Bapan is an ancient village of Puyi people,with grade A poverty. We make an effort to rescue the distinguishing traditional houses. A positive dialogue between the old timber structure and the new concrete houses around is established. The enclosed interior is opened up by 3 major "windows".We explore a possibility of whether a traditional architecture can be modernised while preserving and revitalising the local culture.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 贵州木棉花酒店管理有限责任公司/A Crowd Funding Group
地点/Location: 贵州省安龙县万峰湖镇坝盘村/Bapan Village, Wan Feng Lake Town, Anlong County, Guizhou Province
主创建筑师/Principal Architect: 王敏/WANG Min
设计团队/Project Team: 张雯雯,丁梅,李午亭,李辉,张戈/ZHANG Wenwen, DING Mei, LI Wuting, LI Hui,ZHANG Ge
建筑面积/Floor Area: 279m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2017.07-2018.05
建成时间/Completion Time: 2018.07
摄影/Photos: 陈溯/CHEN Su
1 外景/Exterior view
2.3 剖面/Sections
4 首层平面/Ground floor plan
1-主入口( 前门)/Front door
2-“书窗” 读书区/"Window of book"-reading area
3-“茶窗” 饮茶区/"Window of tea"-tea drinking area
4-厨房及吧 台/Kitchen & bar counter
5-“书架” 楼梯及“古 法造纸”竹架 桥/"Book shelf" stairs & "ancient paper making rack" bridge
6-非物质文 化遗产展示 区/Intangible cultural heritage display area
7-前院/Front yard
8-篝火围坐 区/Gathering area with fire pit
9-后门/Back door
10-客房/Guest room
11-后院/Back yard
12-“八音 坐唱”区/Folk music performing area
13-大榕树/Big tree
5 远景/Distant view