

农业工程学报 2018年21期

赵志衡,宋 欢,朱江波,卢 雷,孙 磊


赵志衡1,宋 欢1,朱江波1,卢 雷1,孙 磊2

(1. 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院,哈尔滨 150001;2. 上海安西机械制造有限公司,上海 201109)

针对现有色选设备在花生颗粒筛选过程中处理速度慢、准确率低的缺点,提出基于卷积神经网络的花生籽粒完整性识别算法。以完好花生、表皮破损花生和果仁破损花生的分类为例,构建花生图像库;搭造卷积神经网络,提取花生图像特征;为提高分类准确率和实时性,从训练集构成、减小过拟合、加快训练收敛速度、简化网络结构等几方面对卷积神经网络进行优化;最终利用含2个卷积层、2个池化层、2个全连接层的3层神经网络实现了上述3类花生的分类。试验结果表明:该方法对花生分类的准确率达到98.18%,平均检测一幅单粒花生图像的时间为18 ms,与现有色选设备相比有效提高了色选设备筛选的准确率和实时性。


0 引 言

色选机是采用色选技术的一种新型农副产品加工器械[1-2],利用农副产品不同的光学特性,在大量的物料中将颜色异常或表面有缺陷的疵品和杂质检测出来,并自动进行分选剔除[3-4]。在合格品与不合格品非常相似、传统筛选难以识别或在筛选效率要求较高的场合,色选机的优势非常明显[5-6]。目前已有许多从业者对色选系统中的农作物筛选算法进行了一定的研究。Wang等分析了不同光照条件下樱桃成像中、、数值的变化特点,设计了樱桃的颜色评级系统[7]。Pearson等在RGB、HSV、CIE Lab 3种颜色模型下,分析了病变玉米粒与正常玉米粒在各种颜色分量数值上的区别,并基于色度和-分量设计了玉米筛选系统,精度达到90%[8]。 赵吉文等根据西瓜子的特征,采用灰度带比例作为分类特征参数,分选出合格的瓜子,准确率达到95%[9]。以上3种方法在筛选农作物时,都依赖于某一点具体的颜色数值。但在实际应用过程中,农作物种类不一,个体差异性较大,仅通过颜色值限定进行筛选将出现误差。

近年来深度学习[10]迅猛发展,Hinton[11]、Bengio[12-13]等研究团队相继提出深度神经网络结构,其研究成果开启了学术界和工业界的深度学习浪潮[14-18]。卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)是一种具有代表性的深度学习方法,已广泛应用于图像识别领域[19-22]。本文将卷积神经网络应用于花生籽粒完整性识别,并改进和优化神经网络,以期提高识别的准确率和实时性。


1 基于CNN的花生完籽粒整性识别算法构建

1.1 数据采集及预处理




图1 训练集部分花生图像

图2 滤波前后的花生图像

1.2 卷积神经网络的构建




本文选用技嘉公司GV-N75TWF2OC型号的显卡,搭载NVIDIA GTX 750Ti核心的GPU,显存为4GB/128Bit GDDR5,PCI-E 3.0接口,选用CPU为Intel Core i3-2120处理器,并安装Linux系统、Python3.5编译环境、Anaconda软件、CUDA架构、cuDNN开发库以及Tensorflow深度学习框架。在此基础上采用Python语言进行深度学习编程。

1.3 评价指标


图3 卷积神经网络结构

表1 卷积神经网络参数


2 基于CNN的花生完整性识别算法优化


2.1 L1和L2范数正则化



2.2 指数衰减法


式中为优化时使用的学习率;为迭代次数;0为初始学习率;为衰减系数,0<1,本文设置其数值为0.99;为衰减速度。在实际编程中选用TensorFlow中的tf.train. exponential_decay函数实现指数衰减法。

2.3 滑动平均模型


式中θ+1表示本次迭代后输出的结果,θ表示上一次迭代后输出的结果,表示本次迭代的输入值,表示衰减率,0<1。由式(5)可知,衰减率决定了模型更新的速度,越大模型更新越慢。选用Tensorflow中的tf.train. ExponentialMovingAverage函数实现滑动平均模型,该函数提供了num_updates更新参数用来动态设置衰减率的数值,计算公式如式(6)所示,初始化的值为0.99。

2.4 神经网络结构的简化

初步构建的卷积神经网络结构中包括4个卷积层和4个池化层,网络结构较为复杂,而本文需要将该算法应用到色选机上,对传送带上的物料进行实时判断和处理,对实时性要求很高。又因本文筛选物料为花生,图像信息较为简单,故可以对网络结构进行简化以提高处理实时性。本文从减少卷积层和池化层的角度对该网络结构进行了优化,优化后的网络结构如图4所示,网络各层参数如表2所示。采用简化后的卷积神经网络在CPU+ GPU平台上测试,迭代40次后,在测试集上分类准确率稳定达到87.42%。

图4 简化卷积神经网络结构

表2 简化神经网络参数

3 算法优化结果

3.1 L1和L2范数正则化



图5 范数正则化前后准确率对比

3.2 指数衰减法


图6 指数衰减法优化前后准确率对比

3.3 滑动平均模型


图7 滑动平均模型优化前后准确率对比

3.4 综合优化方案


运用优化前的卷积神经网络算法测试数据集中407张单粒花生图像,共用时12.51 s,平均一幅单粒花生图像的处理时间为30.7 ms。运用优化后算法的测试用时为7.44 s,即平均每张花生图像的处理时间为18.3 ms。对比传统的嵌入式平台,对一张单粒花生图像进行简单的中值滤波所需时间在数百ms量级[32]。可知基于CPU+GPU平台的深度学习算法极大的提高了运算速度,满足了色选设备在筛选物料时的实时性要求。

