1. I like to go camping with my family.Camping is not like staying at home.
2. When I go camping, I sleep in a sleeping bag[睡袋]. At home,I sleep in bed.
3. When I go camping,we stay in a tent[帐篷].At home, I stay in my room.
4. When we go camping, my mum cooks over a camp fire. At home,she cooks over a stove[炉].
5. When we go camping, I watch falling stars[流星]from the hill.At home, I watch them from the porch[走廊].
6. When we go camping, my dad catches fish in the stream[溪].At home, he buys fish from the market.
7. When we go camping, I hike注1in the woods[树林]. At home, I walk at the sidewalk[人行道].
8. When we go camping, I sing by the camp fire. At home, I sing to the tunes[曲调]on the radio.
9. When we go camping, I wash in cold water from the stream.At home, I wash in warm water from the faucet[水龙头].
10. I have fun because camping is different! I like to go camping with my family.
注1:不知道同学们注意到没有?每一句都在对比外出露营和在家的区别,除了第6和第7句,几乎每一句前后的动词都一样。需要特别注意的是第7句,前面用的是hike,后面用的是walk。这个hike跟一般意义上的散步不一样,hike指的是远足、健行,也就是长途步行。“去远足”我们可以说go hiking,例如:If it is fine tomorrow, we can go hiking.(如果明天天气好,我们就去远足。)