由表1可知,由于本文所提出的方法將矩阵[A∈CML×PQ] 分离为俯仰维导向矢量基矩阵[Ψ∈CM×L]和方位维[Ψ]导向矢量基矩阵[Θ∈CP×Q],从而有效地减少了算法的时间复杂度,使算法更适合工业应用。
4 结 语
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