

中国气象科学研究院年报 2018年0期

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes An Xingqin(2nd)Comparing the impact of strong and weak East Asian winter monsoon on PM2.5 concentration in Beijing Atmospheric Research 2018,215 SCI An Xingqin(2nd)Detection of critical PM2.5 emission sources and their contributions to a heavy haze episode in Beijing,China,using an adjoint model Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(1)SCI An Xingqin(2nd)Tracking a heavy pollution process in Beijing in winter 2016 using GRAPES-CUACE adjoint model Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(1)SCI Bian Yuxuan,et al.A novel method to retrieve the nocturnal boundary layer structure based on CCD laser aerosol detection system measurements Remote Sensing of Environment 2018,211 SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)A comparative analysis of aerosol microphysical,optical and radiative properties during the Spring Festival holiday over Beijing and surrounding regions Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2018,18(7)SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Aerosol optical characteristics and their vertical distributions under enhanced haze pollution events: Effect of the regional transport of different aerosol types over eastern China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(4)SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Aerosol vertical distribution and optical properties of different pollution events in Beijing in autumn 2017 Atmospheric Research 2018,215 SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Aerosol vertical distribution and typical air pollution episodes over northeastern China during 2016 analyzed by ground-based lidar Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2018,18(4)SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Temporal and spatial variations in sand and dust storm events in East Asia from 2007 to 2016 relationships with surface conditions and climate change Science of The Total Environment 2018,233 SCI Che Huizheng(3rd)Daytime variation of aerosol optical depth in North China and its impact on aerosol direct radiative effects Atmospheric Environment 2018,182 SCI Che Huizheng(3rd)Radiative feedbacks of dust in snow over eastern Asia in CAM4-BAM Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18 SCI Che Huizheng(3rd)Spatial and temporal evolution of natural and anthropogenic dust events over northern China Scientific Reports 2018,8(1)SCI Che Huizheng,et al.Aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing based on measurements from the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network(CARSNET)in eastern China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(1)SCI Chen Bin(3rd)Another look at the moist baroclinic Ertel-Rossby invariant with mass forcing Chinese Physics B 2018,2

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Chen Bin,et al.Quantifying oceanic moisture exports to mainland China in association with summer precipitation Climate Dynamics 2018,51(11-12)Chen Yang Chapter anthropogenic warming has substantially increased the likelihood of July 2017-like heat waves over central eastern China Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2018,12(99)SCI Chen Yang,et al.Detectable impacts of the past half-degree global warming on summertime hot extremes in China Geophysical Research Letters 2018,45(14)SCI Chen Yang,et al.Recent progress and emerging topics on weather and climate extremes since the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2018,43 SCI Cheng Siyang,et al.Comparison of atmospheric CO2 mole fractions and source-sink characteristics at four WMO/GAW stations in China Atmospheric Environment 2018,180(3)SCI Cheng Yanli,et al.Full-chain design and implementation of integrated organization for haze prevention and control in China Journal of Pollution Effects & Control 2018,6 Ding Minghu Decadal climate change in Ny-Ålesund,Svalbard,a representative area of the Arctic Condensed Matter 2018,3(2)SCI Ding Minghu Surface ozone monitoring and background concentration at Zhongshan station,Antarctica Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 2018,8 Ding Minghu(2nd)Changes in the proportion of precipitation occurring as rain in northern Canada during spring-summer from 1979-2015 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2018,35(9)SCI Ding