张智杰 沈琴琴
摘 要:文章介紹了GM(1,1)模型几种常见的初值改进方法,并运用于短时交通流的预测中。通过误差分析,我们发现初值优化对提高GM(1,1)模型拟合与预测精度的作用不大,要进一步提高其拟合与精度需要依靠其他的优化手段或提出更好的初值优化方法。
中图分类号:N941 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)03-0011-04
Abstract: This paper introduces several common initial value improvement methods of GM(1,1) model, and applies them to short-term traffic flow prediction. Through error analysis, we find that the initial value optimization has little effect on improving the fitting and prediction accuracy of GM(1,1) model. To further improve the fitting and prediction accuracy of GM(1,1) model, we need to rely on other optimization methods or propose a better initial value optimization method.
Keywords: GM(1,1) model; initial value improvement; traffic flow