April Showers
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年4期
⊙ By Karen Chappell
April showers bring May flowers,
That is what they say.
But if all the showers turned to flowers,
We’d have quite a colourful day!
There’d bebluebells[风铃草]andcockleshells[章鱼兰],Tulips[郁金香]red and green,
The brightest you’ve ever seen.
You’d seetiger lilies[卷丹]and water lilies,Carnations[康乃馨]pink and blue,
Forget-me-not and smallsundrop[月见草]Glistening[闪亮]with thedew[露珠].
We’d havefireweed[柳兰]andmilkweed[马利筋]And many more different flowers.
Mexican star[小丽花]andshooting star[流星花],Falling in the showers.
And if all the showers turned to flowers
On that rainy April day,
Would all the flowers turn to showers
In the sunny month of May?