Infinitely many solutions for a class of fourth-order equation with nonlinear boundary conditions
XI Lijing
(School of Mathematics and Physics,SUST,Suzhou 215009,China)
Abstract:This paper studies the existence of infinitely many solutions of the following fourth-order two-point boundary value problemswhere λ>0 is a parameter,f:R→Ris a continuous function,and a,c≥0,b≥a,d≥c,b-a≥c/3+d/6.By means of variational approaches,the existence of the infinitely many solutions is proved.
Key words: four-order boundary value problems;infinitely many solutions;critical points
1 Introduction and main results
Owing to the importance of higher order differential equations in Physics,existence and multiplicity of solutions such problems have been extensively studied,see for examples[1-10]and the references therein.In literature,various papers concern the following fourth-order boundary value problem
In particular,in[4]and[6],the authors obtained the existence of infinitely many solutions for Problem(1)with λ=1 if f is an odd function.And in[1],by employing the cone expansion or compression fixed point theorem,authors also got results on existence of infinitely many solutions for the problem(1)if f is monotone increasing.
In the present paper,motivated by [6,11-12],we consider the problem which has perturbed boundary conditions
where λ>0 is a parameter,f:R→Ris a continuous function,and a,c≥0,b≥a,d≥c,b-a≥c/3+d/6.We establish a result on the existence of infinitely many solutions for Problem (2)by using the Riccer general variational principle(see[13]).Here we introduce more general boundary conditions which are different from the above aforementioned works.Moreover,unlike in[1],[4]and[6],to obtain the existence of infinitely many solutions for Problem(2),we assume that f is neither odd nor monotone(see the following Theorems 1 for more details).
Theorem 1Assume that the following conditions hold:
(F1)F(s)≥0 for all s>0,and
(F2)there exist sequences{an}and{bn}in(0,∞)withand bn→∞ such that f(s)≤0 for all s∈(an,bn),and
(i)if B1<+∞,there exists λ*>0 such that,for every λ >λ*,Problem(2)has infinitely many solutions in C4[0,1];
(ii)if B1=+∞,for every λ>0,Problem(2)has infinitely many solutions in C4[0,1].
2 Variational setting
In this section,we will see that Problem(2)has a variational structure.Let C[0,1]denote the usual real Banach space with the norm||u||C=maxx∈[0,1]|u(x)|.By L2[0,1]we denote the real Hilbert space with the inner productand the induced norm
It is well known that to find solutions of Problem(2)in C4[0,1]is equivalent to find solutions of the following integral equation in C[0,1]
where α(x)=a+(b-a-c/3-d/6)x+(c/2)x2+[(d-c)/6]x3,and
It is easy to see that αmin=a,αmax=b and G is nonnegative,continuous and max(x,s)∈[0,1]×[0,1]G(x,s)=1/4.
Let w(x)=u(x)-α(x),then
We respectively define operators K:L2[0,1]→C[0,1]and T:C[0,1]→C[0,1]as
Then to find solutions of integral equation(3)in C[0,1]is equivalent to find solutions of operator equation
in C[0,1].For the linear operator K,we have the following properties.
Lemma 1[6]
(i)K:L2[0,1]→C[0,1]is a linear completely continuous operator,and K:L2[0,1]→L2[0,1]is also a linear completely continuous operator;
(ii)(Ku,v)=(u,Kv)for all u and v in L2[0,1];
(iii)the operator equation w=λK2Tw has a solution in C[0,1]if and only if the operator equation v=λKTKv has a solution in L2[0,1].Moreover,w=kv and v=KTw.
Remark 1
(a)By the definition of K,we can obtain that Ku≠0 for all u∈L2[0,1]with u≠0.Therefore,Ku1≠Ku2for all u1,u2∈L2[0,1]if u1≠u2.
