

农业工程学报 2018年13期

韩长杰,徐 阳,张 静,尤 佳,郭 辉


韩长杰,徐 阳,张 静,尤 佳,郭 辉

(新疆农业大学机电工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052)

针对目前使用压缩基质培育的钵苗无法使用现有移栽机械完成栽植工作的问题,模仿人工先打穴后放苗的移栽方式,设计了一种半自动压缩基质型钵苗移栽机,包含有间歇式打穴装置、持苗栽植装置和钵苗输送装置。通过单因素试验测得2组不同含水率的西瓜钵苗的钵体侧面与滑道的摩擦系数分别为0.755、0.634,并分析了2组钵体抗压载荷与压缩量之间的关系。根据西瓜种植农艺要求及西瓜钵苗外形尺寸,确定了打穴器及钵苗夹持机构的结构尺寸。按照已知运动规律对摆动机构进行优化设计,阐述了持苗栽植装置的工作过程,使用解析法对其进行了运动分析。试验结果表明,拖拉机保持2.1~2.6 km/h的速度前进时,该机作业的平均株距为98.6 cm,株距合格率为90.62%;倒伏率为21.9%,能够基本满足西瓜钵苗移栽的要求。该研究为半自动压缩基质型西瓜钵苗移栽机的设计提供了参考。


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国外旱地栽植机械研究起步较早,向着高效率、全自动的方向发展[4-5],部分成熟的机型已有推广应用,如意大利Ferrari公司研发的Futura系列,日本洋马PF2R乘坐式全自动蔬菜移栽机,意大利Checchi & Magli及英国Pearson等公司生产的全自动移栽机,这些全自动移栽机大都在原有的半自动移栽机的基础上增加自动取苗装置得以实现,且主要结合其本国作物种植模式和农艺要求进行研制,不能很好地适应中国耕地及农艺特点[4-7]。中国开展移栽机研究时间较晚,王晓东[8]对水轮式打穴移栽机的成穴机理进行了理论分析和模拟计算,得到了打穴铲结构参数与孔穴形状之间的相互关系,完成了国内第一台水轮式打穴移栽机的研制工作。金伟丰[9]提出了2种蔬菜钵苗自动化栽植机构,考虑行星轮系栽植器和锥齿轮行星轮系栽植器的特点及栽植作业稳定性要求,优选出了锥齿轮行星轮系栽植器作为蔬菜钵苗自动化栽植机构。黄前泽[10]提出了钵苗移栽机变形椭圆齿轮行星系植苗机构,研制了变形椭圆齿轮行星系植苗机构试验台,验证了植苗机构理论模型与运动学分析的准确性。


1 钵苗力学特性测定


1.1 材料与仪器

选用圆饼状压缩基质(以草本泥炭、木质素为主要原料,单个质量(40±3)g)、特大京欣瓜种,播种后生长期14~17d,钵体直径为50~51.5 mm,高度为31.5~33 mm,苗高130~150 mm,宽110~150 mm。试验仪器采用自制牵引式摩擦力试验装置、ALIPO牌ZP-100N电子测力计(测力范围0~100 N,精度:示值的±0.5%,分辨率:0.01 N)、水平仪、瑞格尔RGM-4002智能控制电子万能试验机(测力范围0~2 kN,精度:示值的±0.5%)、DHG-9123A型电热恒温鼓风干燥箱(控温范围10~200 ℃;控温精度0.1 ℃)及半圆形夹具。

1.2 试验方法与结果


1.牵引式摩擦力测试装置 2,5.钵苗 3.滑道4.电子万能试验机 6.半圆形夹具

表1 摩擦力试验结果


Note:After Compressive strength test of seedlings pot is completed, Calculate moisture content of each seedling pot in groups 1 and 2 by drying. water content of 3 seedling pots in group 1 was 58.50%, 64.04% and 65.82%, respectively; water content of 3 seedling pots in Group 2 was 36.72%, 36.18% and 37.17%, respectively.

