

农业工程学报 2018年23期

张庆法,蔡红珍,周 亮,张继兵,易维明※


张庆法1,2,蔡红珍1,2,周 亮1,2,张继兵3,易维明1,2※

(1. 山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,淄博 255000;2. 山东省清洁能源工程技术研究中心,淄博 255000; 3. 安徽爱乐门窗系统工程有限公司,宿州 234000)

为了改善聚丙烯(polypropylene, PP)的力学性能,该文以木炭、聚丙烯(polypropylene, PP)为主要原料,采用双螺杆挤出机制备木炭/PP复合材料。并利用X射线衍射仪(X-ray diffractometer, XRD)、差式扫描量热仪(differential scanning calorimeter, DSC)、电子万能力学试验机、动态热机械分析仪(dynamic mechanical analyzer, DMA)、场发射扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope, SEM)等仪器对复合材料进行性能特性的表征分析。试验结果表明,PP基体在高温下以流体的形式流入木炭的孔隙,并与木炭相互缠绕、粘结,形成一种界面较为致密的结构,这种结构使得复合材料具有较好的静态力学性能(拉伸强度最高为25.47 MPa)与动态力学性能(储能模量最高为4 921.92 MPa)。研究结果可为木炭在生物基材料方面的应用提供新的思路。


0 引 言



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

木炭:市售土窑木炭,60目,济南富吉化工有限公司;PP:SMS-514F,熔融指数为3.2 g/10 min,密度为0.9 g/cm3,熔点为190~200 ℃,上海意恩塑化有限公司;钙锌复合稳定剂为硬脂酸钙和硬脂酸锌复合稳定剂,其中硬脂酸钙和硬脂酸锌的摩尔比为2:1,邵阳天堂助剂化工有限公司;润滑剂,TPW613,美国Struktol公司。

1.2 木炭/PP复合材料的制备

将木炭敲成小块置于超细粉碎机内粉碎成粉状并过80目筛,然后将粉状木炭置于鼓风干燥箱(DHG-9620A,上海一恒科技仪器有限公司)内干燥24 h,温度设定为105 ℃,使其质量含水率降至2%以下;然后将干燥后的木炭(20%,40%,60%,80%)、PP(70%,50%,30%,10%)、钙锌复合稳定剂(6%)、润滑剂(4%)置于双运动三维高速混合机(JHN-15,郑州金泰金属材料有限公司)中充分混合10 min,得到均匀混料;将均匀混料投入到双螺杆挤出机(BP-8177-ZB,东莞市宝品精密仪器有限公司)中进行挤出造粒得到粒料;将所得粒料再次投入到双螺杆挤出机中进行二次挤出成型,挤出机转速为40 r/min,挤出温度为200~220 ℃。

1.3 性能测试

XRD分析:利用X射线衍射仪(Bruker AXS D8 Advance,德国 Bruker AXS有限公司)对复合材料试样进行XRD分析,操作电压为 40 kV,电流为50 mA,扫描范围为5°~40°,扫描速度为5°/min;

DSC分析:利用差示扫描量热仪(Q100-DSC,美国TA有限公司)对复合材料样品进行DSC分析,取样5~10 mg,在氮气气氛下以5 ℃/min的升温速率升至180 ℃,然后再以同样的速率冷却至80 ℃。

拉伸强度测试:拉伸强度通过电子万能试验机(WDW1020,长春科新公司)测试,将复合材料样品用多功能切割台锯(WMT-10TS,浙江华丰电动工具有限公司)切割成180 mm×10 mm×4 mm待测,拉伸速率为10 mm/min。取5次平均值作为测试结果。

动态热机械分析:利用动态热机械分析仪(Q800,美国TA有限公司)进行动态热机械分析,试验选取双悬臂模式,试样尺寸为60 mm×10 mm×3 mm,扫描频率为5 Hz,试验温度范围设置为–30~160 ℃,升温速率为5 ℃/min。

微观结构:对木炭粉末以及复合材料拉伸断面进行喷金处理后利用场发射扫描电镜(Sirion 200,美国FEI有限公司)观察微观形貌,扫描电压为3.0 kV。

2 结果与分析

2.1 木炭/PP复合材料X射线衍射分析


图1 不同木炭含量的木炭/PP复合材料XRD曲线

2.2 木炭/PP复合材料DSC分析

图2为PP以及不同木炭含量的木炭/PP复合材料DSC曲线图。由图2可知,纯PP在165 ℃时开始吸热并进入熔化阶段。当PP中添加木炭时,复合材料的熔融温度依然保持在165 ℃左右,基本保持不变。但是随着木炭含量的增加,复合材料熔化所需的能量随之增加了,这是因为PP基复合材料中添加了热稳定性较强的木炭。另一方面,纯PP在118 ℃开始放热并进入结晶成型阶段,与木炭/PP复合材料的熔融温度不同的是,当PP中加入木炭时,复合材料的结晶温度明显升高,且木炭含量越高,结晶温度越高。这可能是由于PP基体中的木炭粒子的成核效应所致,木炭粒子成为了晶体生长的起始点。这同时也说明,木炭含量的增加有利于复合材料的早期结晶。另外,从图2中还可以看出,随着木炭含量的增加,结晶峰的强度在逐渐减小,这说明木炭含量越高,复合材料结晶所需要的能量越少,这再次说明木炭含量的增加对复合材料的结晶是有利的。

