Frightful’s Mountain (Excerpt VI)


英语世界 2018年9期

文/琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 译析/吴文安

The sun was held back by rain clouds the morning Frightful saw Sam and Mole come home from their wanderings.Sam whistled hello, but she did not reply.She was cornered with Oksi. This day had dawned cold, Chup was out hunting,and she had to brood the eyas.

[2] Just as Sam and Mole went into the tree house, Chup came home to feed and brood Oksi, and Frightful took off. She sped with the air currents into a thermal that spiraled her high above Delhi. At the top of the warm air bubble, she peeled off and dove straight down. She landed on the cupola of the county courthouse.

[3] Frightful drew herself up tall.The courthouse pigeon flock was winging into sight. She knew each pigeon personally. She knew the healthy and quick on wing. She knew the dumb and the clumsy. And she knew those with the highly contagious pox virus. She selected one of these and struck. The virus died with the bird, and she carried it back to Oksi.




[4] When Frightful returned with food that day, Chup was freed from his nest brooding. Oksi was old enough to be left alone while Frightful hunted. He flew from tall tree to the tallest, spread his wings, and soared far from Frightful’s Mountain. He had never been comfortable in the forest. He was a bird of the cliffs, open river valleys, and the bottoms of clouds. Spread-winged, he rode an air current to a cliff in Catskill Park, a three-minute falcon flight from Oksi. He was still concerned about her.

[5] While Sam and Mole were away,Oksi had changed. The tips of her flight feathers had grown in, and she could stand and walk. She jumped on leaves that blew into the box and watched every bird that flew past. But the greatest change of all was that she jabbed a foot at Frightful when she came into the box with food.

[6] Chup returned to the box one day to find no food at the aerie. He flew down to the river and brought back a duck. Alighting on the box, he was met by Oksi’s two yellow feet and black talons. He left the food and took off.

[7] As she grew and changed, the wooden box intrigued Oksi. It was far different from her first home. It did not look out on a vast landscape, but on a hemlock forest. From it she did not see ducks, but frogs and songbirds. The wind around her did not jet, but swirled and bumped. Instinctively she disliked it, but because her parents fed her here,she became accustomed to it.





[8] Sam would sit at his table at mealtimes and watch Oksi. He knew the box in the forest was all wrong for a peregrine, and so he would wonder what would happen when it came time for her to pick her own nesting site. Would she choose a cliff, a bridge—or, he mused almost longingly, would she pick a beautiful hemlock forest like this? Was she imprinted on Frightful’s Mountain?



【第二段】原文使用的动词非常精确,比如speed、spiral、peel off、dove,需要斟酌选择中文词语来保证语言的形象生动。


【第四段】句子“He flew from tall tree to the tallest.”直译会是“他从高树飞到最高的树上。”,在中文里显得别扭,所以译文选择了“大树”。“A bird of…”意思是雄鹰属于悬崖河谷,而不是森林。词语bottoms of clouds直译应该是“云彩底部”,这在中文里少见,所以译为“云端”。




【第八段】短语all wrong(大错特错)意为游隼本就不应该住在树林里,而应该在悬崖峭壁上,这里译文引申为“格格不入”。he mused almost longingly意蕴深刻,打动人心,因为山姆知道这一切都不应该,但仍然憧憬着游隼会因为这样的经历而改变习性,回到森林里陪伴他。后来奥克西果然回到森林中定居了,这也遂了山姆的心愿。

【小结】该选段在翻译中有几点需要注意。其一,应了解猎鹰育雏和居住环境的背景知识,不能望文生义;其二,要注意原文中的修辞形式,比如排比句,应尽力再现;其三,原文用词精准生动,译者应仔细斟酌,体会精微之后再恰当传译。 □


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