Minghu(2nd)Reconstruction of autumn sea ice extent changes since AD1289 in the Barents-Kara Sea,Arctic Science China Earth Sciences 2018,61(9)SCI Ding Minghu,et al.Shipborne observations of atmospheric black carbon aerosol from Shanghai to the Arctic Ocean during the 7th Chinese Arctic Research Expedition Atmospheric Research 2018,210 SCI Fan Xiangpeng,et al.A new method of three-dimensional location for low-frequency electric field detection array Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(16)SCI Fan Yanfeng Characteristics of electromagnetic signals during the initial stage of negative rockettriggered lightning Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(20)SCI Fan Yanfeng Measurement of continuing charge transfer in rocket-triggered lightning Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2018,175 SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Fang Shibo Special section guest editorial:Recent advances in earth observation technologies for agrometeorology and agroclimatology Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2018,12(2)Fang Shibo(2nd)Analysis of the brightness temperature features of the lunar surface using 37 GHz channel data from the Chang’E-2 microwave radiometer Advances in Space Research 2018,63(1)Fang Shibo(2nd)Drought indices based on MODIS data compared over a maize-growing season in Songliao Plain,China Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2018,12(4)Fang Shibo(2nd)Measuring the soil water retention capacity with an integrated vegetation and drought index in southwest China Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2018,12(2)Gan Yanjun,et al.A systematic assessment and reduction of parametric uncertainties for a distributed hydrological model Journal of Hydrology 2018,564 Gao Wenhua(2nd)enhancements by ultrafine aerosol particles Science 2018,359(6374)SCI Substantial convection and precipitation Gao Wenhua,et al.Observational relationship between entrainment rate and environmental relative humidity and implications for convection parameterization Geophysical Research Letters 2018,45(24)SCI Gao Wenhua,et al.The microphysical properties of convective precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau by a subkilometer resolution cloud-resolving simulation Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(1)SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)Declining hailstorm frequency in China during 1961-2015 and its potential influential factors International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(11)SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)Elucidating the relationship between aerosol concentration and summertime boundary layer structure in central China Environmental Pollution 2018,241 SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)Large-scale pattern of the diurnal temperature range changes over East Asia and Australia in boreal winter: A perspective of atmospheric circulation Journal of Climate 2018,31(7)SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)On the summertime planetary boundary layer with different thermodynamic stability in China: A radiosonde perspective Journal of Climate 2018,31(4)SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)The cloud top distribution and diurnal variation of clouds over East Asia: Preliminary results from advanced Himawari imager Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(7)SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)Tropopause trend across China from 1979 to 2016: A revisit with updated radiosonde measurements International Journal of Climatology 2018,DOI: 10.1002/joc.5866 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)Column-integrated aerosol optical properties of the coarse- and fine-mode particles over the Pearl River Delta region in China Science of the Total Environment 2018,622-623 SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Guo Jianping(3rd)Estimating hourly PM1 concentrations from Himawari-8 aerosol optical depth in China Environmental Pollution 2018,241 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)Estimating PM1 concentrations from MODIS over Yangtze River Delta of China during 2014-2017 Atmospheric Environment 2018,195 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)Estimating summertime precipitation from Himawari-8 and global forecast system based on machine