

中国气象科学研究院年报 2018年0期


On 19 January 2018,the 2018 Annual Meeting of CAMS was held,attended by CAMS Management Group and the entire staff.In his working report,CAMS President,Dr.Duan Yihong,reviewed the achieved progresses of CAMS both in 2017 and over the past five years.He also announced the plans and arrangement for scientific innovation and core technologies promotion in 2018.The CAMS awardees and distinguished youths in 2017 were commended at the meeting.


On 3 January 2018,the Summing-up Meeting(i.e.the 2018 Working Seminar)for the“Third Tibetan Plateau Scientific Experiment on Atmosphere—Boundary Layer and Troposphere Observation”project was held.The project steering committee experts attended the meeting,including Prof.Zhou Xiuji and Prof.Wu Guoxiong,Academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),etc.After the five task group heads delivered the project review reports,the Project Steering Committee experts affirmed the outcomes of the project and also raised pertinent advice and suggestions for such agenda items as outcome summary,completion preparation,etc.


On 4 January 2018,CMA released its list of first field bases for scientific experiment,among which two bases belonged to CAMS: one is the Agrometeorological Test Station in Gucheng(established in 1998)and the other is the Lightning Field Station in Conghua of Guangzhou(established in 2005).The above two stations have well developed their observing fields,scientific experiments,instruments and equipment,as well as human resource,the observation experiments and data of which have provided strong support to meteorological science innovation and research.


On 16 January 2018,the CMA Weather Modification Centre(WMC)held its 2017 Annual Summing-up Meeting for the industry research project“Random Field Experiment of Rain Enhancement and Result Verification Technologies”.The meeting was chaired by Dr.Li Jiming,the project leader,and attended by those sub-branch leaders and relevant core researchers,as well as the directors for provincial weather modification offices.Dr.Yao Zhanyu,the chief technical researcher for the project,introduced the project progresses during 2014-2017,including optimized schemes in each experiment region,accumulated samples in four experiment regions,etc.All sub-branch leaders also introduced relevant progresses.


On 22 January 2018,the three-year long industry research project“South China Monsoon Strong Rainfall Field Experiment and Studies”was successfully approved with positive peer review.The project was led by Prof.Zhang Renhe,CAMS Researcher and Academician of CAS,and co-sponsored by CAMS,CMA Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology,CMA Wuhan Institute of Heavy Rain,and Peking University.The project investigated on the mechanism of rainstorms in South China from various aspects,the outcomes of which have improved understanding of the trigger mechanism for rainstorms in pre-summer flood period in South China,and in-cloud micro physics evolution characteristics in rainfall processes.

2018年1月30—31日,气科院2017年度学术年会在北京召开。来自世界气象组织(WMO)、国内科研业务单位、相关高校的专家学者和研究生400余人参加了此次年会。曾庆存、张远航、徐祥德、许健民等院士和欧阳志云研究员做了特邀报告,WMO的Paolo Ruti和Julia Keller博士介绍了WMO的WWRP发展计划和YESS项目。专家学者们在“灾害天气研究”等5个专题分会上进行了76个口头报告交流。

On 30-31 January 2018,the 2017 Annual Academic Meeting of CAMS was held in Beijing.More than 400 experts and graduates attended the meeting,coming from World Meteorological Administration(WMO),institutes in China,universities and colleges,etc.Zeng Qingcun,Academician from CAS,and Zhang Yuanhang,Xu Xiangde,Xu Jianmin,Academicians from CAE,as well as Ouyang Zhiyun,CAS Researcher,delivered invited presentations.Dr.Paolo Ruti and Dr.Julia Keller from WMO introduced the WWRP program and YESS project.76 Oral presentations in five parallel sessions such as“Severe Weather Studies”were delivered by the participating experts.


On 9 February 2018,the Working Seminar for Capacity Development of Weather Modification in Northwest China was held in Beijing.Dr.Yu Yong,CMA Deputy Administrator,as well as weather modification experts from National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)of China,Peking University,CMA and provincial meteorological services,attended the meeting.Discussion was held focusing on project design and implementation plans in 2018.The meeting was chaired by Dr.Li Jiming,Vice President of CAMS.


