Why a Good Book Is a Secret Door
⊙ By Mac Barnett ⊙ 翻译:思苇
I used to be a summer camp1)counselor [΄kaʊnsələ(r)] n. 顾问,管理员,辅导员counselor.I loved it. There was this little girl named Riley. She was tiny. Her mom packed her a melon every day, and she’d just throw it in the2)ivy [΄aɪvɪ] n. 常春藤ivy. Then I was like, “Riley, you can’t do that. You have to eat the fruit.”
“Well, when you throw the fruit in the ivy, pretty soon, we’re gonna have…it’ll be overgrown with melons.”
“That will never happen!”
So, on the last day of camp, I got up early, and I got a big3)cantaloupe [΄kæntəluːp] n. 罗马甜瓜,哈密瓜cantaloupe from the4)grocery store 食品杂货店grocery store, and I hid it in the ivy. And then at lunchtime, I was like, “Riley, why don’t you go over there and see what you’ve done?”
And she went5)trudge [trʌdʒ] v. 跋涉trudging through the ivy.And then her eyes just got so wide, and she pulled out this melon bigger than her head!And Riley carried that melon around with her all day, and she was so proud.
Riley knew she didn’t grow a melon in seven days, but she also knew that she did,and it’s a6)weird [wɪəd] adj. 离奇的,不可思议的weird place—that place which you could call art or fiction. I’m gonna call it wonder, for those moments where a story—no matter how strange—has some7)semblance [΄sembləns] n. 外观,样子,相似(与of连用)semblance of the truth, and then you’re able to believe it. It’s not just kids who can get there. Adults can too, and we get there when we read. We know these characters aren’t real, but we have real feelings about them.
There’s a term called metafiction, and that’s just stories about stories. And one metafictive technique is breaking the fourth wall. If I’m gonna break down the fourth wall, I want fiction to escape, I want a book to be a secret door that opens and lets the stories out into reality.
◆ metafiction 超小说:又称“元小说”或“元叙述”,现代小说流派之一,是关于小说的小说。传统小说往往关心的是人物与事件,即作品所叙述的内容;超小说则更关心作者本人是怎样写这部小说的,喜欢交代作者创作小说的相关过程,有意强调作者的媒介作用和写作技巧。这种小说的叙述往往会谈论正在进行的叙述本身,并使这种对叙述的叙述成为小说整体的一部分。
◆ the fourth wall 第四面墙:在戏剧舞台上,一般的写实布景只有三面墙,所谓第四面墙,是指顺着舞台前沿向两边延伸的、一面不存在的“墙”,将台上的演员与台下的观众分隔开来,让演员忘记观众的存在,全情投入到演戏当中,就像现实生活一样。到了20世纪末,表演艺术界出现了“打破第四面墙”的新技巧,演员会突然将自身从剧情中抽离,与观众直接交流互动。这种做法从戏剧舞台推广开来,近年来在影视、动漫、小说等其他作品中时有出现。