Opinion Of,Opinion On,or Opinion About?


疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年4期

⊙ By

What do you believe the difference is? Opinion of values an opinion, opinion on emphasizes[强调]the topic of an opinion, and opinion about emphasizes the opinion itself. All three are fair ways to use the word opinion, but there are some major differences in how each phrase is typically used.

Opinion Of 意见,判断

Opinion of is the most common phrase among the three. Your opinion of something is your estimation[评价]of its quality or worth. This phrase indicates how much esteem[看法]someone holds for a topic.

When using opinion of, you’d typically see an adjective before opinion.For example, “Our community has a good opinion of the city council[市议会].”The phrase opinion of indicates how the subject[主语](our community) feels toward the object (the city council).

词组opinion of最常用,它表明对某事的评判,对某事好坏或价值的判断,表明对事情的态度,因此,opinion of前多加表示好坏的形容词,如good、bad等。

例:Our community has a good opinion of the city council.(我们社区对市议会有不错的看法。)

Opinion On 对……的看法

Opinion on is only moderately used. Your opinion on something describes your ideas or beliefs regarding a particular matter or topic. For example, “What’s your opinion on the new tax law?” Usually you’d use this phrase to ask for someone’s opinion on a broad topic where many different opinions can be made. It’s the phrasing that can open up debates.

词组opinion on表明对某件事的看法或见解,涉及到对具体事的具体意见。

例:What’s your opinion on the new tax law?(你对新税法有什么看法?)

Opinion About 对……的意见

Opinion about is the least common phrase among the three. It’s often used to express when someone doesn’t have an opinion, as in “I don’t have an opinion about this.”

Both opinion on and opinion about are similar because they refer to the qualities of a topic. The preposition on emphasizes the topic of the opinion a bit more than the opinion itself. For example, “Chris has a strong opinion on taxes.” Here, taxes is emphasized as a topic for an opinion. The preposition about emphasizes the opinion itself a bit more than the topic of the opinion.“We have strong opinions about food safety,” emphasizes opinions rather than the topic of food safety.

词组opinion about在三者中用得最少。尽管它也表示对某事的具体看法,但它多用于表达某人对某事没有看法。

词组opinion on和opinion about的含义相似。前者的侧重点是谈论的话题,而不是看法本身,而后者更强调看法的本身,而不是涉及的具体事情。

例:I don’t have an opinion about this.(我对这事没想法。)

Chris has a strong opinion on taxes.(克里斯对税收有强烈的看法。)

We have strong opinions about food safety.(我们对食品安全有强烈的看法。)


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