曼尼或许没什么真实的朋友,不过他可不缺想象出来的朋友。我都数不清了,我记得的名字有乔伊、彼提、丹尼、查尔斯、崔柏、另一个查尔斯、内崔柏、小吉姆和约翰尼·切达。Manny may not have a real friend,but hehasa bunch of imaginary ones.I’ve kind of lost count of them all,but the names I can remember are Joey,Petey,Danny,Charles Tribble,The Other Charles Tribble,Tiny Jim,and Johnny Cheddar.
我不知道曼尼是怎么想出这些虚构人物来的,不过我可没开玩笑,对他而言,这些朋友是真实存在的。有一次曼尼带他的虚构朋友们去采购,老妈被指将查尔斯·崔柏落在冷冻食品货架附近了,为此闹得不可开交。I don’t know how Manny came up with all those fake friends,but believe me,to him they’re real.One time Manny took all his imaginary friends to the grocery store and had a total meltdown when Mom supposedly left Charles Tribble behind in the frozen foods aisle.
有时候我也在想,曼尼编出这么多虚构朋友是不是为了饭后能多吃点甜点。Sometimes I wonder if Manny made up his imaginary friends so he could get stuff like extra dessert after dinner.
老妈说如果我们告诉曼尼他那堆所谓的朋友是虚构的,他会“精神受创”。所以我们只好睁一只眼闭一只眼。Mom says if we tell Manny his so-called friends aren’treal,he could be“traumatized.”So we just have to go along with it.
我只求他赶紧过了这个阶段,因为情况越来越离谱了。有时候我得等曼尼所有的虚构朋友都上完厕所我才能进洗手间。I just hope he grows out of this soon,because it’s getting kind of ridiculous.Sometimes I have to wait until all of Manny’s imaginary friends are done using the bathroom before I can get in.