

世界建筑 2019年1期


1 西侧鸟瞰/Aerial view from westside

2 区域建筑东侧入口/East entrance of the area

3 立面/Elevatoin


虽然建筑被定义为临时建筑,但建设要快、品质要高、理念要新等特殊要求催生出新的建造模式。项目创新地采用了全装配化、集成化的箱式模块建造体系,以装配化、工厂化的箱式建造体系来解决工期与建筑质量之间的矛盾。模块结构、设备管线、内外装修均在工厂加工好,现场只需拼装就可完成,装配率极高;以工厂化的生产、机械化的安装,减少现场作业,解决冬季施工的问题;以可逆的、可循环使用的模式解决临时建筑的定位问题,避免将来拆除产生垃圾。园区以 “十字形”的自由生长的开放化规划模式应对起步区功能及选址的不确定性;建筑采用架空的方式,既满足了防洪要求,又减少了对原始场地的破坏、减少建设土方量;采用自然通风、自然采光、设置雨水花园、立体绿化等生态策略重塑建筑与生态环境的关系。

Xiong'an Civic Service Centre, located in the east of Rongcheng, is the first construction project of Xiong'an New Area, showcasing the new area to the whole country and even the world. Temporary Office Area for Enterprises is in the north of Xiong'an Civic Service Centre, including one hotel, six office buildings and the central street of public sharing service.

Although buildings are temporary, special requirements such as rapid fabrication in high quality and new concept give birth to new construction modes. Therefore, the project innovatively adopts a fully assembled and integrated box-type module construction system: the fabrication and factorylike box construction system avoids contradictions between building efficiency and construction quality;factory prefabrication and mechanised installation solves the problem of winter construction; reversible and recyclable mode sets position of temporary buildings, so as to reduce dismantling rubbish. The project responds to the flexibility and location of the start-up area with an open planning design that can freely grow; the overhead structure is not only a flood-proofing design, but also reduces damages to the original site; the natural ventilation, daylight,gardens that collect rainwater and vertical green system can also rebuild the relationship between architecture and ecological environment.

4 外景/Exterior view

5 首层平面/Ground floor plan

6 草图/Sketch

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 河北雄安市民服务中心有限公司/Xiong'an Citizen Service Center

地点/Location: 河北雄安新区/Xiong'an New Area, Hebei

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 崔愷,任祖华/CUI Kai,REN Zuhua

设计团队/Project Team: 建筑:梁丰,庄彤,朱宏利,王俊,陈谋朦,盛启寰,邓超,朱巍,韩亚非,刘燕辉,胡璧;结构:娄霓,刘长松,丁路通,任乐明,孔维伟,白倩楠,王海波,武晓敏,张兰英,蔡玉龙,任庆英;给排水:刘志军,李仁杰,张越,夏树威,杨澎;暖通:张英杰,张思健,徐征,潘云钢;电气:裴韦杰,杜建勋,张晓泉,王玉卿;总图:路建旗,李爽,王炜,高治,白红卫;室内:彭典勇,韩文文,饶劢,朱宏利,韩亚非,胡璧/Architecture: LIANG Feng, ZHUANG Tong, ZHU Hongli,WANG Jun, CHEN Moumeng, SHENG Qihuan, DENG Chao,

ZHU Wei, HAN Yafei, LIU Yanhui, HU Bi; Structure: LOU Ni,LIU Changsong, DING Lutong, REN Leming, KONG Weiwei,BAI Qiannan, WANG Haibo, WU Xiaoming, ZHANG Lanying,CAI Yulong, REN Qingying; Water Supply and Drainage: LIU Zhijun, LI Renjie, ZHANG Yue, XIA Shuwei, YANG Peng; HVAC:ZHANG Yingjie, ZHANG Sijian, XU Zheng, PAN Yungang;Electrical: PEI Weijie, DU Jianxun, ZHANG Xiaoquan, WANG Yuqing; Site plan: LU Jianqi, LI Shuang, WANG Wei, GAO Zhi,BAI Hongwei; Interior: PENG Dianyong, HAN Wenwen, RAO Mai, ZHU Lihong, HAN Yafei, HU Bi

室内设计/Interior Design: 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司,超级番茄设计顾问有限公司/China Architecture Design &Research Group, Super Tomato

景观设计/Landscape Design: 戴水道景观设计咨询(北京)有限公司,天津华汇景观设计团队/Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Beijing, Huahui Architectural Design &Engineering Co., Ltd.

灯光设计/Lighting Design:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司/Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning &Design Institute

模块生产安装/Manufacturing: 中集模块化建筑投资公司,中建集成房屋有限公司/Cimc Modular Building Systems Holding Co., Ltd., China Construction Modular Housing Co., Ltd.现场施工/Construction: 中建三局集团有限公司/China Construction Third Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

建筑面积/Floor Area: 36,000m2

设计时间/Design Time: 2017

建成时间/Completion Time: 2018

摄影/Photos: 李季/LI Ji (fig.1),张广源/ZHANG Guangyuan(fig.2,4,7-12,18),左牧童/ZUO Mutong (fig.13),陈谋朦/CHEN Moumeng (fig.14),傅晓铭/FU Xiaoming (fig.17)

草图/Sketch: 崔愷/CUI Kai

7 建筑与共享街内院/Courtyard of the building and shared streets

8 中部共享平台楼梯/Stairs of central shared platform

9 建筑隐于树林/Hiding behind the tree

10 F楼东侧/Viewing eastside of building F

11 中部共享平台/Central shared platform

12 室外楼梯/Exterior stairs

13 箱体运输/Case transport

14 箱体吊装/Case lifting

15 十字单元布局拆解分析/Cross unit layout






Jury Statement

The temporary office area for enterprises in Xiongan is the first new building in Xiongan New Area; it is also Xiongan's window for external services.Therefore, this project is of great significance. The project is a temporary building that was constructed rapidly and designed with complete prefabrication and integrated tank-type module transportation.For industrialised and prefabricated architectural design, the technological challenge and difficulty lie in satisfying the needs of functional diversity through a modular standard. This design has the following highlights:

(1) The project fully considers a variety of factors(e.g. factory fabrication, assembly units, transport and hoisting, and construction conditions), and overcomes various challenges (e.g. short construction period and adverse climate in winter). It is a benchmark work of prefabricated architectural design with a high degree of completion and comprehensive usage.

(2) Various possible combinations of unit modules are considered, and the cross-shaped plane satisfies the interior needs of functional diversity, making the prefabricated buildings universally applicable.

(3) The ground floor is built on stilts, and the building interferes the original site in a mild way. As a temporary building, this project will not impact or result in any permanent change in the environment.Once the building is demolished, building waste can be minimised and the materials can be recycled.

16 节点详图/Enlarged details

17 酒店室内/Interior of the hotel

18 办公室室内/Interior of the office

