

农业工程学报 2018年14期

崔远来,吴 迪,王士武,温进化,王贺龙


崔远来1,吴 迪1,王士武2,温进化2,王贺龙2

(1. 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉 430072;2. 浙江省水利河口研究院,杭州 310020)



0 引 言

为提升中国水资源公报质量和支撑最严格水资源管理制度考核工作,落实最严格水资源管理制度,开展水资源监控及用水总量统计十分必要。在中国,农业用水量占总用水量的60%以上,其中,灌溉用水占农业用水量的90%以上,是用水总量统计的重点。农业用水指农田灌溉用水、林果地灌溉用水、草地灌溉用水、渔塘补水和畜禽用水,其中灌溉用水量是指从各类水源取来用于灌区作物灌溉的水量之和。中国南方多水源灌区中存在多种水源,不同水源之间存在不同程度的互联互通,属于库、塘、渠结合的“长藤结瓜”灌溉系统[1-2]。由于水源种类多、分布复杂、取水的随机性强、且存在重复利用,有时难以有效区分不同水源的灌水量,水量计量工作不仅量大,且存在相当难度,并且只计量灌区渠首的取水量也不能代表整个灌区的灌溉用水量[3]。此外,灌区各个分区之间的土地利用、水源类型等存在差异性,采用典型调查或现行灌溉定额与实际灌溉面积数据进行框算得到的灌溉用水量精度需要进一步提高[4]。因此,寻求一种合理有效的灌溉用水量模拟统计方法十分必要。推求灌溉用水量的基础是水量平衡原理[5],鉴于多水源灌区的空间异质性,分布式水文模型是获得水量平衡要素的一个有效工具。其中,SWAT(soil and water assessment tool)模型是一个具有物理基础的分布式水文模型,具有自动灌溉模块可用于推求作物灌溉用水量[6-8]。其不仅能够模拟日、月、年尺度流域水循环过程,还可用于人类活动对水循环影响的分析研究,在灌区水循环等方面已有诸多应用[9-14]。



1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况


由图1a所示,从北至南依次为北干渠、中干渠、南干渠72线、南干渠80线,其中南干渠72线的水源为浦阳江,其余3条水源为通济桥水库。由于通济桥水库灌区并非闭合流域,因此选择的建模区域较灌区范围稍大,所选区域的土地利用类型主要为林地、城镇、水稻田、葡萄地、水域及旱地,如图1b所示。灌区属亚热带季风气候,多年平均气温16.6 ℃,多年平均降雨量1 466 mm,年内降水分布不均,多年平均水面蒸发量907 mm。灌区主要种植水稻、小麦等粮食作物及葡萄、草莓等经济作物,其中水稻与葡萄为主要灌溉作物,水稻种植面积为1 693.33 hm2,葡萄种植面积为1 893.33 hm2,且每年的6-9月为灌溉季节。

1.2 SWAT模型改进












1.3 模型构建与校正及验证

1.3.1 研究区模型构建

1.3.2 模型校正及验证

模型构建之后需进一步对其进行校正及验证。参考前人研究中选择的径流敏感参数[27-29],结合研究区的特点选取参数,采用SWATCUP(SWAT Calibration and Uncertainty Programs)软件中的SUFI_2算法进行参数敏感性分析[30],从而选择10个参数作为径流的敏感参数。利用研究区出口(见图1a)1995-2007年的实测月径流数据对敏感参数进行率定从而校正径流模拟过程,经率定确定敏感参数的取值后,利用研究区出口2008-2015年的实测月径流数据对径流模拟过程进行验证,并选取相对误差(RE)、决定系数(2)和Nash-Suttclife效率系数(NS)来评估模型效率[31]。