使用电子万能试验机及半圆形夹具,测量2组不同含水率钵体抗压强度,如图1b所示,压缩速度为1 mm/s。图2为组1、组2钵体抗压强度曲线。由图2可知,载荷为0~5 N时,钵体在压缩的初始阶段,由于钵体表面较大的粗糙度与半圆状薄金属是点接触,载荷均匀增大压缩量急剧增大;当载荷为5~20 N之间时,由于钵体表面与半圆状薄金属是面接触,载荷均匀增大对压缩量的影响较小[15];当载荷大于25 N时,试验中观察到部分钵体外部产生裂纹。对比2组试验可以看出含水率较高的钵体抗压强度低,不容易被破坏。

图2 钵体抗压强度曲线

2 整机结构及工作原理


1.驱动链轮 2.六方轴 3.棘轮机构 4.动力链轮 5.栽植装置链轮 6.钵苗夹持机构 7.取苗气缸 8.阻苗气缸 9.接近开关A 10.机架 11.钵苗输送装置 12.地轮 13.接近开关B 14.打穴器

半自动压缩基质型西瓜钵苗移栽机由29.8 kW以上拖拉机牵引,地轮动力经链传动同时传递给摆动机构和移位机构。摆动机构利用从动杆往复摆动的运动特性带动棘轮旋转,棘轮推动安装棘爪的链轮间歇转动带动打穴器旋转完成间歇打穴;移位机构带动钵苗夹持机构在取苗位置和放苗位置之间往复运动,并通过齿轮传动驱动输送带顺时针旋转将钵苗送至托苗板上(取苗位置),当接近开关A检测到钵苗夹持机构移至取苗位置时,钵苗夹持机构夹取钵苗,钵苗夹持机构随移位机构向放苗位置运动,接近开关B检测到夹取钵苗的钵苗夹持机构移至放苗位置时,钵苗夹持机构释放钵苗,完成栽植。

3 关键部件设计

3.1 间歇式打穴装置设计

3.1.1 运动分析


3.1.2 摆动机构的优化设计



Note:1is the length of crank, mm;2is the length of connecting rod, mm;3is the length of driven rod, mm;4is the length of chassis, mm;0is initial Angle of crank, (°);Eis output angle of crank, (°);0is initial Angle of driven rod, (°);Eis output angle of driven rod, (°).

图4 摆动机构简图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of swing mechanism

摆动机构各零件尺寸为1、2、3、4。考虑到空间布局应尽可能紧凑,初设定1=57 mm,4=170 mm。取曲柄的初始位置角0为极位角,则






采用MATLAB软件对该问题进行优化[19-21],摆动机构零件尺寸为1=57 mm、2=161 mm、3=79 mm、4=170 mm。从动杆摆动角度为92.3°,满足四等分棘轮机构工作要求。

3.1.3 打穴器设计

打穴器作为间歇式打穴装置入土成穴的重要组成部分,穴形的好坏直接影响移栽机的栽植质量。根据西瓜钵苗的外形特征,打穴器设计为上端大、下端小的圆锥形,如图6所示。打穴时破膜取土,保证穴形底面平整。刃口端面宽度′是影响破膜取土的主要参数之一,刃口端面宽度越小,破膜取土阻力就越小,但也容易发生变形甚至崩裂,选取刃口端面宽度′为1.5 mm[22]。


为保证穴形底面直径大于钵体直径51.5 mm,小端内径d取64 mm;根据栽植深度要求,打穴器锥形部分高度1取65 mm;切入角过大取土阻力大且造成穴壁土壤紧实度增加,切入角过小不利于将土从穴中取出且不易倒土,结合初期的取土试验将切入角取21°,则大端内径d约为114 mm。

3.1.4 打穴器运动轨迹分析

使用Solidworks三维绘图软件绘制虚拟样机,在Motion运动分析环境中定义各部件的运动参数,设定整机向前运动速度为600 mm/s,选择打穴器顶端中心点进行轨迹跟踪,运动轨迹如图7所示,其轨迹为摆线,株距为90 cm,栽植深度为7 cm,满足西瓜移栽种植模式的要求。


