

广东外语外贸大学学报 2019年5期


Abstract: Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is not only an unforgettable love poem, but also outstanding in its profound topological metaphorical structure, with its theme on body poetics. Through an investigation into this poem, we find that the poem has included in it the typical traditional cosmological elements of the Renaissance. However, all annotators and critics have either ignored or have not found this point. A new perspective of reading will find that this poem is a praise of the body, but the difference is that it has surpassed its usual political power theme and acquired beauty from the contrast of macrocosm and microcosm. In addition, by contrasting the Christian cosmological system, the structure of the human body with the Freudian body-cosmos consciousness theory, we can conclude that there is the potential quality of the human body to elevate itself to paradise and the height of perfectness, and this meets the very humanistic point of view popular with Shakespeare’s time, which can be effectively and vividly interpreted via the topological point of view.

Keywords: topological; cosmological; body; Shakespeare; Sonnet 18


Abstract: As one of the outstanding southern novelists in the 20thcentury America, Katherine Anne Porter describes the evil in Deep South in her short novelNoonWine. Through the perspective of eugenics and law, the evil can be regarded as the evil of human nature, as well as the violence of southern nativism. Because the medical discourses such as eugenics enhance the defamation to the immigrants and rationalize the discrimination in nativism, and the typical southern patriarchal law system glosses up the xenophobia and punishes those threatening the traditional southern social structure as well. So the evil inNoonWineis the southern nativism supported by medical and legal discourses.

Keywords:NoonWine; nativism; eugenics; lynchings


Abstract: Along with the establishment of William Wordsworth’s classic position, his sister Dorothy Wordsworth and her works became known to the world. However, the greatness of Wordsworth influenced that Dorothy and her works were viewed as tributary to his genius. The development of the feminist movements brought Dorothy to center from the background, revealing her talents and the value of her works, which led to her establishment as a classic writer. The diachronic research on Dorothy’s biography and the publication as well as criticism of her works since the 19thcentury would reveal her reception process, showing how she turned from “Wordsworth’s sister” to be a classic writer in her own right.

Keywords: Dorothy Wordsworth; William Wordsworth; authorship; classic; feminism


Abstract: InCultureandImperialism, using realistic novels as examples, Said explores the complicity between British literature and the imperialist ideology by relating the history of metropolis to that of the colony, a method known as the “contrapuntal reading”. Contrapuntal reading is also applicable to modernist novels like Virginia Woolf’sMrsDalloway.MrsDalloway’s representation of England’s imperial identity is exhibited on the one hand by the focus on England’s domestic space and, on the other, by the contrast between the domestic and foreign space. The contrapuntal reading ofMrDallowaynot only expands Said’s postcolonial theory, but also reveals the political intention behind modernist aesthetics, opening up more possibilities of approaching the modernist classic.

Keywords: Virginia Woolf;MrsDalloway; contrapuntal reading; empire; national identity


Abstract: Since its appearance 160 years ago, the fate of the English Chartist poetry in literary history was full of ups and downs. It has been totally eclipsed in the mainstream history of literature and study of literary in the West; it is, however, considered by the socialist writing of literary history and study of literary as the mainstream of the 19thcentury English literature. Be it eclipsed or uplifted, because of the ideological manipulation of the writing of literary history, it is regarded as a mere adjunct to the Chartist Movement. Thus from its fate in literary history, we can find the operation of power in the writing of literary history and we can also see that the function of the ideologies in it variations as time changes.

Keywords: Chartist Poetry; literary history; ideology; manipulation


Abstract: “Polychrony” proposed by David Herman constitutes an important aspect of “Story Logic.” It focuses on complex “anachrony” in narratives, and is a key element of “Narrative Macrodesigns”. It is closely related to retrospective narrative and stream of consciousness, and it has multiple functions, which makes a valuable contribution towards the development of postclassical narratology.

Keywords: David Herman; narrative polychrony; anachrony; fuzzy temporality


Abstract: Children’s picture books have a natural connection with irony due to their characterization and their representational media through both pictures and words. When pictures and words present counterpointing or contradictory information in the narrative, they constitute picture-word narrative irony. Picture-word narrative irony can take place at three narrative levels-fabula, story and text from the inside out. It not only adds fun to picture books, but also contributes to cognitive development of child readers.

Keywords: picture books; image-text relation; narrative; irony; children’s literature


Abstract: As a new branch of post-classical narratology, narrative ethics explores the representation of ethics in narrative rhetoric. William Golding’s masterpieceLordoftheFliesis a novel on human nature. Besides, Levinas’ ethics of the other has provided a more insightful theoretical tool in analyzing the narrative ethics of the novel. Such analysis has revealed how the ethical conflicts and reconciliation between self and other develop through the whole story, which renders the narration full of ethical connotation.

Keywords:LordoftheFlies; narrative ethics; Levinas; the other


Abstract: Nobel Prize winner J. M. Coetzee has published of critic essays and papers in his academic career. The criticism thoughts and methods reflected in his critical work contain the acute response to literature tradition and the historical context, and put forward some new concept of criticism. He tried to redefine the standards of literature classic and its relationship with social and historical context, and he included the translation of literary works into the category of literary criticism and textual reading. In the practice of criticism, Coetzee also tried a “polyphony” type of criticism, making the voice of criticism more pluralistic, and tends to make a more strict distinction between the literary value and the political position of the writer and the work as well.

