

质量与标准化 2018年9期


养生一词,最早见于《庄子 养生主》,以“治未病”为核心内涵,历经两千多年演进,形成了“因人施养”、“身心俱养”、“全面养生”的养生实践,成为世界医学保健的文化瑰宝。

The word "Health Preservation" first appeared in "Chuang-tzu Essentials of health preservation " and took"Health Preservation" as its core connotation. After more than 2,000 years of evolution, it has formed the practice of " Health Preservation in Accordance with Individual Body Constitution", "Health Preservation in Body and Mind" and "All-round Way Health Preservation" and has become the cultural treasure of medical care in the world.


Health Preservation in Accordance with Individual Body Constitution


"Preventive Treatment of Disease is top priority". As early as 2000 years ago, "the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" (the earliest Chinese medical classics) first put forward the concept of "Preventive Treatment of Disease" and then divided the human body into five types of constitution: "Taiyin","Shaoyin", " Taiyang", " Shaoyang" and " Yangping"based on Yin and Yang (the two opposing principles in nature). People have five diあerent body constitution types, and their bones and muscles have different qi and blood. According to the diあerences in physiology,drug tolerance and body adaptability among the five types of constitution groups, the health-preserving thought of "Health Preservation in Accordance with Individual Body Constitution" was put forward.


All-round Way Health Preservation


In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Medical Sage Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" further enriched the theory and connotation of health preservation and established a series of theoretical systems such as "Diet Health Preservation", "Health Preservation Along with Seasons" and "Health Preservation in Mind".Zhang Zhongjing advocated"All-round Way Health Preservation". Diet Health Preservation emphasized "Moderate diet and Not picky eater". Health Preservation Along with Seasons emphasized "Nourishing Yang in Spring and Summer and Nourishing Yin in Autumn and Winter". Moderate life style emphasized "keep healthy internal qi and guard against wind and cold outside".


Health Preservation in Body and Mind


During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Ji Kang compiled Health Preservation Theory on the basis of predecessors' health preservation thoughts, and proposed a new standard of "Health Preservation in Body and Mind", which summarized health preservation into two major systems: "Physical Health Preservation" and "Mind Health Preservation" with emphasis on diet and health maintenance. Ji Kang emphasized harmonious and peace mind to overcome the "Five Diきculties" in health preservation such as "fame and wealth; emotion; carnal pleasures; appetite;and contemplation" and to realize happiness and life prolongation without blessing.


Modern Health preservation


In the era of industrial civilization, the health care industry has been gradually divided into different categories. The "Healthy China Strategy" put forward in the report of the 19th National Congress of the CPC has given birth to the "Big Health"industry characterized by all-round and full-cycle health services. Health preservation services, health preservation equipment, health preservation tourism and other standards have been developed one after another, and the standard system continues to be sound.

结 语



The report of the party's 19th national congress pointed out that "People's health is an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity". In the process of the development of oriental health preservation system from the traditional metaphysics category to the medical health care science combining qualitative and quantitative methods, standardization thought has played an active role and will continue to lead it into a new era of high-quality development.

