

世界建筑 2018年7期


这个木制立方体被减化到仅剩下必需的部分,应该称得上农业建筑结合周围自然景观的良好案例。山羊棚外观复古,位于奥伯法尔兹的一侧,属于德国巴伐利亚的一部分。没有昂贵的设计、计算或建筑材料,这个雄心勃勃的建筑仅靠木梁堆叠的想法实现,是一个使建成品可以从五金店诞生的经济型做法。这座建筑使得过去在该地区很常见的传统砌块建造得到了新的诠释。由于其提出的迷人的简洁性,这个项目获得了巴伐利亚木材奖“Holzbaupreis Bayern 2014”。□(陈雨潇 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 德国巴伐利亚索伊伯斯多夫/Seubersdorf, Bavaria, Germany

摄影/Photos: Erich Spahn, Micheal Kühnlein

1-2 外景/Exterior views

3 平面/Plan

4 剖面/Section

The wooden cube, reduced to the necessities,should be a positive example for agricultural buildings integrating the free landscape around it. With its archaic appearance, the goat barn is situated on a flank in the southern Oberpfalz, a part of Bavaria, Germany. Without the necessary of an expensive planning, calculations or building materials, it is only the idea of the piled timber beams to reach ambitious architecture, nevertheless an economically alternative to the fi nished products from the hardware store. With this building, the traditional block construction, in the past usually seen in the region, meets a new interpretation.Fascinated by the proposal of captivating simplicity,the project is prized with the Bavarian timber award"Holzbaupreis Bayern 2014".□

5 侧面/Side

6 后门/Back door




7 内景/Interior view


HU Rongrui: In the shape of a plain cube piled up by wooden sticks, this goat barn is a standardised product that can be assembled via simple craft. It does not stress on its regional nature and can be moved to any place like the tent of nomadic people that can be moved around. Though the trace of traditional bricklaying method can be seen in the construction methods of piling wooden sticks, the natural wooden structure forms a more gentle and more harmonious relationship with the surrounding grasses and woods. The technique of forming horizontal ribbon window by pulling out certain wooden sticks in the process of piling-up is very plain and pure. These horizontal ribbon high windows not only guarantee the ventilation and daylight of the goat barn, but also are safer.

QING Feng: In the 16th century, when talking about houses built in countryside, Sebastiano Serlio mentioned that there should be a window in the wall separating the house and the oxen stable. If ox can see the fire burning in the house through this window,it will not be afraid in the day. Similarly, a window allowing the fi rst rays of the rising sun come into the stable will have the same bene fi t. Serlio's words bring to our awareness, how much these domestic animals are close to human beings. It enables us to transplant human architectural measures to the stables for these animals. Goat Barn is de finitely a result of such transplantation. Unadorned wood, primitive method of wood piling and the humble form, all indicate that the architect aims at a kind of pure simplicity.Following this logic, if the goat likes it, maybe we would like a residence as simple as this barn.