3.2 持苗栽植装置设计


3.2.1 持苗栽植位置分析




3.2.2 持苗栽植装置运动分析















3.3 钵苗夹持机构设计

根据西瓜钵苗力学性能测定结果,在一定范围内钵体含水率高的摩擦系数大、抗压强度低。相同含水率的钵体,因组成钵体原料分布不均匀及西瓜苗根系个体差异,其承受的最大载荷也不相同[15]。由钵体抗压试验可知,当外部载荷大于25 N时,部分钵体外部产生裂纹。考虑个体差异,安全系数取2.5,夹取力′=25/,则′为10 N。为保证钵苗夹持机构在满足钵苗抗压强度条件下牢固的夹持钵苗,设钵苗重力为,夹持机构两侧的夹持臂对钵体的夹持力分别为j1和j2。满足如下关系

摩擦系数=0.634,max=0.1 kg时,满足式(17)和式(18),说明当钵苗摩擦系数较小,西瓜钵苗重力为最大时,钵苗基质不被夹碎散落的前提下能够克服钵苗的自身重力,保证移栽时钵苗夹持机构能够牢固夹取西瓜钵苗。


1.气缸 2.固定支点 3.铰接点 4.夹持臂 5.钵苗

1.Cylinder 2.Fixed point 3.Hinge point 4.Holdingarm 5.Seedlings


Note:ais length of clamping arm, mm;bis length from hinge point to bottom end of clamp arm, mm;cis the clamping arm width, mm;dis seedlings pot diameter, mm;eis cylinder working stroke, mm;fis height of seedlings pot, mm;j1andj2are clamping forces of clamping arms on two sides, N;1is the cylinder pull force, N;is the angle between direction of cylinder pulling force and horizontal plane at hinge point, (°).

图9 钵苗夹持机构简图

Fig.9 Schematic diagram of seedlings clamping mechanism


按西瓜幼苗最大苗高150 mm(含基质块),最宽处120 mm,考虑空间限制及结构要求取a、b、c、d、e、f分别为280、170、150、50、30、35 mm。将已知数值带入式(19)和(20),解得1约为26 N。

3.4 钵苗输送装置的设计


1.阻苗气缸 2.阻苗板 3.输送带 4.拨杆 5.从动链轮 6.主动齿轮 7.半轴 8.从动齿轮 9.从动齿轮轴 10.挡苗板 11.托苗板

4 田间试验

4.1 试验条件

田间试验于2017年5月在山东省宁津县金利达公司试验地进行(如图11所示),地块长度180 m,土壤含水率为12.4%,试验用地经过旋耕作业,保证土壤疏松平整。由于西瓜钵苗在适宜移栽时,瓜苗的质量仅占钵苗总质量的1.5%~3.2%,瓜苗相对基质质量很小且柔软,瓜苗落地所产生的力矩对基质倾斜无影响。随机抽取不同含水率的压缩基质进行栽植功能验证试验。

图11 样机和田间试验

4.2 试验方法

移栽机与拖拉机挂接方式为三点悬挂,拖拉机动力为29.8 kW,试验时移栽机保持2.1~2.6 km/h的速度前进,参照《中华人民共和国机械行业标准JB/T 10291-2013》中旱地栽植机械的相关试验方法,每次取连续的16株为数据采集样本点,测量4组共64株取平均值。以株距合格率、倒伏率为性能评价指标。设计株距为X,当相邻2株的实测株距X在(0,0.8X]范围内,为重栽;当相邻2株的实测株距在(0.8X,1.2X]范围内,为合格;当相邻2株的实测株距在(1.2X,2.2X]范围内,为漏栽;行业标准中规定栽植后秧苗主茎与地面夹角小于30°为倒伏,根据压缩基质的圆饼状外形,即当地面与压缩基质表面夹角大于60°为倒伏。

4.3 试验结果与分析

4.3.1 试验结果

栽植倒伏和株距测试数据统计结果如表2和表3所示。由表2及表3中测量结果可知,倒伏率为21.9%,栽植平均株距98.6 cm,株距合格率为90.62%。

表2 倒伏率测量结果

表3 株距测量结果

4.3.2 试验结果分析


5 结论与展望


2)通过单因素试验测得2组不同含水率的西瓜钵苗钵体侧面与滑道的摩擦系数分别为0.755、0.634。采用压缩基质进行田间栽植验证试验,拖拉机保持2.1~2.6 km/h的速度前进时,平均株距98.6 cm,株距合格率为90.62%;倒伏率为21.9%。倒伏率略高。