图8 综合优化前后准确率对比

4 色选系统实测实现分析

色选系统工作原理如图9所示。在色选系统履带尾部采用上下2组工业线阵CCD相机同时拍摄花生的正反面图像,以全方位识别破损。拍摄的线阵图像经拼接、边缘检测和分割后得到单粒花生图像[32],上述过程用时1~2 s,再使用本文的分类算法进行筛选,在检测到表皮破损和果仁破损的花生时通过控制空气喷枪动作将其剔除,调节传送带速度保证花生在指定区域完成筛选。

图9 色选系统工作原理图


5 结 论

本文提出将基于卷积神经网络的图像分类算法应用于色选设备农作物筛选过程。相比于传统的基于颜色值的图像分类算法,基于深度学习的图像分类算法不仅具有准确率高、速度快的优点,而且适用于颜色丰富、形状不一的复杂物料的筛选场合。选用L2范数正则化、指数衰减法和滑动平均模型的方法优化卷积神经网络,以提高分类的准确性,同时简化神经网络的结构以提高实时性。试验结果表明优化后的卷积神经网络具有98.18%的分类准确率和幅单粒花生图像18.3 ms/粒的处理速度。实测结果验证了深度学习在农作物筛选领域的应用是切实可行的。

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Identification algorithm and application of peanut kernel integrity based on convolution neural network

Zhao Zhiheng1,Song Huan1, Zhu Jiangbo1, Lu Lei1, Sun Lei2

(1.150001,; 2.201109,)

Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing color sorter machine for crop sorting, such as slow processing speed, low accuracy, and the dependence on experience value, a granular crop integrity identification algorithm based on convolutional neural network was proposed. Taking the classification of intact peanuts, skin damaged peanuts and half peanuts as instance, the three types of peanut images were acquired. After comparing the filtering effects of mean filtering, median filtering and Gaussian filtering, median filtering was adopted for image preprocessing. 407 effective peanut images were divided into the above three categories and manually labeled. Then the images were divided into training sets and validation sets, and the above three types of peanut pictures in the training set and the validation set were evenly distributed. A convolutional neural network with 4 convolutional layers, 4 pooling layers and 3 fully connected layers was built to extract the peanut image features. The accuracy of testing peanut classification on the CPU(central processing unit) platform combined GPU(graphics processing unit) was 90.91%. In contrast, the classification accuracy of the traditional BP neural network was 85.45%. It could be seen that the convolutional neural network algorithm constructed in this paper effectively improved the accuracy of granular crop recognition. In order to further improve the accuracy and real-time performance of the classification algorithm, it was necessary to optimize the established convolutional neural network. Over-fitting referred to the fact that when a model was overly complex, it could "memorize" the portion of random noise in each training data and forgot to "learn" the tendencyof the training data. In this paper, the regularization method was used to reduce the over-fitting, and the experimental results of L1 regularization and L2 regularization were compared. It was proved that the L2 regularization on the data set effectively improved the classification accuracy and reduced the over-fitting. In the process of training, the neural network used the back propagation algorithm, namely gradient descent and chain derivation rule, to optimize the neural network. The learning rate was an important parameter in the gradient descent algorithm. In this paper, the exponential decay method was used to set the learning rate. Firstly, a large learning rate was used to quickly obtain a better solution. Then, as the iteration continued, the learning rate was gradually reduced, making the model more stable in the later stage of training. The accuracy increase was larger, the latter was smaller, and the overall improvement was better than that before optimization, and the expected effect was achieved. In this paper, the moving average model was used to reduce the influence of noise in the training data on the model, and the training convergence speed was accelerated. The experiment proved that the accuracy fluctuation was reduced and the model stability was enhanced. Since the algorithm needed to be applied to the color sorting system, real-time judgment and processing of the materials on the conveyor belt required high real-time performance. Considering that the image information of peanut was relatively simple, the network structure could be simplified to improve the real-time performance. The simplified convolutional neural network consisted of 2 convolutional layers, 2 pooling layers, and 2 fully connected layers. The final optimization scheme included L2 norm regularization, exponential decay learning rate, moving average model and simplified network structure. The accuracy of optimized classification algorithm applied on the peanut data set was 98.18%, and the average processing time for detecting one peanut image was 18.3 ms, which demonstrated that the optimized convolutional neural network significantly improved the classification accuracy and real-time performance. The research work in this paper showed that the application of deep learning in the crop sorting field was feasible and effective.

agricultural products; image processing; recognition; convolutional neural network; feature extraction; color sorting system; peanut particle screening









赵志衡,宋 欢,朱江波,卢 雷,孙 磊.基于卷积神经网络的花生籽粒完整性识别算法及应用[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(21):195-201. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.21.023

Zhao Zhiheng, Song Huan, Zhu Jiangbo, Lu Lei, Sun Lei. Identification algorithm and application of peanut kernel integrity based on convolution neural network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(21): 195-201. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.21.023

