Shall We Quit Language Study?
Current opponents of grammar study tend to claim: language is phonetic and communicative while grammar is obsolete and useless, thus it is time to wipe grammar out of language study. In this situation, his research paper seeks to find out the role grammar plays in language study.
1. Why do people regard grammar as useless?
As an opponent of grammar study, Krashen put forward “monitor hypothesis” in The Natural Approach. He posits the role of grammar is limited to that of a “monitor”, which some speakers are able to use in writing or prepared speech, but not useful in ordinary conversation.
2. What if people quit grammar study?
Quitting grammar study leads to wrong utility of modals causing misunderstanding in daily conversations. As shown in Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching, by Celce-Murcia, M., COULD is more polite than CAN when a request happens. Not aware of the possible consequences of using the wrong modal form in a request, the nonnative speaker is abrupt, familiar or rude even when this is not the social message intended.
3. How is grammar beneficial in language study?
Learners improve accuracy in writing and oral dialogues. Celce-Murcia M. claims developing effective strategies that raise students awareness of their own errors and enhance their ability to self-correct is one of the rules of English grammar. Moreover, non native speakers can imitate sentences and make complex ones after learning grammar.
That grammar is separate from language is ruinous. Proponents of this opinion lack recognition that syntax and wording are parts of phonetic sounds and conversations. Without such recognition, how can non native speakers command and conquer English as a foreign language
1. Terrell, T. D. (1991) The Role of Grammar Instruction in a Communicative Approach. The Modern Language Journal, 75,52–63. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4781.1991.tb01083.x
2. Miller, G. A. (1962) Some Psychological Studies of Grammar, American Psychologist, 17(11), 748-762. doi: 10. 1037/h0044708
3. Celce-Murcia, M. (1991) Grammar Pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25:459–480. doi:?10.2307/3586980