On 24 February 2018,Prof.Zuo Zhiyan,CAMS Researcher,was awarded Young Talent by the Third National“10000 Talents Plan”of China.Prof.Zuo Zhiyan has been studying the mechanism of East Asian climate change and variability as well as land surface processes,bringing forward a set of novel academic insights to the studies of climate change and variability over East Asia.She reported the unique characteristics of surface heating over Asian landmass in comparison with the surrounding regions and the significant role of non-uniform heating between Asian landmass and adjacent regions on the Asian monsoon as well as climate change and variability at multi-time scales over East Asia.Prof.Zuo Zhiyan disclosed the physical process of how the slow-varied land surface parameters,such as soil moisture,snow cover and vegetation,affect the East Asian climate.These studies provided valuable information to the Chinese government’s think-tank in acting on the climate change challenge as well the short-term climate prediction.

截至2018年3月,经过1年多的测试,由气科院自主研发建设的新一代超低温气象站运行稳定,数据连续,并可记录到-78.9 ℃的极低温度。此次野外试验的成功,标志着我国继澳大利亚和美国之后,成为第3个有能力在南极超低温地区开展连续自动气象观测的国家,这为我国实现全球观测战略奠定技术支撑。

By March 2018,with more than one year’s testing,the next-generation meteorological station developed independently by CAMS that could function in ultralow temperatures has realized stable running with consecutive transmission of observation data,the recorded extreme low temperature reaching -78.9 ℃.The success of such field experiment marked China’s status as the third country in the world to own the capability of consecutive automatic meteorological observation in the ultralow temperature environment of Antarctica,closely following Australia and USA,which would contribute to the global observation network.


On 8 March 2018,an eight-member delegation led by Mr.Wang Bohua,the CEO of INSPUR,visited CAMS for collaboration.Dr.Duan Yihong,CAMS President,hosted the discussion,which was attended by Dr.Xu Xiaofeng,CAMS Researcher,Prof.Zhou Guangsheng,CAMS Vice President,relevant directors for institutes under CAMS,etc.The two sides discussed over the potential joint establishment of laboratory for numerical model research,as well as joint development of meteorological big data and cloud service centre,etc.


On 11 March 2018,the Establishment of Academic Committee for Institute of Polar Meteorology,CAMS(i.e.Workshop for Polar Meteorology Development)was held.Dr.Qin Dahe,Academician of CAS,was invited to serve as Director of the Committee while six renowned experts both home and abroad were invited as the committee members,including Profs.Bian Lingen,Cheng Xiao,Liu Jiping,Xiao Cunde,Zhao Ping and Zhang Xiangdong.During the meeting,Dr.Zheng Xiangdong,CAMS Researcher and Dr.Ding Minghu,CAMS Associate Researcher reported on the history,current status and development plans of the Institute.Discussions were held among the committee members about the responsibilities,key directions as well as difficulties.


On 29 March 2018,CAMS organized the Workshop on Implementation of South China Sea Monsoon Experiment,which was chaired by Dr.Wen Min,CAMS Researcher and Director for Division of Science and Technology Management.Dr.Duan Yihong,CAMS President and experts from participating institutes attended the workshop.Prof.Luo Yali,CAMS Researcher and the project lead,introduced the scientific objectives,observation layout,research contents as well as main plans in 2018 for the project.Experts from participating provincial meteorological services introduced relevant observation infrastructures and conditions,in particular observation conditions on the South China Sea.The participants discussed over the implementation plan of the experiment and confirmed the short-term working objectives.


On 9-10 April 2018,Dr.Huo Zhiguo and Dr.Wang Peijuan,CAMS Researchers from the team of agro-climatic resources and disaster prevention,went to Wei County of Zhangjiakou,Hebei Province(the main district for apricot pit production in China),to investigate the low temperature damage to apricot pit production in flowering season and give advice to orchard farmers on disaster prevention and management.The two experts discussed with the local government for proactive measures in meteorological disaster warning for forest fruit planting and disaster preparedness research.


