张东辉,赵英俊,秦 凯,赵宁博,杨越超
张东辉,赵英俊,秦 凯,赵宁博,杨越超
(核工业北京地质研究院 遥感信息与图像分析技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100029)
高光谱遥感反演黑土养分含量时,光谱变换方法对提取精度具有显著影响,为明确二者响应关系,提高反演精度和稳定度,该文以黑龙江建三江地区为研究区,引入航空高光谱成像系统CASI-1500,获取380~1 050 nm数据进行分析。均匀采样60个样品,化验获得其有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾含量数据,利用神经网络方法对有机质含量、支持向量机对氮、磷、钾含量进行建模。对比研究了重采样(RE)、对数倒数(LR)、一阶微分(FD)、包络线去除(CR)和多元散射校正(MSC)变换5种光谱变换后的提取精度。结果表明:MSC、MSC、LR和RE光谱变换方法分别应用到有机质、氮、磷和钾特征波段的组合运算中,得出黑土养分含量的空间分布精度相对最高,预测样本的决定系数分别为0.748、0.673、0.631和0.420。
0 引 言
何挺等对土壤光谱进行了14种变换,研究了土壤光谱反射特性与有机质之间的关系,证明反射率对数的一阶微分对土壤有机质含量最为敏感[5]。刘焕军等[6]通过对典型黑土可见光/近红外波段光谱反射特性研究,得出归一化变换可以部分消除不同土样测试过程中存在的噪声。Andreas Steinberg等通过对不同有机质含量土壤的光谱曲线吸收特征进行分析,得出包络线去除和反射率的倒数的对数处理建立的偏最小二乘回归模型预测效果最佳[7]。方少文等研究表明土壤全氮与一阶微分转换后反射率相关系数较高的峰值位置在820、1 400、1 430、1 630、1 800、1 930 nm等波段[8]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究区概况
研究区位于黑龙江省建三江地区,系黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江汇流的河间地带。以盛产绿色优质水稻闻名,故有“中国绿色米都”之誉。地势低平,地形标高50~60 m。由黄土状粉质黏土、淤泥质粉质粘土构成,主要分布于山前台地顶部[10]。腐殖质富集,加之母质黏重,水不能迅速下渗,缓慢淋滤形成黑土层[11]。表层为黑色腐殖质层,厚30~60 cm,最厚可达1m以上,多具圆柱状或粒状结构;其下为质地黏重的淀积层,棕色铁锰结核一般较多,再下为棕黄色粘性母质层[12]。
1.2 数据来源
数据由CASI-1500航空高光谱成像光谱系统(加拿大ITRES)获取。光谱范围为380~1 050 nm,空间分辨率为1.5 m,连续光谱通道数55,光谱带宽10 nm,总视场角40°,瞬时视场角0.028°,每行像元数1 470,绝对辐射精度<2%。飞行高度3 km(图1)。地面测量铺设黑白布,采用ASD Field Spec光谱仪获取定标光谱,光谱范围为350~2 500 nm,采集光谱分辨率为1 nm。
1.3 土壤样采集与化学测定
研究区长9.27 km,宽5.36 km,面积约50 km2。采样点60个,样本1的坐标为132.747°E,47.232°N,样本60的坐标为132.857°E,47.272°N,按0.75km间隔采集土样,采样时间为飞行作业同步采样。测区表层为黑色腐殖质层,厚30~60 cm,最厚可达1 m以上,多具圆柱状或粒状结构。当天同步采集表层0~20 cm的土样,剔除大的植物残茬、石砺等杂物,置于实验室风干研磨,过0.15 mm筛选用于土壤养分含量测定。有机质采用重铬酸钾容量-外加热法测定,全氮、全磷和全钾含量分别采用凯氏定氮法、NaOH碱熔钼锑抗比色法和钾火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定含量[5]。土壤养分含量测定结果中,样本1~45用于训练集,其余15个样本用于预测(表1)。
图1 研究区及样点布置
表1 不同样本点土壤养分含量信息表
1.4 光谱变换方法
选用R语言klap包实现支持向量机模型[13],AMORE包实现BP神经网络的建立,重采样采用Mathlab实现,航空高光谱波段运算由ENVI 5.3的bandmath实现。选用5种光谱变换算法试验[14]。
2)对数倒数(logarithmic reciprocal,LR)
3)一阶微分(first derivative,FD)
4)包络线去除(continuum removal,CR)
5)多元散射校正(multivariate scattering correction,MSC)
2 结果与分析
2.1 养分含量与光谱关系分析
2.1.1 不同含量的黑土养分光谱特征
图2为不同含量的黑土养分光谱特征图。每个区间范围取2条光谱曲线进行分析,得出随着有机质含量增高,黑土反射率逐渐降低(图2a)。其中,8号样品有机质达到4.46 g/kg,反射率显著低于其他样品;而41号和53号样品有机质质量分数在3.3 g/kg左右,其反射率明显高于总体光谱均值。当有机质含量较低时,由于土壤含水量和混合像元等干扰,这一规律会逐渐减弱,直至不显著。氮变化规律是与有机质光谱曲线类似,随着氮含量增高,反射率逐渐降低(图2b)。其中,9号和50号样品氮质量分数高于2.28 g/kg,反射率低于其他样品。而随着氮元素含量的进一步减少,这一规律不显著。由于磷元素含量相对较小,在光谱曲线上的反射特征不明显,在可见-近红光谱范围内的变换没有显著的规律(图2c)。同样,钾元素含量在可见-近红光谱范围内的变换也没有显著的规律(图2d)。
图2 不同黑土养分含量的光谱特征
2.1.2 土壤主要养分特征波段提取
结果表明,与其他土壤养分相比,有机质各个波段相关系数最高,均值达到0.39,氮和磷相关系数接近,分别为0.28和0.30,钾相关系数最低,为0.05。选取相关系数较高的前5个波段,作为建模波段[26]。有机质为933.6、914.5、905、866.8和943.1 nm,氮为933.6、866.8、876.3、847.7和914.5 nm,磷为950、933.6、866.8、857.3和914.5 nm,钾为523.7、771.5、571.4、695.3和533.2 nm。
图3 逐波段光谱反射率与黑土养分含量的相关关系
2.2 变换方法对养分含量预测的影响
2.2.1 黑土养分含量预测方法
2.2.2 重采样评估光谱尺度效应
2.2.3 建立响应关系模型
图4 黑土光谱的RE、LR、FD、CR和MSC处理结果(1号样本点)
表2 不同光谱变换方法的土壤养分建模结果
2.3 提取结果
图5 采用最佳光谱变换后的黑土养分含量(g·kg-1)提取空间分布图
3 结 论
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Influence of spectral transformation methods on nutrient content inversion accuracy by hyperspectral remote sensing in black soil
Zhang Donghui, Zhao Yingjun, Qin Kai, Zhao Ningbo, Yang Yuechao
In order to improve the precision and stability of the soil nutrient content inversion model in black soil area, taking Jiansanjiang area in Heilongjiang province as the study area, and the airborne hyperspectral imaging system CASI-1500 (380-1 050 nm) as the analysis data, the influence of different spectral transformation methods on the accuracy was researched. 