learning IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 2018,DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2874950 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)Mixing layer height on the North China Plain and meteorological evidence of serious air pollution in southern Hebei Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)Spatiotemporal variation of PM1 pollution in China Atmospheric Environment 2018,178 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)Temperature inversions in severe polluted days derived from radiosonde data in North China from 2011 to 2016 Science of the Total Environment 2018,647 SCI Guo Jianping(3rd)The climate impact of aerosols on the lightning flash rate: Is it detectable from long-term measurements?Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18 SCI Guo Jianping,et al.Aerosol-induced changes in the vertical structure of precipitation: A perspective of TRMM precipitation radar Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18 SCI Guo Jianping,et al.Identifying climatic factors and circulation indices related to apple yield variation in main production areas of China Global Ecology and Conservation 2018,16 SCI Guo Xueliang(2nd)Quantifying the relationship among PM2.5 concentration,visibility and planetary boundary layer height for long-lasting haze and fog-haze mixed events in Beijing city Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(203)SCI He Jianjun,et al.Analyses of winter circulation types and their impacts on haze pollution in Beijing Atmospheric Environment 2018,192 SCI He Jianjun,et al.Numerical simulation study of winter pollutant transport characteristics over Lanzhou city,northwest China Atmosphere 2018,9(382)SCI Li Lun Summer cooling driven by large volcanic eruptions over the Tibetan Plateau Journal of Climate 2018,31(24)SCI Li Lun,et al.Development and eastward movement mechanisms of the Tibetan Plateau vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau climate Dynamics 2018,52(7-8)SCI Li Lun,et al.Diurnal variation in the intensity of nascent Tibetan Plateau vortices Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2018,144(1)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Li Lun,et al.Effect of the atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the vortices moving off the Tibetan Plateau Climate Dynamics 2018,50 SCI Li Lun,et al.Modulation of atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the intensity of nascent Tibetan Plateau vortices Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2018,35(35)SCI Li Lun,et al.Modulation of the atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the diurnal variation of the occurrence frequency of the Tibetan Plateau vortices Climate Dynamics 2018,50 SCI Li Jianduo Parameter optimization for carbon and water fluxes in two global land surface models based on surrogate modelling International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(S1)SCI Li Jianduo An assessment of CAMS-CSM in simulating land-atmosphere heat and water exchanges Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(6)SCI Li Jianduo Impacts of land cover and soil texture uncertainty on land model simulations over the central Tibetan Plateau Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2018,10 SCI Li Mingxin,et al.A statistical analysis of hail events and their environmental conditions in China during 2008-2015 Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 2018,57(12)SCI Li Yi,et al.Estimated acute effects of ozone on mortality in a rural district of Beijing,China,2005-2013/ a time-stratified case-crossover study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018,15(11)SCI Liu Boqi(2nd)The interannual dominant co-variation mode of boreal summer monsoon rainfall during 1979-2014 Journal of Climate 2018,31(1)SCI Liu Boqi,et al.Why was the western Pacific subtropical anticyclone weaker in late summer after the 2015/2016 super El Niño?International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(1)SCI Liu Hengyi,et al.The three-dimensional locating of VHF broadband lightning interferometers Atmosphere 2018,9(8)SCI Liu Liping,et al.Evaluation of the polarimetric-radar quantitative Atmosphere 2018,9 DOI: 10.3390/atmos9090330 SCI Liu Lu,et al.A three-dimensionalwave activity flux of inertia-gravity waves and its application to a rainstorm event Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2018,36(2)SCI Liu Lu,et al.Analysis of the characteristics of inertiagravitywaves during an orographic precipitation event Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2018,35(5)SCI Liu Yu Comparison of trends and abrupt changes of the South Asia high from 1979 to 2014 in reanalysis and radiosonde datasets Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2018,170(1)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Lu Junmei A statistical forecast model for the Chinese winter temperature based on autumn SST anomalies Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2018,9 Luo Yali(2nd)An extreme rainfall event in coastal South China during SCMREX-2014: Formation and roles of rainband and echo trainings Journal of Geophysical Research 2018,123 SCI Luo Yali(2nd)Analysis of paths and sources of moisture for the South China rainfall during the presummer rainy season of 1979-2014 Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(5)SCI Luo Yali(2nd)The relationship between anomalous presummer extreme rainfall over the South China and synoptic disturbances Journal of Geophysical Research 2018,123 SCI Luo Yali(3rd)Cloud microphysical factors affecting simulations of deep convection during the presummer rainy season in southern China Journal of Geophysical Research 2018,123 SCI Luo Yali(3rd)Sensitivity of a simulated squall line during southern China monsoon rainfall experiment to parameterization of microphysic Journal of Geophysical Research 2018,123(8)SCI Luo Yali,et al.Classification and diurnal variations of precipitation echoes observed by a C-band vertically-pointing radar in central Tibetan Plateau during TIPEX-III 2014-IOP Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(6)SCI Meng Zhaoyang,et al.Role of ambient ammonia in particulate ammonium formation at a rural site in the North China Plain Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(1)SCI Miao Yucong(2nd)Numerical study of the effect of urbanization and coastal change on seabreeze over Qingdao,China Atmosphere 2018,9(345)SCI Miao Yucong,et al.Impacts of synoptic condition and planetary boundary layer structure on the trans-boundary aerosol transport from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to northeast China Atmospheric Environment 2018,181 SCI Miao Yucong,et al.Impacts ofmeteorological conditions on wintertime PM2.5 pollution in Taiyuan,North China Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018,25(22)SCI Miao Yucong,et al.The climatology of low level jet in Beijing and Guangzhou,China Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 2018,123(5)SCI Miao Yucong,et al.Unraveling the relationships between boundary layer height and PM2.5 pollution in China based on four-year radiosonde measurements Environmental Pollution 2018,243 SCI Peng Xindong Long-term integration of a global nonhydrostatic atmospheric model on an aqua planet Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(4)SCI Peng Xindong(2nd)Long-term integration of a global nonhydrostatic atmospheric model on an aqua planet Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(4)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Qi Qi,et al.Three-dimensional optical observations of an upward lightning triggered by positive cloudto-ground lightning Atmospheric Research 2018,214 SCI Qi Yanjun(2nd)Is long-term climate memory important in temperature/precipitation Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2018,DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2608-0 SCI Qi Yanjun,et al.Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation in the Asian-Pacific monsoon region simulated in CAMS-CSM Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,33(1)SCI Rong Xinyao et al.The CAMS climate system model and a basic evaluation of its climatology and climate variability simulation Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(6)SCI Rong Xinyao(2nd)Potential predictability and forecast skill in ensemble climate forecast: a skillpersistence rule Climate Dynamics 2018,51 SCI Shen Xiaojing(2nd)Size-resolved hygroscopic behavior of atmospheric aerosols during heavy aerosol pullution episodes in Beijing in December 2016 Atmospheric Environment 2018,194 SCI Shen Xiaojing,et al.Comparison of submicron particles at a rural and an urban site in the North China Plain