On 12 April 2018,CAMS held discussions with National Meteorological Centre(NMC)of CMA,focusing on the gridded forecasting network with smart seamless coverage,demand by operational weather forecasts for science and technology,integrated operations and researches,as well as the collaboration mechanism,etc.The discussions were chaired by Ms.Wang Jianjie,Director General of NMC,and a six-member CAMS group led by Dr.Duan Yihong as well as directors from relevant institutes of NMC attended the discussions.


On 16 April 2018,Dr.Duan Yihong,CAMS president,led the CAMS group for a visit to Beijing Municipal Meteorological Service for discussions over Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games preparation tasks.The discussion was chaired by Mr.Yao Xuexiang,Director General for Winter Olympic Game Meteorological Centre.The two sides discussed over climate background prediction,snow production support,research project application,etc.Dr.Duan Yihong expressed that CAMS would focus on the key scientific and technological issues from the actual demand to provide full support for the preparation work.


On 25 April 2018,CAMS,in collaboration with CMA Meteorological Observation Centre,Guangdong Provincial Meteorological Service,Nanjing University,as well as Hong Kong Observatory,held in Guangzhou the Workshop on the Coordinated Observation Experiments over Monsoon/Typhoon Strong Precipitation in South China Sea.Experts from the participating agencies introduced outcomes from the observation experiments in 2017 and discussed about the observation scheme for monsoon/typhoon strong precipitation in 2018.All agencies emphasized enhanced cooperation and shared information,to further improve the coordinated observation and key technology development for an increased international significance.


On 19-26 May,the 2018 Weekly Activities of Meteorological Science and Technology were held,with the theme of“Make the Nation Powerful in Science and Technology,Meteorology Provides Full Support”,in which CAMS hosted the exhibition of“Fundamental Research in Atmospheric Science”.CAMS also organized Working and Academic Seminars of CAMS and Research Institutes,etc.CAMS was awarded Excellent Organizer for the activity.


On 14-15 May 2018,the Third Academic Workshop hosted by CAMS-NUIST(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology)Joint Centre on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Research was held in Nanjing.The Workshop focused on MJO physics and numerical modeling,sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction theories and methods,etc.Prof.Wang Bin,Prof.Yang Xiuqun,Prof.Yang Song and Dr.Chen Wen delivered invited presentations while 28 oral presentations and 41 graduate posters were also given.The workshop was chaired by Prof.Li Tianming and Dr.Zhu Congwen,heads of the Joint Centre.


On 29 May 2018,Mr.Wang Rui,Director of Electronic Computation Institute of China Academy of Railway Sciences,led his group for the visit to CAMS.Mr.Yu Fei,Deputy Director of CAMS Research Centre for Practical Meteorology(RCPM),introduced CAMS and research outcome transfer.He also demonstrated the system model for the bullet train meteorological disaster warning.The two sides discussed about potential cooperation in for meteorological monitoring and warning in bullet train system.

2018年5月,在WMO第4届沙尘暴国际预警咨询系统(SDS-WAS)会议上,气科院张小曳研究员当选为新一届SDSWAS 指导委员会主席。这充分表明中国科学家在沙尘暴研究领域所做出的工作得到国际上的充分认可,是中国继竞争成为SDS-WAS亚洲区域中心(Asian RC)、SDS-WAS预报亚洲区域业务中心(RSMC-ASDF)后,在国际沙尘暴科研和业务预报领域取得的又一重要进展。

In May 2018,the Fourth International Workshop on WMO Sand/Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System(SDS-WAS)was held,when Prof.Zhang Xiaoye,CAMS Researcher,was elected Chair of SDS-WAS Steering Committee,a strong recognition from the international community for Chinese scientists in their contribution to the sand/dust storm research work.This is another significant progress in the international sand/dust storm research and operational forecast after China’s designation as SDS-WAS Asian Regional Centre,as well as SDS-WAS RSMC-ASDF.

