

重庆与世界 2018年10期

● 塔吉克斯坦人民民主党干部考察团来渝访问





● 重庆代表团参加俄罗斯沃罗涅日“城市日”系列活动


● 市政府外事侨务办为九龙坡区“侨之家”授牌




● “港·渝对画”— 香港·重庆少儿美术交流展在渝展出


● 王广成率队参加全国省级友协领导干部培训班



● 重庆“中医关怀团”在美义诊


● 罗马尼亚国家电视台主持人来重庆拍摄纪录片




A Delegation of Leaders from the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan Visited Chongqing

At the invitation of the International Department in Central Committee of CPC, from September 18th to 21st, a delegation of 23 leaders from People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, headed by Rano, Bobojoniyon, the Deputy Chairman of the Party, paid a visit to Chongqing.

In the morning of the 20th, Du Liming, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress,met with the delegation and introduced the economic and social development of Chongqing to the guests. He also had friendly exchanges with the guests on cooperation in economy, trade and humanities. Dan Yanzheng, the deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee of Municipal People’s Congress,as well as the relevant officials from the Sixth Bureau of the International Department, the Municipal Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, and the Municipal Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development attended the meeting.

During the visit, the delegation held a seminar with the Municipal Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development,inspected the XTB Valley, the State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology in Southwest University, the Democratic Parties Histories Museum of China, and visited the landscape of Chongqing, which had helped them to have a comprehensive understanding of Chongqing’s economic and social development and the situation in poverty alleviation and humanistic resources.

Bobojoniyon said that the delegation’s visit has deepened their understanding of the economic and social development of local provinces and cities in China. Chongqing’s economy is booming, the urban construction is undertaking rapid changes, and its opening up and cooperation have made great achievements. Tajikistan is willing to strengthen interaction and exchange with Chongqing, share development experience and achieve better development.

Chongqing Sent Delegation to Join A Series of Activities of “City Day” Held in Voronezh, Russia

2018 witnesses the year of China-Russia subnational cooperation and exchanges. On September 15th,Voronezh held the celebrating activities on the “City Day”.Chongqing’s delegation was invited to participate in and celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of sister city relationship between the two cities together with the Voronezh city government. A series of activities have been held, such as the photo exhibition named “Perception of Chongqing”, the launch of the “Chongqing Window”library corner in the Voronezh State Library, the signing ceremony of the cooperation between the Chongqing Library and the Voronezh State Library, and the signing ceremony of the cooperation between the Chongqing Vocational College of Culture and Arts and the Voronezh Dance Conservatorium School. Vadim Kstenin, the mayor of Voronezh City, led several vice-mayors and heads of relevant departments of the municipal government to attend the celebration.

The Municipal Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office Awarded the “Home of Overseas Chinese” to Jiulongpo District

On September 13th, Yang Daqing, deputy director of the Municipal Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office, visited the “Home of Overseas Chinese” created by the Tianba Village Community in Huayan Town, Jiulongpo District for acceptance and licensing.Through on-site inspection of construction, view of relevant construction materials, and hearing of the situation at seminars, the municipal-level and district-level acceptance teams have inspected and confirmed the construction of Home by Tianba Village Community in Huayan Town.

Yang Daqing encouraged the Community to take this honor as a new starting point, conscientiously implement the party’s guidelines on overseas Chinese affairs, practice the bidirectional service mechanism of “good services from community for the overseas Chinese and much contribution of overseas Chinese to the community”, and build the “Home of Overseas Chinese” into a hub, publicity window and communication platforms for overseas Chinese, which will push the dealing with overseas Chinese in the new era into a new level.

Responsible comrades from First Division of Municipal Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office and United Front Work Department of Jiulongpo District Party Committee attended the event.

“Hong Kong and Chongqing in Drawings”: the Exchange Exhibition of Children’s Art Between Hong Kong and Chongqing is on the Show

From September 7th to 16th, the “Hong Kong and Chongqing in Drawings”: the Exchange Exhibition of Children’s Art Between Hong Kong and Chongqing, jointly organized by the Municipal Culture Commission, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, and Chongqing Liaison Unit of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, was held in the temporary exhibition hall on the 3rd fl oor of the Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum. On September 7th, Jiang Weining, the deputy director of the Municipal Culture Commission, Zhang Yaqian, the deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Municipal Government,and So Tsz Yin, the Acting Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Chengdu, attended the opening ceremony. More than 200 outstanding paintings of children from both places, from the perspectives of children, depict the life in Chongqing and Hong Kong,looking to the future and imagining the unknown places.

Wang Guangcheng Led a team to Participate in the Training course of Leaders and Cadres of Provincial-level Asociations for Friendship with Foreign Countries

From September 17th to 21st, the training course for leaders and cadres of provincial-level associations for friendship with foreign countries was held in Xiamen. Wang Guangcheng, deputy inspector of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, led a group of relevant responsible staffs to participate. Lin Yi, the vice president of the CPAFFC, and Li Xikui,the secretary-general, attended the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony respectively. A total of 93 people from 25 provinces,municipalities, provincial-and-municipal-level associations for friendship of foreign countries and related departments attended the training course.

During the course, the provinces and municipalities exchanged their work experience. On behalf of the Chongqing Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Wang Guangcheng, the Deputy Inspector,introduced the work of Chongqing’s friendly exchanges with foreign countries recently. He said that through this course, he grasped more about Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thoughts and learned good experiences and working methods from brother provinces and municipalities. And in strict accordance with the requirements of the CPAFFC, Chongqing’s association give full play to the advantages of local features, and strive to do a good job in civil affairs with foreign countries in cooperation with country’s overall diplomacy.

Chongqing Sent “Traditional Chinese Medicine Care Group”to the US for Free Clinics

Entrusted by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the Chongqing Municipal Government Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office organized 6 experts in TCM from the Chongqing TCM Hospital and Chongqing Medical University to form the “TCM Care Group”. They have successively held four free clinics, three special lectures and three seminars in Houston, Saint Louise,Minneapolis, etc. from September 6th to 12th,attracting nearly 1,000 people from local overseas Chinese, American friends, and students in TCM colleges. Relevant persons said that the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Care Group” boasts many experts with high standard, having given warmth and care to the overseas Chinese. It is hoped that many more such events will be organized to carry forward the traditional Chinese medical culture and promote the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine in the United States, thus injecting positive energy into China-US exchanges.

The Host of TVR Came to Chongqing to Shoot a Documentary

At the invitation of the CPAFFC, Marina Almăşan,the host of Televiziunea Romania (TVR), and her team of 2 people came to visit Chongqing from August 29th to September 5th. Marina Almăşan is a famous host and producer of TVR, who has fi lmed documentaries in Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an, which have been broadcasted on TVR and received quite a popularity.

On August 29th, Wang Guangcheng, vice president of the municipal association for friendship with foreign countries, met with the guests and introduced the relevant situation of Chongqing to them. He hoped that through her promotion of the history, culture and development of Chongqing, a land of natural beauty and a city of cultural appeal, more people in Romania can get to know about Chongqing and thus take this as an opportunity to promote exchanges between Chongqing and Romania.


为侨服务献真情 十年一剑铸辉煌——“老侨务”叶明才的十年侨务创新路
创新发挥侨务优势 拓展海外统战工作
A View on the American's Pursuit of Values Through Grapes of Wrath
A View on the American"s Pursuit of Values Through Grapes of Wrath
“出轨” ———佩 夫(罗马尼亚)▲