during the December 2016 heavy pollution episodes Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(1)SCI Shen Xiaojing,et al.Spatial distribution and occurrence probability of regional new particle formation events in eastern China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18 SCI Su Jingzhi,et al.Monitoring the pendulum between El Nino and La Nina events Environmental Research Letters 2018,13 SCI Su Jingzhi,et al.Sea surface temperature in the subtropical Pacific boosted the 2015 El Nino and hindered the 2016 La Nina Journal of Climate 2018,31(2)SCI Sun Junying(2nd)Aerosol hygroscopicity during the haze redalert period in December 2016 at a rural site of the North China Plain Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(1)SCI Tan Kaiyan,et al.Combined effects of elevated temperature and CO2 enhance threat from low temperature hazard on winter wheat growth in North China Scientific Reports 2018,8(1)SCI Wang Fei,et al.Characteristics of lightning flashes associated with the charge layer near the 0 ℃ isotherm in the stratiform region of mesoscale convective systems Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(17)SCI Wang Hong(2nd)Applying the WRF double-moment six-class microphysics scheme in the GRAPES_Meso model: A case study Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(2)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Wang Hong(2nd)Evaluating the performance of two surface layer schemes for the momentum and heat exchange processes during severe haze pollution in Jing-Jin-Ji in eastern China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(23)SCI Wang Hong,et al.Contributions to the explosive growth of PM2.5 mass due to aerosol-radiation feedback and decrease in turbulent diffusion during a red alert heavy haze in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei,China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(23)SCI Wang Hongyan,et al.Climatological beam propagation conditions for China Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018,57(1)SCI Wang Peijuan,et al.Crop drought identification index for winter wheat based on evapotranspiration in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,China Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2018,263(5)SCI Wang Peijuan,et al.Monitoring growth condition of spring maize in northeast China using a process-based model International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 2018,66(1)SCI Wang Ping(2nd)Identifying the early 2000s hiatus associated with internal climate variability Scientific Reports 2018,8(9)SCI Wang Ying(2nd)Possible heterogeneous hydroxymethanesulfonate(HMS)chemistry in northern China winter haze and implications for rapid sulfate formation Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion 2018,18(19)SCI Wang Yinjun The performance of a scale-aware nonlocal PBL scheme for the subkilometer simulation of a deep CBL over the Taklimakan Desert Advances in Meteorology 2018,2 Wang Yinjun Variation characteristics of the planetary boundary layer height and its relationship with PM2.5 concentration over the China Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2018,24(3)Wang Yu(2nd)Atmospheric environmental capacity and urban atmospheric load in mainland China Science China Earth Sciences 2018,61(1)SCI Wang Zhili(2nd)Additional intensification of seasonal hot and flooded extreme over China in a 2°C warmer world compared to 1.5°C Earth′s Future 2018,6(7)Wang Zhili(2nd)Larger sensitivities of precipitation extremes in response to aerosol than greenhouse gas forcing in CMIP5 models Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(15)SCI Wang Zhili(3rd)Changes in extreme rainfall over India and China attributed to regional aerosol-cloud interaction during the late 20th century rapid industrialization Geophysical Research letters 2018,45(15)SCI Wei Na Comparison of the effect of easterly and westerly vertical wind shear on tropical cyclone intensity change over the western North Pacific Environmental Research Letters 2018,13(3)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Wei Na,et al.Understanding biases in tropical cyclone intensity forecast error Weather and Forecasting 2018,33(1)SCI Wei Ting Decadal shift in West China autumn precipitation and its association with sea surface temperature Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(2)SCI