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Design and experiment of semi-automatic transplanter for watermelon seedlings raised on compression substrate

Han Changjie, Xu Yang, Zhang Jing, You Jia, Guo Hui


In order to solve the problem that seedlings cultivated by pie-shaped compression matrix can not be planted by the existing transplanter, a semi-automatic compression matrix seedling transplanter was designed in this paper by mimicking the artificially transplanting method of putting seedlings after punching a hole. The compression matrix type seedling transplanter mainly consists of a ground wheel, a swing mechanism, a ratchet wheel, a hole puncher, a displacement mechanism, a seedling clamping mechanism, a conveying device, a transmission system, a rack, and so on. The physical dimensions and mechanical properties of the compression matrix type seedling are the key basis for the design of the seedling planting schemes and structures. Taking watermelon seedlings as the research object, the dimensions of the seedlings were measured, and the friction coefficient of the compression matrix with different water contents and the compressive strength of the compression matrix were determined. The coefficients of friction between the slideways and the flanks of watermelon seedlings with 2 groups of different water contents were determined to be 0.755 and 0.634 respectively by single-factor tests. The relationship between the compression load and the compression amount of the 2 groups was also analyzed. When the load is 0-5 N, as the surface of the seedling is in point contact with the semi-circular thin metal at the initial stage of compression, the compression load increases evenly and the amount increases rapidly. When the load is between 5 and 20 N, as the surface of the seedling is in surface contact with the semi-circular thin metal, the compression load increases evenly with less impact on compression. When the load is greater than 25 N, some external cracks are observed on the surface of the seeding during the test. Comparing the 2 tests, it can be seen that the seedling with high water content is not easily destroyed. The swing mechanism is optimized according to the known movement law of the initial angle of the crank and the output angle of the driven rod. The dimensions of optimized parts are 57, 161, 79 and 170 mm, respectively. When the crank rotates one revolution of 360°, the reciprocating swing angle of the driven rod is 92.3°, which satisfies the working requirements of the four-equal-part ratchet wheel mechanism. The structure and specific size parameters of the hole puncher are determined according to the measurement size and planting depth requirements of the watermelon seedling. The width of the edge surface is 1.5 mm. The inner diameter of the small end is 64 mm, and the height of the tapered part of the hole puncher is 65 mm, and when the incision angle is 21°, the inner diameter of the big end is about 114 mm. The structure parameters of the seedling clamping mechanism are determined according to the mechanical properties and the dimension of watermelon seedling. And it is also concluded that the seedling’s matrix can overcome the self-gravity of the seedling, which ensures that the seedling clamping mechanism can securely grip the seedlings when transplanting with a clamping force of 26 N. The seedling conveying device and the planting holding device are driven by the same power source, ensuring that the feeding speed of the seedlings is synchronized with taking seedling action of the planting holding device. The conveyor belt is used to transport the seedlings, and the conveyor belt was designed to send seedlings at a speed of 40 plants per minute. Using a compression matrix for field planting functional verification tests, the average plant spacing is 98.6 cm when the transplanter moves at a stable speed of 2.1-2.6 km/h. The pass rate of the plant spacing is 90.62% and the lodging rate is 21.9% which is slightly higher. In the follow-up study, dual-ground-wheel driving would be used to improve the reliability of the transmission and obtain uniform spacing; a hole shape with the same level and the same depth should be acquired, and the lodging rate after the landing of pie-shaped matrix would be reduced by increasing the copying mechanism and optimizing the shape and structural parameters of the hole puncher.

mechanization; design; transplants; compressed substrate; seedlings; test

韩长杰,徐 阳,张 静,尤 佳,郭 辉. 半自动压缩基质型西瓜钵苗移栽机设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(13):54-61. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.007

Han Changjie, Xu Yang, Zhang Jing, You Jia, Guo Hui. Design and experiment of semi-automatic transplanter for watermelon seedlings raised on compression substrate[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(13): 54-61. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.007