2.3 木炭/PP复合材料拉伸强度

图3为不同木炭含量下的木炭/PP复合材料拉伸强度图。由图3可知,木炭含量对复合材料的拉伸强度影响比较大。当木炭含量为20 %时,木炭/PP复合材料的拉伸强度较低,只有12 MPa,几乎接近纯PP,此时复合材料的主要成分为PP,较少的木炭颗粒被分散在PP基体内部的各处,木炭颗粒之间的间距较大,木炭起不到增强作用。当木炭含量达到60 %时,复合材料的拉伸强度为25.47 MPa,达到最大值。木炭由木材高温炭化得到,跟木材相比,木炭本身所具有的极性基团的含量较低,与非极性的PP之间的排斥作用也比较弱,且此时木炭与PP的含量相当,两者混合最为均匀、充分,结合最为紧密,木炭颗粒之间的间距适中,复合材料界面最优[20]。值得注意的是,随着木炭含量增加到80 %,复合材料的拉伸强度大幅度下降至7 MPa,PP在复合材料内部起到一个粘结剂的作用[23],将不同的木炭颗粒粘结到一起。此时木炭的含量远远超过了PP,含量极为有限的PP,不能有效地将木炭颗粒粘结到一起,木炭在PP中形成大量团聚,复合材料的结合界面被严重破坏,当受到外力时,极易产生应力集中,所以木炭/PP复合材料的拉伸强度大幅度下降至7 MPa。从分子结构层面讲,与PE相比,PP主链上含有侧基-CH3,其高分子链的空间位阻比PE大,不利于高分子链的内旋转,使链的刚性增加,柔顺性降低;PE分子链规整性比PP高,结晶度也高于PP[24],所以在高填充量(80 %)时PE基体的复合材料可以获得高的拉伸强度,而PP基体的复合材料则无法获得。

图2 不同木炭含量的木炭/PP复合材料DSC曲线

图3 不同木炭含量的木炭/PP复合材料的拉伸强度

2.4 木炭/PP复合材料的动态力学分析

动态力学分析可反映复合材料界面性能的优劣,亦可反映材料的结构、组分间的相容性和分子运动能,与静态力学相比,更能客观反映材料在实际使用时的基本性能[25-27]。图4为不同木炭含量下木炭/PP复合材料的储能模量()与损耗因子(tan)。由图4可知,当温度较低时,复合材料的储能模量较大,但是随着温度的升高,复合材料储能模量不断下降,这是因为温度较低时,木炭/PP复合材料分子运动量较小,刚性较大。而随着温度的升高,直到达到复合材料的玻璃转化点后,PP本身的热塑性降低,复合材料的刚性也随之降低。由图4还可以看出,随着温度的升高,5种复合材料的损耗因子tan都呈现出逐渐上升的趋势,这是因为温度的升高加剧了木炭/PP复合材料内部的热运动,PP分子链的可滑动性增加,表现为复合材料柔性的增加[28]。图4中还可以看出木炭含量对复合材料与tan的影响规律。在–25 ℃时,5种复合材料的都达到最大值,纯PP的仅为2 380.33 MPa,随着木炭含量的增加,木炭/PP复合材料的不断增大,当含炭量达到80 %时,复合材料的高达4 921.92 MPa,木炭起到了刚性增强作用,木炭与PP在熔融状态下混合成型之后,木炭的骨架结构[29]在PP基体中起到增强作用,而这种骨架同时限制住了PP基体的流动,起到了一种阻碍作用,木炭含量越高,这种阻碍作用越大,复合材料的刚性就越强。而从损耗因子曲线上可以看出,随着木炭含量的增加,复合材料的tan不断下降,这表明木炭的增加有利于增强复合材料的弹性[30]。这是因为木炭阻碍了PP基体链段的运动,从而影响了复合材料的阻尼特性,所以木炭含量越高,复合材料弹性越好。