Wei Wei Intermittent turbulence contributes to vertical dispersion of PM2.5 in the North China Plain: Cases from Tianjin Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(17)SCI Wei Wei(3rd)Characteristics of turbulent transfer during episodes of heavy haze pollution in Beijing in winter 2016/2017 Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(1)SCI Wen Min(2nd)Possible contribution of the inter-annual Tibetan Plateau snow cover variation to the Madden-Julian oscillation convection variability International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(10)SCI Wu Chong,et al.Advances in Chinese dual-polarization and phased-array weather radars: Observational analysis of a supercell in southern China Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2018,DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0078.1 SCI Wu Chong,et al.Statistics-based optimization of the polarimetric radar hydrometeor classification algorithm and its application for a squall line in South China Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2018,35(3)SCI Wu Dingrong,et al.Uncertainty in simulating the impact of cultivar improvement on winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain Journal of meteorological research 2018,32(4)SCI Xia Rudi,et al.Synoptic control of convective rainfall rates and cloud-to-ground lightning frequencies in warm-season mesoscale convective systems over North China Monthly Weather Review 2018,146(3)SCI Xiao Dong,et al.Year-to-year variability of surface air temperature over China in winter International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(4)SCI Xu Wanjun,et al.Long-term trends of surface ozone and its influencing factors at the Mt Waliguan GAW station,China-Part 2: The roles of anthropogenic emissions and climate variability Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(2)SCI Xu Xiangde(2nd)Precursory strong-signal characteristics of the convective clouds of the Central Tibetan Plateau detected by radar echoes with respect to the evolutionary processes of an eastward-moving heavy rainstorm belt in the Yangtze River Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 2018,DOI: 10.1007/s00703-018-0597-2 Xu Xiangde(2nd)Spatio-temporal variations in SO2 and NO2 emissions caused by heating over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region constrained by an adaptive nudging method with OMI data Science of the Total Environment 2018,642(6)SCI Xu XiaoBin,et al.First simultaneous measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN)and ozone at Nam Co in the central Tibetan Plateau: Impacts from the PBL evolution and transport processes Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(8)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Yang Jun,et al.Analyzing of cloud macroscopic characteristics in the Shigatse area of the Tibetan Plateau using the total-sky images Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018,57(9)SCI Yang Jun,et al.Retrieval of atmospheric profiles in the New York state mesonet using one-dimensional variational algorithm Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(7)SCI Yu Rong Facing climate change-related extreme eventsin megacities of China in the context of 1.5 C global warming Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2018,30 SCI Zhai Panmao(2nd)Atmospheric circulation patterns associated with persistent wet-freezing events over southern China International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(10)SCI Zhai Panmao(2nd)Potential influence of the East Asia-Pacific teleconnection pattern on persistent precipitation in South China: Implications of atypical Yangtze River valley cases Weather and Forecasting 2018,33 SCI Zhai Panmao,et al.A review of climate change attribution studies Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,5 SCI Zhang Gen,et al.Characterization of atmospheric trace gases and particulate matter in Hangzhou,China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,1(18)SCI Zhang Hua(2nd)Improving representation of tropical cloud overlap in GCMs based on cloud-resolving model data Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(2)SCI Zhang Hua,et al.Effective radiative forcing and climate response to short-lived climate pollutants under different scenarios Earth′s Future 2018,6(6)SCI Zhang Hua,et al.Influences of the internal