

世界建筑 2019年1期


1 鸟瞰/Aerial view

2 首层平面/Ground floor plan



The histroric city of Pingyao is reistered as a world cultural heritage and national historical city which located in Shanxi Province. In 2017,the first Pingyao International Film Exhibition was launched in the original diesel engine plant of Pingyao. According to the operation requirements,the original texture should be preserved and four original factory buildings were reconstructed under the strict planning requirements. We refined and used existing architectural elements in the city and used modern architectural design techniques to create familiar historical symbiosis appreciated by the audience. Special location is dramatised to be in line with the temperament of the film festival.

After the festival, the Movie Palace has become permanent cinema, supplemented by entertainment and cultural contents into a Movie Culture Plaza.Cultural events such as exhibitions of contemporary art and culture can take place here. The old factories that served urban development can continue to play a new cultural and industrial significance as a correct way for industrial sites to return to the urban mission.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 平遥国际电影展主办方/Sponsor of Pingyao International Film Festival

地点/Location: 山西省平遥县/Pingyao, Shanxi Province

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 廉毅锐,任飞,许笑梅,刘磊/LIAN Yirui, REN Fei, XU Xiaomei, LIU Lei

设计团队/Project Team: 陈宏,焦泽通,陈猛,Brian Wong,周宇,郭玉夏,谭静,王笑宇,刘思嘉/CHEN Hong, JIAO Zetong, CHEN Meng, Brian Wong, ZHOU Yu,GUO Yuxia, TAN Jing, WANG Xiaoyu, LIU Sijia

建筑面积/Floor Area: 4357m2

设计时间/Design Time: 2017.07

建成时间/Completion Time: 2017.10

摄影/Photos: 苏圣亮/SU Shengliang

5 庭院景观/Courtyard landscape



Jury Statement

By renovating a disused factory building at the fringe of the ancient city, this project has managed to make a passive space full of vigour. Taking the opportunity to promote the film festival, this project has managed to activate and magnify the original features (e.g. diversity and spatial specificity) of the factory area, thus providing an ideal place for enriching the urban space and life.

6 1500座露天剧场入口/Main entrance of 1500 seats open-air theatre

7.8 工厂室内改造/Interior views of the previous engine plant

9 电影宫夜景/Night view of the Festiral Palace

10 立面改造细节/Details of the renovated elevation

11 节点大样/Enlarged details of the elevation


平遥国际电影展产业项目 报名通道开启
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