图4 不同木炭含量的木炭/PP复合材料的储能模量和损耗因子

2.5 木炭及木炭/PP复合材料的微观结构分析

图5为木炭在不同放大倍数下的微观形貌图。由图5可以看出,在放大1 000倍下,木炭呈现出大小不同的颗粒状,这主要是由于在粉碎机中粉碎不均匀造成的。而在放大5 000倍下,木炭表面较为干净、光滑,有大量的沟壑与孔隙,整体上属于一种多孔结构。这种多孔结构的形成主要是木材在高温炭化过程中,成分遭到破坏,挥发分析出所致,这种多孔结构与大多数学者的研究基本一致[31]。

图5 木炭在不同放大倍数下的SEM图


图6 不同木炭含量的木炭/PP复合材料断面SEM图

3 结 论



2)木炭的适量加入可以获得拉伸强度较好的复合材料,木炭含量在60%为最佳添加量,此时拉伸强度可达到25.47 MPa;

3)动态力学分析试验表明:温度的升高会对复合材料的储能模量产生不利的影响,但是木炭含量的增加有利于提高复合材料的储能模量(储能模量最高为4 921.92 MPa),进而提高复合材料的刚性;


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Effect of charcoal content on properties of charcoal/polypropylene composites

Zhang Qingfa1,2, Cai Hongzhen1,2, Zhou Liang1,2, Zhang Jibing3, Yi Weiming1,2※

(1.255000,; 2.255000,; 3.234000,)

As a green and environmental material, wood plastic composite is widely used in indoor and outdoor decoration, transportation, automobile and other fields for its low cost and good strength. However, there are a large number of hydrophilic polar groups on the surface of natural fiber materials, and the thermoplastic is non-polar, which creates a large number of voids in the material, making the mechanical properties of the material worse. Charcoal is produced from pyrolysis and carbonization of wood at high temperature. The polar groups on the wood surface are damaged by high temperature and the polarity is weakened, which make it easier to be compatible with thermoplastics. In this paper, charcoal/polypropylene (PP) composites were prepared by twin-screw extruder using charcoal and PP as the main raw materials. The properties of the composites were characterized by means of X-ray diffractometer (XRD), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), electronic universal testing machine, dynamic thermal mechanical analyzer (DMA) and field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM). The experimental results showed that: 1) the composites had obvious peaks at 14°/17°/18°and 27° which corresponded to the crystal plane (110) (040) (130) (002), showing α -crystalline form, respectively, and this was consistent with pure PP. The peak strength of each sample decreased with the increase of carbon content, this indicated that the increase of charcoal content had little effect on the microcrystalline structure of the composite, but it would decrease the diffraction peak strength of the composite. 2) after the addition of charcoal, the melting temperature of the composite did not changed, but the crystallization temperature of the composite increased and the strength of the crystallization peak gradually decreased. This indicated that the addition of charcoal was beneficial to exothermic crystallization of composites and improved the thermal stability of composites. 3) when the charcoal content was 20%, the tensile strength of the charcoal/PP composite was low, which was only 12 MPa, when the content of charcoal was 60%, the tensile strength of the composite was about 25.47 MPa, which was the maximum value, as the increase of charcoal content to 80%, the tensile strength of the composite decreased to 7 MPa significantly. On the one hand, the lower amount of PP could not bind charcoal particles together effectively, forming a large number of agglomerations in PP, and the bonding interface of the composite was severely damaged, the stress concentration of the composites was easy to occur under the action of external forces. On the other hand, PP chain contains -CH3, and the three-dimensional resistance of the polymer chain is greater than PE, which is not conducive to the internal rotation of the polymer chain, increasing the rigidity of the chain and reducing the flexibility of the chain, This is why the tensile strength of composites is low. This indicated that the composites with better tensile strength could be obtained by adding proper amount of charcoal. 3) when the temperature was low, the storage modulus of the composite was larger, but with the increase of the temperature, the storage modulus of the composite decreased continuously. with the increase of charcoal content, the storage modulus of charcoal/PP composites increased and the loss factor of composites decreased. This indicated that the increase of temperature would have an adverse effect on the storage modulus of composites, but the increase of charcoal content could help to improve the rigidity of composites. 4) the SEM images showed that the microstructure of charcoal was porous structure, so the microstructure of charcoal/PP composites was different from that of wood-plastic composites. PP filled the gullies and pores of the charcoal, and effectively acted as the binder between the charcoal particles inside the composites, which formed a compact interlocking structure.

composites; polypropylene (PP);carbonization; mechanical properties

张庆法,蔡红珍,周 亮,张继兵,易维明.含炭量对木炭/聚丙烯复合材料性能的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(23):254-259.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.033

Zhang Qingfa, Cai Hongzhen, Zhou Liang, Zhang Jibing, Yi Weiming.Effect of charcoal content on properties of charcoal/polypropylene composites[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 254-259. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.033