mixing of anthropogenic aerosols on global aridity change Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,5 SCI Zhang Wenjuan,et al.Lightning climatology over the northwest Pacific region: An 11-year study using data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network Atmospheric Research 2018,210 SCI Zhang Xiaoye Mitigation of severe urban haze pollution by a precision air pollution control approach Scientific Reports 2018,8(1)SCI Zhang Xiaoye(2nd)Feedback effects of boundary-layer meteorological factors on explosive growth of PM2.5 during winter heavy pollution episodes in Beijing from 2013 to 2016 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(1)SCI Zhang Xiaoye(2nd)Heavy aerosol pollution episodes in winter Beijing enhanced by radiative Atmospheric Research 2018,209(1)SCI Zhang Xiaoye(2nd)Interdecadal changes of summer aerosol pollution in the Yangtze river basin of China,the relative influence of meteorological conditions and the relation to climate change Science of the Total Environment 2018,633(1)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Zhang Xiaoye,et al.Key role of nitrate in phase transitions of urban particles: Implications of important reactive surfaces for secondary aerosol formation Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123 SCI Zhang Xiaoye,et al.The interdecadal worsening of weather conditions affecting aerosol pollution in the Beijing area in relation to climate warming Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018,18(1)SCI Zhang Xiaoye,et al.Variation in MERRA-2 aerosol optical depth over the Yangtze River Delta from 1980 to 2016 Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2018,171(1)SCI Zhang Xiaoye,et al.Variations of haze pollution in China modulated by thermal forcing of the western Pacific warm pool Atmosphere 2018,9(314)SCI Zhang Yang,et al.Characteristics and discharge processes of M events with large current in triggered lightning Radio Science 2018,53 SCI Zhang Yangmei,et al.Chemical components,variation,and source identification of PM1 during the heavy air pollution episodes in Beijing in December 2016 Journal of Meteorological Research 2018,32(1)SCI Zhang Yangmei,et al.Contribution distinguish between emission reduction and meteorological conditions to“Blue Sky”Atmospheric Environment 2018,190(1)SCI Zhang Yi,et al.Higher contributions of uncertainty from global climate models than crop models in maize yield simulations under climate change Meteorological Applications 2018,26(1)SCI Zhao Junfang Variations in climatic suitability and planting regionalization for potato in northern China under climate change PLoS ONE 2018,13(9)SCI Zhao Junfang(3rd)Recent rebound in observational large-pan evaporation driven by heat wave and droughts by the Lower Yellow River Journal of Hydrology 2018,565 SCI Zheng Dong(2nd)A performance evaluation of the World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN)over the Tibetan Plateau Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2018,35(4)SCI Zheng Dong,et al.Properties of negative initial leaders and lightning flash size in a cluster of supercells Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2018,123(22)SCI Zhou Baiquan,et al.Projected changes of thermal growing season over northern Eurasia in a 1.5°C and 2°C warming world Environmental Research Letters 2018,13 SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Altitudinal patterns of maximum plant height on the Tibetan Plateau Journal of Plant Ecology 2018,11(1)SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Climatic suitability of the geographic distribution of stipa breviflora in Chinese temperate grassland under climate change Sustainability 2018,10 SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Growth characteristics of natural and planted Dahurian larch in northeast China Earth System Science Data 2018,10 SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Sensitive indicators of Stipa bungeana response to precipitation under ambient and elevated CO2 concentration International Journal of Biometeorology 2018,14 SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)The relationship between leaf and ecosystem CO2 exchanges in a maize field Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2018,40 SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Using negative soil adjustment factor in