(b)It is easy to see that the eigenvalues of K are 1/n2π2and the corresponding eigenvectors are sinnπx,n=1,2,…
(c)For any u∈L2[0,1],it follows from the definition K that
Lemma 2LetThen
(i)I is Fréchet differentiable on C[0,1]and I′(w)u=(Tw,u)for all u,w∈C[0,1];
(ii)I◦K is Fréchet differentiable on L2[0,1]and(I◦K)′(v)=KTKv for all v∈L2[0,1].
Proof.(i)For any given w∈C[0,1],we define
where θ∈(0,1).Since f is continuous on[-||w+α||C-1,||w+α||C+1],we have
Then,I is Fréchet differentiable on C[0,1]and I′(w)u=(Tw,u)for all u,w∈C[0,1].
(ii)By the chain rule for derivatives of composite operator and Lemma 1(ii),it is obvious that the conclusion holds.
Let us introduce a functional J:L2[0,1]→Ras
Then,according to Lemma 2,J∈C1(L2[0,1],R)and
It follows from Lemma 1 that Problem(2)has a solution in C4[0,1]if and only if the functional J has a nontrivial critical point in L2[0,1].More precisely,if v∈L2[0,1]is a critical point of J,then u=Kv+α is a solution of Problem(2)in C4[0,1].Thus Problem(2)has a variational structure.
3 Proof of main result
Now we are going to prove our main result.Our main tool is a general variational principle of Ricceri(see[13,Theorem 2.5]),which we recall here,stated in the most suitable form for our purposes.
Lemma 3Let X be a reflexive real Banach space,and let Φ,Ψ:X→Rbe two sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous and Gâteaux differentiable functionals.Assume also that Φ is strongly continuous and coercive.For every r>infXΦ,set
Then,the following conclusions holds:
If γ<+∞,then for every λ∈(0,1/γ)(λ∈(0,+∞)if γ=0),either
(A1)Φ-λΨ possesses a global minimum;or
(A2)there exists a sequence{un}of critical points of the functional Φ-λΨ such that
thus the energy functional becomes J(v)=Φ(v)-λΨ(v).Then we only need to prove that Φ(v)-λΨ(v)has infinitely many critical points in L2[0,1].
It is obvious that Φ and Ψ are Gâteaux differentiable and sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous.Obviously,Φ is strong continuous and coercive.
In our case,we can define the function φ of Lemma 3 by putting for every r>0
Proof of Theorem 1For every v∈L2[0,1],Φ and Ψ are defined by
We claim that
Clearly, γ≥0.On the other hand,by(F1),we can deduce that there is a sequence{cn}in(0,+∞)with cn→+∞such that
Let rn=8cn2so that rn→+∞.By using inequalities(4),then for every u∈L2[0,1]with Φ(u)≤rn,we have
Take v0(x)=0 for all x∈[0,1],then||v0||=0<2rn,it follows from(7)that
Since cn→+∞,there exists N∈Nsuch that
for all n>N.This,together with(6),implies
Then γ=0.
In the sequel,we will show that
Indeed,Let wn(x)=π2(bn-b)sinπx for all x∈[0,1].It follows from Remark 1(b)that
By an Thanks to(F2),F(s)is nonincreasing for s∈(an,bn).Thus,according to(F1)and(8),we have Therefore,for n∈N, Take η=sup{ηn}.If B1<+∞,let λ>π4/4B1(1-2η)and ∈∈(π4/4λB1(1-2η),1),then by(F2)there exists N∈∈N such that for all n>N∈.Note that the choose of∈,it follows from(9)that for all n>N∈, Therefore,the (A1)in Lemma 3 can be excluded.Thus,(A2)holds,i.e.for every λ>λ*=π4/4B1(1-2η),there exists a sequence{vn}of critical points of J=Φ-λΨ such that If B1=+∞,let M>π4/4λ(1-2η),then by(F2)there exists NM∈Nsuch that for all n>NM.This yields that for all n>NM, so that Then,(A2)of Lemma 3 holds for any λ>0,that is,for every λ>0,Problem(2)has infinitely many solutions in C4[0,1].This concludes the proof.