周珍 郝露 冯慧 赵娅 叶凡 赖先荣
【摘 要】 目的:比较不同厂家生产的盐酸小檗胺片在不同溶出介质中的溶出度。 方法:根据《中国药典》2015年版溶出度测定方法第二法,以人工胃液(不加酶)和人工肠液(不加酶)为溶出介质,转速为50 r/min,于279 nm处采用紫外分光光度法测定吸光度并计算溶出度,采用相似因子、主成分分析和分层聚类分析对溶出度进行数据分析。结果:盐酸小檗胺片在人工胃液(不加酶)和人工肠液(不加酶)中累积溶出度在40 %~50 %之间。结论:相似因子、主成分分析和分层聚类结果表明,在相同溶出条件下盐酸小檗胺糖衣片与薄膜衣片有不同的溶出行为,且薄膜衣片比糖衣片更加稳定,可见盐酸小檗胺薄膜衣片规格的工艺较糖衣片更加合理。
【關键词】 盐酸小檗胺片;紫外分光光度法;溶出度;相似因子;主成分分析;分层聚类分析
【中图分类号】R944.4 【文献标志码】 A【文章编号】1007-8517(2018)11-0026-07
Abstract:Objective To compare the dissolution of Berbamine Hydrochloride tablets by different manufacturers in different dissolution media (artificial gastric and intestinal juice). Methods Samples were collected with the artificial gastric juice (without enzyme) and the artificial intestinal fluid (without enzyme) as solvent and rotation speed of 50r·min-1 according to second dissolution determination method(slurry method)stated in Chinese Pharmacopeia (2015 edition).The absorbance of samples was determined by UV spectrophotometry at detection wavelength of 279 nm.The data analysis about the dissolution was conducted by similarity factor, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA). Results The dissolution of Berbamine Hydrochloride tablets is 40%~50% in the artificial gastric juice (without enzyme) and the artificial intestinal fluid (without enzyme).Conclusionns The analysis results of similarity factor, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) showed that in the same conditions the dissolution of sugar-coated tablets and the film-coated tablets have the different dissolution behavior, and the film-coated tablets is more stable than sugar-coated tablets.So the process of Berbamine Hydrochloride film-coated tablets is more reasonable than sugar-coated tablets.
Keywords:Berbamine Hydrochloride Tablets; UV Spectrophotometry; Dissolution; Similarity Factor; Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA)
盐酸小檗胺(Berbamine Hydrochloride)是从小檗科植物甘肃小檗(Berberis kansuensis Schneid.)[1]同属植物中分离得到的一种天然来源的化合物,是一种双苄基异喹啉类生物碱,也是一种天然来源的钙调素拮抗剂[1],在临床上常被用于治疗各种原因引起的白细胞减少症。前期研究表明,盐酸小檗胺具有辅助盐酸小檗碱降低四氧嘧啶小鼠空腹血糖的增效作用[2],糖尿病患者发生青光眼[3]、白内障[4]的比例显著增高,有研究表明盐酸小檗胺具有青光眼视神经保护作用[3],外用小檗胺滴眼液对糖尿病性白内障具有显著的防治作用[5],表明盐酸小檗胺在治疗糖尿病眼病的新药研发方面具有重大的意义。