

四川体育科学 2019年6期

王 琦,朱 磊


王 琦,朱 磊

曲阜师范大学体育科学学院,山东 曲阜,273165。



世界卫生组织(WTO)指出,身体活动不充足是影响全球人口死亡率上升的重要原因之一。随着人民生活节奏加快,人们逐渐进入一种静态的生活模式,这种生活模式是导致人们发生肥胖的根源,处于该模式下的人们普遍缺乏体育锻炼的时间[2]。高强度间歇训练(High-Intensity Interval Training,HIIT)可能是解决这个问题的关键,研究发现,HIIT能够改善胰岛素敏感性和降低血脂[3],这对肥胖人群的减脂提供了有利条件。相比于肥胖人群,普通健康人群对HIIT的适应性刺激往往要优于传统中等强度持续训练(Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training,MICT)。健康人群在HIIT中可以提供与MICT相同甚至更高的适应性反应,并可以缩短时间的投入[14]。当然,对HIIT最显著的适应性反应是提高心肺耐力,特别是一些长期处于久坐不动的人群,效果更加明显。

1 高强度间歇训练


2 HIIT对肥胖人群的影响

2.1 HIIT可有效改善胰岛素敏感性



2.2 HIIT可有效改善血脂异常


3 HIIT对普通健康人群的影响

3.1 HIIT可有效降低腰臀比


3.2 HIIT可有效改善心肺耐力




4 HIIT的安全性



5 总结与展望


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Research Progress on the Effect of High-intensity Interval Training on Group Fitness of obese People


College of Physical Education and Sports Science, Qufu Normal University, Qufu Shandong, 273165, China.

As a time-saving and efficient training method, high-intensity interval training can not only improve insulin sensitivity, improve blood lipids, but also provide a feasible method for preventing and treating some chronic metabolic diseases, and can enhance the body's cardiopulmonary function and reduce body fat. Thereby better promoting health. And as its security is further confirmed, HIIT is beginning to receive increasing attention from different groups of people. This article reviews the impact of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on general healthy people and obese overweight people, in order to understand the mechanism of HIIT, and to look forward to the research prospects of high-intensity interval training exercise, which provides more important benefits for HIIT to benefit different groups of people. in accordance with.

High intensity interval training; Obesity; Health; Safety








