

中国气象科学研究院年报 2018年0期




In 2018,CAMS achieved new progress in joint education of graduates with Fudan University and China University of Geosciences(CUG)(Wuhan),with 10 more CAMS-Fudan University jointly-educated doctoral candidates and 15 master degree candidates as well as 3 CAMS-CUG(Wuhan)jointly-educated doctoral candidates additionally recruited.

In 2018,the Ministry of Education conducted the assessment of academic degree disciplines(which is held every six years),during which CAMS conducted self-assessment over three(Atmospheric Science,Physical Geography,and Physical Oceanography)master degree disciplines out of four.After the self-assessment,leading experts from eight top universities in China including Tsinghua University,Peking University,Nanjing University,Fudan University,etc.were invited to participate in CAMS assessment work,all of whom have been engaged in graduate education for many years.The unanimous review result was achieved that all the three disciplines were approved with a degree of excellence.

In 2018,63 graduates were recruited by CAMS,including 44 master degree candidates,19 doctoral candidates and 5 post doctors,while 43 got master degree and 11 received PhD degree.At present,there are altogether 221 graduates at CAMS,among whom 134 are master degree candidates,87 are doctoral candidates and 19 are post doctors.


On 2 July 2018,the Graduation Ceremony for CAMS Graduates of 2018 was held in Beijing,on which 11 graduates received PhD degree and 43 graduates got master degree.CAMS annual scholarship of 2018 was also conferred to the graduates,including“Huayun & Huafeng Scholarship”to 37 graduates while 4 tutors got“Huafeng Scholarship for Excellent Tutors”,including Prof.Zhang Xiaoye,Prof.Zhai Panmao,Prof.Chen Jing and Prof.Wang Peijuan.Ms.Liu Yaming,CMA Administrator,presented to the awarded graduates while Dr.Duan Yihong,CAMS President,presented to the awarded tutors.


On 23 July 2018,44 master candidates were organized in four groups and launched their visit to the provincial meteorological services in Guangdong,Hubei,Shandong and Heilongjiang respectively,for a 15 days social practice program,which was included in CAMS graduate curriculum as a compulsory course.Through such social practice,team spirit of the graduates was further developed while meteorological observations and operational services were better understood,so that the capability of analyzing and solving problems would be improved.


On 5 August 2018,29 undergraduates from eight universities including Lanzhou University,Yunnan University and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,etc.participated in the five days summer school for excellent students hosted by CAMS.Over 20 young scientists were invited to deliver presentations on typhoon,agrometeorology,atmospheric chemistry,climate change,weather modification,fog-haze,lightning,etc.,providing the students with a scientific feast.


On 15 November 2018,an eight-member delegation headed by Dr.Yu Rucong,CMA Deputy Administrator,visited China University of Geosciences(Wuhan)for promoting cooperation.The presidents of the two institutions,Dr.Duan Yihong and Dr.Wang Yanxin,signed the Protocol of Joint Education of Talents as well as Agreement on Joint Education of Doctoral Candidates.Such protocols would facilitate both Institutions to make full use of respective resources so as to co-develop the Research Centre of CMA Extreme Weather and Climate as well as Geological Disasters,jointly apply for first-level doctoral discipline in Atmospheric Science and jointly educate doctoral candidates.


On 16 December 2018,the Joint Graduates Education Agreement between Fudan University and CAMS was officially signed,according to which 10 doctoral candidates and 15 master degree candidates to be selected from Fudan University graduates will be jointly educated by Fudan University and CAMS.Such joint education mechanism aims at enhancing the integration of scientific research and teaching so as to continuously bring up well-educated and qualified intellectuals in innovative atmospheric sciences,following the spirit of interim measures of Joint Education by Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutes for Doctoral Candidates approved by Ministry of Education as well as Strategic Agreement between CMA and Fudan University.


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罗云 中国地质大学(北京)教授、博士生导师
建立学位授权点退出机制 优化大学学科布局——上海交通大学撤销学位点的探索与思考