2 结果与分析

2.1 径流校正及验证


2.2 灌溉用水量校正

表1 监测点灌溉用水量模拟值与观测值对比

2.3 不同水平年的灌溉用水量


图4 不同水平年灌溉用水量模拟值

2.4 不同水源类型的灌溉用水量及供水比例


表2 不同水源类型灌溉用水量模拟值及供水比例的多年平均值


2.5 节水改造对灌溉用水量的影响


表3 多年平均情况下节水改造前后的灌溉用水量模拟值



3 结 论





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Simulation and analysis of irrigation water consumption in multi-source water irrigation districts in Southern China based on modified SWAT model

Cui Yuanlai1, Wu Di1, Wang Shiwu2, Wen Jinhua2, Wang Helong2

(1.430072,; 2.310020,)

The statistics of irrigation water consumption in irrigation districts are of great significance to implement the most stringent water resources management system. On account of the impossibility of complete measurement, it is quite difficult to accurately calculate the irrigation water consumption in multi-source water irrigation districts in the south of China. Therefore, a precise and effective way is needed to estimate irrigation water consumption in multi-source water irrigation districts. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was modified according to the characteristics of hydrologic cycle and irrigation operation in the multi-source water irrigation district in the south of China for accurately estimating irrigation water consumption. The water balance modules of paddy field were modified in SWAT model, in addition, a canal seepage loss calculation was added to SWAT model. Specifically, a multi-source water auto-irrigation module was added as one of the components of SWAT model to estimate the irrigation water consumptions from different types of water sources. Furthermore, the modified SWAT model with a digital elevation model (DEM), a soil map, a land cover map and multi-year meteorological data, was applied to build a distributed hydrological model of Tongjiqiao Reservoir Irrigation District (TID) in Zhejiang Province. Moreover, the observed monthly runoff was used to calibrate (1995-2007) and validate (2008-2015) the simulated runoff via SWAT Calibration and Uncertainty Programs (SWATCUP), and the observed irrigation water consumptions of 4 main irrigation canals in 2017 were used to calibrate the simulated irrigation water consumptions. The results showed that the simulated monthly runoff matched well with the observed values in calibration and validation periods, the absolute relative errors (RE) were less than 12%, the coefficients of determination (2) were greater than or equal to 0.88, and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencycoefficients (NS) were greater than or equal to 0.85 in both periods; in addition, the maximum of the absolute relative errors between simulated irrigation water consumptions and the observed values of 4 main irrigation canals was less than 20%, indicated that the modified SWAT model has a good performance in the multi-source water irrigation districts. Additionally, the irrigation water consumptions in different hydrological years in TID, multi-year averages of simulated irrigation water consumptions and water supply proportions of different types of water source were simulated and calculated based on the modified SWAT model, in addition, the effect of water saving reform on irrigation water consumption was also analyzed. And the results indicated that the irrigation water consumption is small in wet year and large in dry year. Moreover, in addition to the key water sources (namely the Tongjiqiao Reservoir and the Puyang River), 41.40% of the irrigation water consumption came from the rivers inside sub-basins, ponds and small-sized reservoirs, indicating that the amounts of water monitored at the head of canals fetching water from the key water sources did not represent the irrigation water consumption in irrigation districts. Beyond that, with the development of water saving reform in irrigation district, the irrigation water use efficiency increased so that the irrigation water consumption decreased. Consequently, the modified SWAT model can be used to simulate and analyze the irrigation water consumption in multi-source water irrigation districts accurately and reasonably, and the simulation of irrigation water consumption in multi-source water irrigation districts based on the modified SWAT model is an effective and rational method for calculation and analysis of irrigation water consumption in irrigation districts in the south of China, which satisfied the requirements of the total amount of water statistics and the most stringent water resources management system.

irrigation; models; reservoirs; multi-source water irrigation district; modified SWAT; different types of water sources

崔远来,吴 迪,王士武,温进化,王贺龙. 基于改进SWAT模型的南方多水源灌区灌溉用水量模拟分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(14):94-100. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.012

Cui Yuanlai, Wu Di, Wang Shiwu, Wen Jinhua, Wang Helong. Simulation and analysis of irrigation water consumption in multi-source water irrigation districts in Southern China based on modified SWAT model [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(14): 94-100. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.012









