

世界建筑 2019年1期


1 外景/Exterior view

2 总平面/Site plan

2018年中国国际太阳能十项全能竞赛冠军作品长屋计划,是在高速发展的城市中,为年轻新兴家庭量身定做的零能耗住宅,由华南理工大学、都灵理工大学师生共同设计完成。长屋计划通过建筑学秩序的控制提高空间的使用自由度,将集约的空间设计、超低能耗技术应用、预制装配建造方式整合协调,并将垂直庭院引入室内,提倡重拾自然的生活。项目采用钢框架结构,12个包含了保温、设备、饰面板的预制模块通过公路运输到达建造现场,并在20天内完成了拼装及调试。经过严格的环境及能源性能测试,在工程设计、创新能力、舒适程度等主客观评价方面均获得第一名。长屋计划以人居舒适 、节能减排、城市效应、模块建造四大策略,很好地应对了以广州为代表的高密度城市居住问题。让生态、人文、科技回归城市生活,让历史走向未来。

LONG-PLAN, a zero energy-consumption residential prototype won the championship of the 2018 International Competition of Solar Decathlon in China through a series of rigorous performance tests. It was completed by around 60 teachers and students from South China University of Technology and Polytechnic University of Turin. Consisting of twelve modules which are prefabricated with insulation, equipment and veneers, its transportation and construction process added up to only 20 days. With four visions of comfortable living, energy saving, urban advantage and modular construction, Team SCUT-POLITO attempted to deal with the housing problem in such a high-density city as Guangzhou. Therefore a traditional residential prototype was modified and optimised with both active and passive techniques.Natural life experience was introduced inside through vertical patios while various functions were properly arranged in the rest of narrow space. We really hope that with historical heritage and modern ecological building technology, LONG-PLAN can lead to a brand new future of human urban life.

5 生活空间长剖面/Living space section

1-主入口/Main entrance



4-客厅/Living room


6-雨水中庭/Green patio


8-餐厅/Dining room

9-设备间/Mechanical room 10-厨房/Kitchen

11-主卧卫浴/1# Bathroom 12-主卧/1# Bedroom


14-次卧卫浴/2# Bathroom 15-次卧/2# Bedroom

16-主卧阳台/1# Balcony

17-次卧阳台/2# Balcony

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 2018中国国际太阳能十项全能竞赛/Solar Decathlon China 2018

地点/Location: 山东省德州市太阳能小镇/Dezhou,Shandong Province

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 王奕程,赵一平,许安江,关竣仁/WANG Yicheng, ZHAO Yiping, XU Anjiang,GUAN Junren

设计团队/Project Team: 胡阳芷,杨淑妍,陈崇文,袁轶,陈佩谦,陈欣如,刘嘉豪,徐越,陈宬宇,田俊泰,吴欣然,谢恒馨,何韦萱,吴洁璇,陈健宁,薛加伟,刘可欣,卢镛汀,杜翔宇,李昊,王润娴,卢逸伦,何欣然,徐嘉迅,林健成,肖俊,陈清源,官晓晴,张鑫雨,李瓅得,汤雪儿,Lucia Filippini,Alessio Messina,Ciro Lisciandrello,Valentino Attanasio,Chiara Cordopatri等(中国国际太阳能十项全能竞赛华南-都灵理工大学联队)/HU Yangzhi, YANGShuyan, CHEN Chongwen, YUAN Yi, CHEN Peiqian, CHEN Xinru, LIU Jiahao, XU Yue, CHEN Chengyu, TIAN Juntai, WU Xinran,XIE Hengxin, HE Weixuan, WU Jiexuan, CHEN Jianning,XUE Jiawei, LIU Kexin, LU Yongting, DU Xiangyu, LI Hao,WANG Runxian, LU Yilun, HE Xinran, XU Jiaxun, LIN Jiancheng, XIAO Jun, CHEN Qingyuan, GUAN Xiaoqing,ZHANG Xinyu, LI Lide, TANG Xue'er, Lucia Filippini, Alessio Messina, Ciro Lisciandrello, Valentino Attanasio, Chiara Cordopatri, et al. (SDC Team SCUT-POLITO)

项目指导/Supervisors: 孙一民,肖毅强,钟冠球,徐好好,王静,张宇峰,萧蕾,Mauro Berta,Michele Bonino,Orio De Paoli,Enrico Fabrizio,Marco Filippi,Francesca Frassoldati,Matteo Robiglio,Valentina Serra,姜文艺,孟庆林,赵立华,张磊,陈坚,赵渺希,邓昭华,王剑文,孙文波,高飞,杨清丰,杜智恒,何鉴尧,莫理莉/SUN Yimin, XIAO Yiqiang, ZHONG Guanqiu,XU Haohao, WANG Jing, ZHANG Yufeng, XIAO Lei, Mauro Berta, Michele Bonino, Orio De Paoli, Enrico Fabrizio,Marco Filippi, Francesca Frassoldati, Matteo Robiglio,Valentina Serra, JIANG Wenyi, MENG Qinglin, ZHAO Lihua, ZHANG Lei, CHEN Jian, ZHAO Miaoxi, DENG Zhaohua, WANG Jianwen, SUN Wenbo, GAO Fei, YANG Qingfeng, DU Zhiheng, HE Jianyao, MO Lili

建筑面积/Floor Area: 143.26m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2016-2018

建成时间/Completion Time: 2018.07

摄影/Photos: 徐嘉迅/XU Jiaxun

6 中庭/Patio

7 服务带/Service belt

8 折叠门打开的中庭/Patio with open doors

9 二层过廊/First floor corridor



Jury Statement

This project won the First Prize in the China International Solar Building Contest 2018. The project is designed to comprise three belts and three cores, thus attaining a convergence of the integrated wall, service belt, and life belt. A small modularised prefabrication construction system was especially developed for this project; the system has a high degree of completion in terms of modulus, interface,and tolerance control. Moreover, architectural space is integrated impressively with passive ventilation and lighting and equipment pipelines. Three dooryards harmonise perfectly with nature. The effect of the indoor environment and energy system has withstood the test of summer months. Overall, this project sets a good example for efficient, energy-saving, and humanoriented renovation of an existing building.

10 中庭聚会模式/Patio in party mode


Stability and luminescence properties of CsPbBr3/CdSe/Al core-shell quantum dots
Numerical Study on Laminar Burning Velocity and Flame Stability of Premixed Methane/Ethylene/Air Flames*