美丽山水 竞技武隆
□ 文 图/本刊记者 唐安冰
① 2018中国国际山地户外运动公开赛开跑。
② 背高架比赛。
③ 导航越野跑。
On September 17 to 20, the 2018“Baima Mountain Cup” the 15th China International Mountain Quest and the 2018 China Outdoor Sports Series were held. As international outdoor sports and A-level competitions, the 2018 Outdoor Sports Series have attracted 29 domestic and foreign teams. The total prize money for the 2018 “Baima Mountain Cup” was 200,000 US dollars. Twenty nine teams had fierce competitions at Furong Karst Cave, Xiannv Mountain, Baima Mountain,Three Natural Bridges and other beautiful scenic spots.
以“健康中国 山水重庆 美丽武隆”为主题,本届赛事规模最大、线路亮点纷呈、赛事结合了专业赛事与群众赛事。比赛线路总长约230公里,包括越野跑、背高架、山地车/跑步交替、山地车、皮划艇、单绳上升、GPS定向、速降、公开水域游泳等比赛项目。比赛线路围绕仙女山、天生三桥、芙蓉洞、白马山等国家5A级旅游景区进行规划设计,赛事线路不单调、不重复。设置了人行天桥同时速降至乌江、乌江25公里皮划艇险滩穿越、美丽石桥湖2公里游泳定向及少数民族独竹漂传统项目展示、天生三桥顶峰至玻璃眺台空中溜索、山地自行车环线骑行穿越仙女山最美丽公路等具独具特色的比赛项目。该项赛事正成为武隆“旅游+体育+文化”融合发展的靓丽名片。
④ 大桥上速降。
⑤ 在乌江进行皮划艇比赛。
⑥ 山地自行车赛段。
⑦ 溜索比赛。 图片/武隆区委宣传部提供
The theme of activities was “Healthy China, Natural Chongqing and Beautiful Wulong”. The quest was the largest in scale,with various lines, and professional and amateur competitions. The total length of competitions was about 230 kilometers, and events include cross-country race,alternation of mountain bike/running, mountain bike race, canoe and kayak, single rope ascent, GPS orientation, prompt drop, open water swimming. Special events like bridges crossing and prompt drop to Wujiang, 25km of shoal crossing at Wujiang by canoes, 2km of oriented swimming in beautiful Shiqiao Lake, traditional activity of single bamboo drifting of ethnic minorities, strop rope-way from the peak of Three Natural Bridges to the glass gazebo, loop ride at the most beautiful road of Xiannv Mountain by mountain bike,and others were held at Furong Karst Cave, Xiannv Mountain, Baima Mountain, Three Natural Bridges and other AAAAA-rated national tourist attractions of Wulong District. The 2018 “Baima Mountain Cup” was an important attempt for Wulong District to become a natural tourist attraction integrated with “tourism, sports and culture”.
⑧ 山地自行车环线骑行穿越仙女山最美公路。 摄影/王俊杰