每次在外面吃饭,我们基本都去一家叫老麦家常菜的馆子。这家馆子有个规矩,进来用餐的人都不准打领带。我们第一次去的时候,老爸就吃了苦头,从此就学乖了。When we go out to dinner,we usually end up at this place called Corny’s Family-style Restaurant.They have a rule at Corny’s that you’re not allowed to wear a tie,and the first time w e w ent there,Dad found that out the hard way.
老麦家常菜馆分几个不同座位区,不过因为我们每次都带着曼尼,所以我们一般被安排在“儿童区”。There are a few different seating sections at Corny’s,but since w e alw ays ave
Manny with us,they put our family in the section called“Children’s Alley”.
在儿童区里,上一家吃完饭走后,店里连清理都懒得清理,就直接让下一家上座。所以你坐下来的时候,总能在地上发现用过的餐巾纸团,在座位上找到吃了一半的薯条。In Children’s Alley,I don’t think they even bother cleaning up when one family leaves and a new one comes in.So when you get to your table,there’s always crumpled-up napkins on the floor and half-eaten french fries on the seats.
第一次去老麦家常菜馆的时候,我没看座位就直接坐下了,结果正好坐在一个掀开的花生酱和果酱三明治上。The first time w e went to Corny’s,I didn’t check my seat,and Iended up sitting on an open-faced peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
我讨厌儿童区的另一个原因是它的位置正对洗手间,洗手间的门又总是开来开去,你吃饭的时候能直接看到厕所里面。Another ting I hate about Children’s Alley is that you’re right next to the bathrooms,and the doors are always sw inging open,so you can see in there when you’re trying to eat.
而且,老麦家的服务真是糟透了,所以我们一般都点自助餐,宁愿自己动手。食物都是放在金属盘子里,总有一些盘子里的菜跟别的菜混在一起。Also,the service is TERRIBLE at Corny’s,so w e always just get the buffet and serve ourselves.The food is in these metal trays,and there’s always stuff from one tray mixed in with the others.