No. 5 1etrim. 2019
Social Context of and Reflection on the Relaunching of Arabic Teaching
and Learning in France..........WangJihui(1)
On the Role of France in the Interethnic Arab-Berber Issue of Algeria..........ZhaoJihong(7)
Samir Amin (1931—2018), Academic, Intellectual and Man of Action
for the Cause of Third — World Liberation..........HassanRemaoun(15)
The Role of Sufi Brotherhoods in the Social Contract of Senegal..........FangShenglan(26)
Linguistic Conflicts of the Imperfect and the Present in French and
their Modes of Solution..........WangCaixia(36)
On French Translation of Culture-loaded Words inLiaoZhaiZhiYi..........LiangYe(45)
Dwelling Poetically — An Analysis of Julien Gracq’sAbalconyintheForest
from the Perspective of the Poetics of Space..........ShengLi&ZengCaihong(55)
The Literary Characteristics of the MovieHiroshimaMonAmour..........ZhangTing(63)
Exploring the Existential Condition of Modern City Dwellers — Semiotic Reading
The Social Classes Entrenchment in Today’s France: A Certain Reading of
ChansonDouce..........Xiao Hua (77)