Keywords: J. M. Coetzee; literary criticism; canonization


Abstract: Northrop Frye makes literary criticism a scientific and independent discipline with myth theory, including discussions of nature and society. Therefore, some scholars argue that Frye’s theory is both grand and closed with certain opposing theories, such as mythological interpretation and scientific interpretation, Structuralism and Deconstructionism, myth of concern and myth of freedom. To the conflicts of opposing theories, Frye makes them coexist and communicate with each other instead of trying to eliminate them completely. Frye’s myth theory has certain hermeneutical thoughts which can fuse the conflicts, and this is an important reason why Frye’s myth theory still has vitality and practicality today.

Keywords: Northrop Frye; myth theory; hermeneutical thoughts


Abstract:TheOrderofThings, written by Foucault, with the subtitleAnArchaeologyoftheHumanSciences, shows the author’s idea of human sciences. According to his understanding, the existence of human beings was not determined until the modern times. So modern philosophies considered the limited existence of human beings as the basis of philosophical thinking, and thus entered the anthropological sleep, which constitutes the background of the human sciences. However, unlike the anthropology, the human sciences have the characteristics of non-humanity and counter-sciences. The non-humanity characteristic refers to the development of human science from the perspective of deductive science, empirical science, and philosophical reflections. The counter-sciences characteristic refers to the psychoanalysis and ethnography subordinate to the human sciences, whose unconscious potential and historical depth have dimensions beyond human beings. Two characteristics complement each other, which not only show the possibility of breaking the anthropological thought and framework, but also contain the seeds of the transformation of the name, pattern, connotation, and extension of the human sciences.

Keywords: human science; anthropology; non-humanity; counter-science


Abstract: In the 20thcentury, autobiographical literature of France has given way to the fiction of “self-fiction”, and finally formed the emergence of “self-fiction” in modern and contemporary France, among which there are historical, social and autobiographical reasons, but mainly because of the nature of literature and the development trend. The development process of “self-writing” reveals the fact of literary externalization. From a deeper point of view of “ego”, the “ego” changes from seeking for self and showing itself to a wider range of related or unrelated to “self” which is more extensive, complex and subtle. From the perspective of the writer’s literary view, the literary creation is experiencing self-other from performance to experience, exploration, existence and so on. From the point of view of literary creation, the documentary of biographical literature turns to the fictionalization of “self-fiction” novels. It is an important subject studying on French literature to reveal the theoretical principles of alienation of literature.

Keywords: self-writing, autobiography, self-fiction, alienation


Abstract: The famous poet-translator Liang Tsong Tai has legendary communications with Paul Valery and Romain Rolland, whose stories are repeatedly mentioned by the people of the two countries. With the discovery of some new materials, we know the poemOffrandedusoironce played an important role among their relationships, and it was translated into French and English by the poet himself. This study explores the details of the original poem and its translations, analyses the motivation, the strategies and the background of the self-translation.

Keywords: Liang Tsong Tai; self-translation; Offrande du soir; Paul Valery; Romain Rolland


Abstract: In 2009, Wang Hongyin of Nankai University first put forward the concept of “Cross-language Writing”. In the past 10 years, this theory has attracted wide attention from the academic circles, but it is also accompanied by controversy. On the basis of reviewing the existing definitions, it proposes the specific connotation from three different perspectives, which makes up for the shortcomings of the existing concepts, and then clarifies the misunderstandings of relevant scholars. By pondering on the subject of and the translation of the text, it aims at providing new reference for the perfection of literary theory and translation theory.

Keywords: cross-language writing; perspective; creative subjects; text translation


Abstract: The belief of “wani” is an important object in ancient Japanese culture. The image of “wani” is a mythical sea god under the influence of the Wu Yue immigrants’ beliefs of crocodile. By analyzing the relative legends inFudoki, the ancient Japanese belief of “wani” is the Aragami, which is the originator of all the disasters in the sea, hoping to appease its fury by offering sacrifices to reduce the threat from the sea. This idea of self-preservation can be traced back to the Jomon era; it belongs to the same marine national cultural circle of Wu Yue god belief. The belief of sea god “Crocodile” is the inevitable result of the integration of Wu Yue and Jomon aboriginal culture at the end of the Jomon period.

Keywords: “wani” belief;Fudoki; Aragami; “Crocodile” belief in Wu Yue


Abstract:Nihonryouikiis the origin of the short Buddhist stories in Japan. Its texts have profound implications for understanding ancient Japanese understanding of China. In the early period ofHEIAN, although “Tang Style Culture” prevailed in Japan, the Japanese had long tried to challenge “Huayi Order” and showed complex ambivalence. On the one hand, China is respected asHUA, on the other hand, Japan shows a strong desire to compete withTangTu. This paper will analyse the editor’s understanding of Jing Jie’s understanding of China, through the writing of the preface ofNihonryouiki, the adaptation of the main text to the Chinese story and the meaning behind the pilgrimage and the Holy monarch. At the same time, try to explain the reasons for his understanding. In order to have a Glimpse of the Relations between China and Japan in Ancient Times, and with a view to benefiting the construction of modern bilateral relations.

Keywords:Nihonryouiki; Japanese understanding of China; preface; adaptation

