徐蓉 曾胜军 李凯
摘 要 随着“互联网+”时代的到来,打车软件也正在飞速发展。本文讨论的是“打车难”的社会问题,在打车软件逐渐普及的情况下分析了不同时空出租车资源的“供求匹配”程度。首先建立合理化指标,用功效系数法来描述出租车运力规模的合理程度。使用模糊层次分析法來构造判断矩阵,求出最大特征值及其对应的特征向量,通过一致性检验确定评价指标权重;通过模糊综合评价法对不同城市出租车资源供求匹配程度做出评价,用功效系数法来对“供求匹配”程度好坏进行说明。
关键词 出租车 模糊综合评价 模糊层次分析法 MATLAB
中图分类号:F572 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2018.08.065
Abstract With the advent of the "Internet +" era, taxi software is also rapidly developing. This paper discusses the social problem of “difficult to take a taxi”. Under the circumstance of the popularization of taxi software, the degree of "supply and demand matching" of different time and space taxi resources is analyzed. Firstly, the rationalization index is established, and the efficiency coefficient method is used to describe the reasonable scale of the taxi capacity. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is used to construct the judgment matrix, and the maximum eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenvector are obtained. The weight of the evaluation index is determined by the consistency test. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the matching degree of supply and demand of taxi resources in different cities. The efficiency coefficient method is used to explain the degree of "supply and demand matching".
Keywords taxi; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; fuzzy analytic hierarchy process; Matlab
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