

世界建筑 2019年1期


1 全景/Full exterior view

2 平面/Plan


The Centre plays a key role in MOHURD's research and demonstration of modern rammedearth residential architecture. This project is funded by Wu Zhi Qiao Charitable Foundation.The Foundation also organised the local villagers and volunteers for its construction, which is a new practice with modern rammed-earth technology based on local methods. The Centre includes a multipurpose hall, a shop, a clinic and a nursery. It meets villagers' needs of public life and provides a training base for promoting modern earth construction technology. Macha village is located in Huining County, Gansu Province, which is in arid loess plateau gully area with rich earth resources. We used vernacular courtyard form for reference to do the spatial arrangement and set the houses at different heights. Considering the hilly topography,we enclose a courtyard with the opening facing the valley. We hope these earth houses are like the clods that will naturally blend into the local earth landscape.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 马岔村民委员会/Villager Committee of Macha地点/Location: 甘肃省会宁县丁家沟乡马岔村/Macha Village, Dingjiagou Countryside, Huining County, Gansu Province

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 蒋蔚,穆钧,周铁钢,李强强/JIANG Wei, MU Jun, ZHOU Tiegang, LI Qiangqiang设计团队/Project Team: 土上建筑/Onearth Architecture

建筑面积/Floor Area: 648m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2013.05-2014.04

建成时间/Completion Time: 2016.08

摄影/Photos: 蒋蔚,李强强,王正阳/JIANG Wei, LI Qiangqiang, WANG Zhengyang

3 全景/Full exterior view

5 场院/Yard

6 剖面/Section

7 嬉戏中的小朋友/Kids playing




Jury Statement

Tamped earth is used in a local traditional model.Based on the traditional model, new design elements are added to effectively convey the idea of modern tamped earth. Villagers are allowed to construct this building for their own use. This approach not only continues applying traditional construction techniques in practice, but it also helps villagers learn how to use new technologies and new invented tools. Student volunteers are allowed to participate in the construction process. As a result, they not only acquire architectural knowledge and increase their interest in architecture through practice, but they also enjoy local customs and culture and understand life situations through communication with local villagers. This method embodies the sustainability of indigenous architecture. The architectural design is congruous with regional features, and thus relatively takes the self-sufficiency of light, water, and electricity into consideration. It sets a good example for rural construction. Moreover, the building introduces a sense of contemporary art to the countryside, bringing vigour and vitality to rural life.

8 托儿所室内/Interior of the child care

9 皮影戏/Chinese shadow puppetry

