

世界建筑 2019年1期


1 鸟瞰/Aerial view




项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 华创海旅集团·阿普萨拉斯(菲律宾)有限公司/Apsaras Group Limited, Apsaras Tribe Philippines Inc.地点/Locations: 中国河南省西平县+菲律宾锡亚高岛/Xiping County, Henan Province, China + Siargao Island,Philippines

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 吴程辉,何英杰,朱竞翔,南天/WU Chenghui, HE Yingjie, ZHU Jingxiang, NAN Tian

设计团队/Project Team: 刘清峰,蔡春明,徐迅君,罗见闻,黎载生,盘承勇,李兵,艾德琳·莫拉莱斯,庞磊/LIU Qingfeng, CAI Chunming, XU Xunjun, LUO Jianwen, LI Zaisheng, PAN Chengyong, LI Bing, Edelyn Morales, PANG Lei建筑面积/Floor Area: 西平:150m2;锡亚高:1850m2/Xiping: 150m2; Siargao: 1850m2

设计时间/Design Time: 2017.05

建成时间/Completion Time: 西平:2017.11;锡亚高:2018.06/Xiping: 2017.11; Siargao: 2018.06

摄影/Photos: 吴程辉/WU Chenghui (fig.1),姚力/YAO Li(fig.3-5,8,9),徐亮/XU Liang (fig.10)

2 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

3 葫芦形泳池景观/View from gourd-shaped pool

4 环形泳池景观/View from loop pool

Since a number of charitable school projects have been completed in various remote areas, our team develops a highly adaptive housing prototype that is applicable for overseas construction. This prototype is highlighted with long-lasting durability,high comfortableness, and great seismic and wind resistance. It is a steel-wood composite construction system constructed by manually installable prefabricated modular components, allowing flexible combination for various site condition and programme.

Remote areas often have stunning sceneries,yet there are series of difficulties for development,mainly including material and labour resource shortage, and transportation constraint. Instead of introducing reinforced concrete, which would create irreversible ecological damage, this project develops an unprecedented cooperation model among private sectors. Products from 33 Chinese manufacturers are custom-made, transported, and assembled by local manpower led by a few professional builders. The completed building not only achieves extraordinary standard within a short period of time, but also enables easy disassembly procedure.

This project undeniably pushes design-drivenmanufacturing further to an advanced level,where extensive global cooperation can be made possible.

5 屋顶景观/View from roof

6 钢结构轴测图:单层三开间客房单元/Steel frame isometric drawing: Single-story three-bay guest room unit

7 内墙板模块类型图/Infill wall panel pattern




Jury Statement

The lightweight modular residential product is characterised by high adaptability and environment friendliness. The construction process is simple and practical and does little harm to the environment.This process has various advantages, such as the use of prefabricated buildings, and modularisation,standardisation, and flexibility. Indoor facilities are combined with a prefabricated construction system,thus facilitating subsequent upgrades and maintenance and ensuring environmental and sanitary quality.The combination of steel and wooden materials fully reflects the requirements for construction, as well as climate and habitation quality. Further, modules are flexible in that they can be combined in various ways,as needed.

Design of a module-based island hotel fully considers the site environment and landscape orientation and has such features as a high level of accomplishment, a comfortable size, and an agreeable environment. It fully manifests the advantage of a modular product in construction and combination.If complete demolishment and non-local rebuilding are carried out, this modular product will play a significance role in sustainable tourism development and large-scale industrial development.

8 中央庭院景观/View from central courtyard

9 客房内景/Guest room interior view

10 入口大堂/View in lobby


选修6 第三模块 International Relationships