1 屋顶下降与人发生的关系/Relationship between the lifted roof and people
2 结构体系/Construction system
3 洞中窥人/Viewing through the hole
4 内部结构/Interiorial structure
5 夜景/Night view
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 安吉两山创客小镇/Anji Liangshan Pioneer Park
地点/Location: 安吉两山创客小镇二层平台/The second landing of Anji Liangshan Pioneer Park
主创建筑师/Principal Architect: 孙照人/SUN Zhaoren
设计团队/Project Team: 孙照人,宋天意,雷博文,刘泽洋/SUN Zhaoren, SONG Tianyi, LEI Bowen, LIU Zeyang
建筑面积/Floor Area: 200m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2017.08
建成时间/Completion Time: 2018.05
摄影/Photos: 刘泽洋/LIU Zeyang
The project is located in Anji County,Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, famous for its bamboo industry. The design concept is based on a comprehensive analysis of site conditions,construction materials and tea-drinking customs, for the full control of bamboo, wind, light and view and to create a place in a relatively urban environment for drinking and leisure, open to everyone and close to nature.