60 samples were evenly sampled, and the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium were obtained through laboratory tests. The content of organic matter was determined by potassium dichromate capacity external heating method. The content of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium was determined by Kjeldahl method, NaOH alkali antimony colorimetric method and potassium flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 60 black soil samples were sorted according to nutrient content, and the spectral transformation in the visible near red range was analyzed. The change rule of organic matter is that the reflectance decreases with the increase of content. The change rule of nitrogen is similar to the spectral curve of organic matter. With the increase of nitrogen content, the reflectance decreases. The transformation of phosphorus and potassium in the visible near red spectrum is not significant. The nutrient correlation coefficients of 60 samples at different sampling points were calculated by spectral reflectance. The results show that the correlation coefficient of each band is the highest, the mean value is 0.39, the correlation coefficients of nitrogen and phosphorus are close to 0.28 and 0.30, and the correlation coefficient of potassium is the lowest, which is 0.05. The first 5 bands with high correlation coefficient are selected as modeling bands, that of organic matter is 933.6, 914.5, 905, 866.8 and 943.1 nm, and that of nitrogen is 933.6, 866.8, 876.3, 847.7 and 914.5 nm. The content of organic matter and support vector machine were used to model nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents. The extraction accuracies of 5 spectral transformations which are resampling (RE), logarithmic reciprocal (LR), first order derivative (FD), continuum removal (CR) and multivariate scatter correction (MSC) transformation are compared. The most accurate methods for the spectral transformation of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are MSC, MSC, LR and RE, respectively. Five spectral transformation methods are used to calculate the2of each model, and the order of modeling accuracy for soil organic matter prediction is MSC (0.922) > RE (0.529) > LR (0.432) > CR (0.414) > FD (0.018). The modeling accuracy of multiple scattering correction transformation is significantly higher than that of the other four methods. The order of prediction accuracy or total phosphorus is MSC (0.872) > CR (0.387) > RE (0.256) > LR (0.029) > FD (0.012), and the prediction accuracy of the multivariate scattering correction transformation is also the highest. The highest prediction accuracies of total phosphorus and total potassium are LR (0.621) and RE (0.423). In turn, the MSC, MSC, LR and RE spectral transformation methods with high coefficient of determination are applied to the combined operation of the characteristics of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the spatial distribution of nutrient content in black soil is obtained. The results show that the spectral transformation methods of MSC, MSC, LR and RE are applied to calculate soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively, the spatial distribution accuracy of nutrient content in black soil is the highest, and the determination coefficients of predicted samples are 0.748, 0.673, 0.631 and 0.420, respectively.
remote sensing; soils; models; spectral transformation methods; neural networks; support vector machines
张东辉,赵英俊,秦 凯,赵宁博,杨越超. 光谱变换方法对黑土养分含量高光谱遥感反演精度的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(20):141-147. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.018 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Donghui, Zhao Yingjun, Qin Kai, Zhao Ningbo, Yang Yuechao. Influence of spectral transformation methods on nutrient content inversion accuracy by hyperspectral remote sensing in black soil[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(20): 141-147. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.018 http://www.tcsae.org