soil-adjusted vegetation index(SAVI)for aboveground living biomass estimation in arid grasslands Remote Sensing of Environment 2018,209 SCI Zhou Guangsheng(3rd)Applicability of common stomatal conductance models in maize under varying soil moisture conditions Science of the Total Environment 2018,628-629 SCI Zhou Guangsheng(3rd)Sequence of changes in maize responding to soil water deficit and related critical thresholds Frontiers in Plant Science 2018,9 SCI Zhou Li Maize leaf functional responses to drought episode and rewatering Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2018,249(1)SCI Zhou Lingxi(2nd)Ratios of greenhouse gas emissions observed over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Science of the Total Environment 2018,633(8)SCI Zhu Congwen(2nd)Asymmetric changes of ENSO diversity modulated by the cold tongue mode under recent global warming Geophysical Research Letters 2018,45(22)SCI Zhu Congwen(2nd)Polarized response of East Asian winter temperature extremes in the era of Arctic warming Journal of Climate 2018,31(14)SCI Zhu Congwen(2nd)Subseasonal variation of winter rainfall anomalies over South China during the mature phase of super El Niño events Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2018,11(5)Zuo Zhiyan Land surface air temperature variations over Eurasia and possible causes in the past century International Journal of Climatology 2018,38(4)SCI Zuo Zhiyan(2nd)Seasonal prediction and predictability of Eurasian spring snow water equivalent in NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 reforecasts Climate Dynamics 2018,50(1-2)SCI

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes安兴琴(第2) 伴随模式在追踪污染事件重点源区中的应用—以2015年12 月北京一次污染过程为例 中国环境科学 2018,1(6)安兴琴(第2) 北京一次重污染过程的天气成因及来源分析 中国环境科学 2018,38(10)陈琪等 不同形状冰晶权重假定对冰云光学和辐射特性的影响 气象学报 2018,2程巳阳等 上甸子区域大气本底站NO2 柱浓度光谱反演及其变化特征 光谱学与光谱分析 2018,38(11)SCI程兴宏(第2) 北京不同区域气溶胶辐射效应 应用气象学报 2018,29(5)程兴宏(第2) 基于自适应偏最小二乘回归法的CUACE 模式污染物预报偏差订正改进方法研究 环境科学研究 2018,38(7)丁明虎(第2) FS-J1 四分量净辐射表在北极地区的性能评测 气象科技 2018,46(5)甘衍军(第3) 洪水灾害危险性评价方法的研究与改进 南水北调与水利科技 2018,16(1)郭建平等 典型高温年分期播种冬小麦生育及产量性状差异性分析 中国农业气象 2018,9郭建平等 东北春玉米非线性积温模型参数改进 应用气象学报 2018,2郭建平等 东北地区玉米适应气候变化措施对生产潜力的影响 应用生态学报 2018,6郭建平等 近36年东北地区春玉米气候资源利用率评估 气象与环境科学 2018,2郭建平等 未来气候变化对东北玉米品种布局的影响 应用气象学报 2018,2胡亮 夏季青藏高原对流系统移出高原的气象背景场分析 气象学报 2018,76(6)梁林林等 临安夏季霾和清洁天气PM2.5 化学组成特征比较 环境科学 2018,39(7)刘卫国(第2) 一次对流云团过程结构特征的观测和模拟研究 气象与环境科学 2018,40(4)刘煜 气溶胶对东亚冬季风影响的数值模拟 应用气象学报 2018,29(3)陆天舒等 基于全视野数字图像的能见度估算方法 应用气象学报 2018,29(6)彭新东(第2) GRAPES 模式中三维科氏力计算及其效果评估 气象学报 2018,76(3)孙俊英(第2) 大气气溶胶密度观测研究进展 冰川冻土 2018,40(5)田彪等 新型激光光谱仪测定水样氢氧稳定同位素比率的分析方法与性能研究 中国测试 2018,44(2)王春乙(第2) 近30年中美玉米带生长季干旱特征的差异及成因分析 中国农业气象 2018,39(6)王红艳(第2) 云南多普勒天气雷达网探测冰雹的覆盖能力 应用气象学报 2018,29(3)王培娟等 东北地区春玉米不同发育阶段热量指数时空特征 生态学杂志 2018,37(5)

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes王郁(第2) 中国大陆地区大气环境容量及城市大气环境荷载中国科学:地球科学 2018,48(7)邬定荣 双季早晚稻不同发育阶段日数对温度变化的敏感性比较 中国农业气象 2018,39(3)邬定荣等 近30年华北平原冬小麦有效积温的变化 气象与环境科学 2018,40(2)夏茹娣(第2) 地形、冷池出流和暖湿空气相互作用造成北京一次局地强降水的观测分析 大气科学学报 2018,41(2)徐良韬等 利用起放电模式开展闪电活动直接预报试验 应用气象学报 2018,29(5)徐晓斌(第2) 北京城区冬春季过氧化氢浓度变化特征 应用气象学报 2018,29(4)尹金方 蒙西地区不同边界层参数化方案的近地层风场预报效果评估中山大学学报.(自然科学版)2018,57(4)尹金方 面向资料同化的S 波段双偏振雷达质量控制 应用气象学报 2018,29(5)尹金方等 东亚区域大气再分析技术研究及资料集建设 气象科技进展 2018,8(1)张华(第2) 不同污染条件下气溶胶对短波辐射通量影响的模拟研究 气象学报 2018,5张华(第2) 不同云重叠参数对全球和东亚地区模拟总云量的影响 气象学报 2018,5张阳(第2) NBE 和IBP 始发的闪电初始特征 应用气象学报 2018,29(3)赵俊芳 基于APSIM 模型评估北方八省春玉米生产对气候变化的响应 中国农业气象 2018,39(2)赵俊芳 基于遥感和FORCCHN 的中国森林生态系统NPP 及生态服务功能评估 生态环境学报 2018,27(9)赵俊芳 我国气溶胶污染对农作物影响研究进展 气象科技进展 2018,8(5)赵俊芳等 基于MODIS 和AERONET 的气溶胶地表直接辐射效应评价 中国农业气象 2018,39(11)赵琳娜 基于重组降水集合预报的洪水概率预报 应用气象学报 2018,28(5)周广胜(第2) 春玉米持续干旱过程中常用气孔导度模型的比较研究 生态学报 2018,38(19)周广胜(第2) 干旱对夏玉米苗期叶片权衡生长的影响 生态学报 2018,38(5)周广胜(第2) 辽宁地区玉米耗水量与产量的关系 干旱地区农业研究 2018,36(1)周广胜(第2) 双季稻主要气象灾害研究进展 应用气象学报 2018,29(4)周广胜(第2) 未来气候情景下黄淮海平原不同灌溉制度的产量补偿效应模拟 中国农业气象 2018,39(4)周广胜(第2) 夏玉米对土壤水分持续减少的响应及其转折点阈值分析 生态学报 2018,38(8)

作者Author(rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or publisher年,卷(期)Year,Volume(Issue)备注Notes周广胜(第2) 夏玉米叶片气体交换参数对干旱过程的响应 生态学报 2018,38(7)周广胜(第2) 夏玉米叶片水分变化与光合作用和土壤水分的关系 生态学报 2018,38(1)周广胜(第2) 植被含水量高光谱遥感监测研究进展 植物生态学报 2018,42(5)周莉 C4 植物玉米的光合-光响应曲线模拟研究 植物生态学报 2018,41(12)周莉 华南地区经济林果寒害研究进展 中国生态农业学报 2018,26(4)周凌晞(第2) 春季中国近海海表大气中六氟化硫的分布特征 海洋环境科学 2018,37(3)周凌晞(第2) 光腔衰荡光谱法走航连续观测海表大气中氧化亚氮 环境科学学报 2018,38(9)


Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century
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