2018年6月12—13日,灾害天气国家重点实验/卫星研究与应用联合中心在北京组织召开快速辐射传输模式研讨会。会议由翁富忠教授主持。与会专家学者围绕辐射传输求解方案,气溶胶、云与降水散射吸收模拟, 地表表面发射率和反射率等议题展开研讨。会议邀请和吸引了来自相关科研机构、高校的120余位代表出席。

On 12-13 June 2018,the Workshop on Fast Radiative Transfer Model was held in Beijing by LASW/Joint Centre for Satellite Research and Applications(JCSRA),chaired by Prof.Weng Fuzhong.The participating scientists reported thr progresess and discussed on the radiative transfer schemes,modeling of aerosol,cloud and precipitation scattering and absorption,land surface emissivity and reflectivity models.Over 120 participants from relevant research institutes and universities attended the workshop.


On 22 July 2018,the Initiation Meeting for China’s Agriculture Encyclopedia-Agrometeorology Volume Editing Work was held in Beijing.30 experts and officials from 20 working units in China attended the meeting,including China Meteorological Administration,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ministry of Education,etc.The meeting was chaired by Prof.Zhou Guangsheng,CAMS Vice President and Researcher,as well as Editor-in-Chief for the book.The framework and item list of the book were discussed and amended.


On 20 July 2018,the Assessment for Scientific Outcomes was held by Chinese Meteorological Society,in which the Modern Ark 60 Rain Enhancement Aircraft System developed by CMA Weather Modification Centre(WMC)was approved as an internationally advanced and domestically leading outcome.Since its application,the system has played significant roles in drought combat,big emergency response events,the Hangzhou G20 Summit,etc.

在国际极地科学研究过程中,青年科学家非常活跃并发挥了巨大作用,他们组建了极地青年科学家协会(APECS),并在几十个国家中建立了分会。2018年8月1日,中国极地青年科学家协会(APECS China)筹建会议暨第1届理事会会议在甘肃敦煌召开。来自国内22个单位的35名青年科学家参加了会议,会上气科院丁明虎副研究员当选中国极地青年科学家协会第1届理事会主席。

The young scientists have played an active and significant role in the international polar research.The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists(APECS)has been established,together with its sub-branches in many countries.On 1 August 2018,the Establishment of APECS China(i.e.the First Council Session)was held in Dunhuang,Gansu.35 young scientists from 22 institutes in China attended the meeting,when Dr.Ding Minghu,CAMS Associate Researcher,was elected Chair for the First Council of APECS China.


On 3 August 2018,the project“Aerosol Optical Properties & Direct Radiative Forcing and Its Climatic and Environmental Effects”applied in the lead of Dr.Che Huizheng,CAMS Researcher,was approved for sponsorship by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2018,being the first CAMS scientist to be awarded such fund.Dr.Che developed the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network(CASRSNET),which consists of resources from multiple departments,including meteorological services,environmental protection bureaus,Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as relevant universities.He proposed and established the internationally recognized methods of radiometric calibration and data processing and revealed key optical properties over multiple regions in China,as well as their interaction with climate and fog-haze mechanism.These research findings are widely used in the validation of satellites and models both home and abroad and the study in assessing climate and environmental effect of aerosol.So far,Dr.Che has published 130 peer-reviewed papers including 49 international SCI papers as first/corresponding author.The total number of citation is 3000 from Web of Science.Dr.Che received“Zou Jingmeng Award for Talents in Meteorological Science and Technology”,“Xie Yibing Youth Meteorological Science and Technology Award”,“China Young Aerosol Scientist Award”,“National Outstanding Young Meteorological Science and Technology Worker”.

2018年8月4日,灾害天气国家重点实验室2018年人工引雷试验顺利结束,在广州高建筑物雷电观测站已捕捉到128次个例,其中300 m 以上的高建筑物闪电个例达27例,为历年最高。本年度人工引雷试验主要关注雷电发生发展的物理过程以及雷电放电所引起的电磁效应。根据观测需要,新建近距离光学观测点1个,可有效提升对人工触发闪电通道起始阶段的观测能力。

On 4 August 2018,the 2018 artificially triggered lightning experiment by LASW/CAMS was successfully completed,which collected 128 lightning detection cases from stations on high buildings in Guangzhou,including 27 lightning cases detected from stations on buildings over 300 metres,highest record over the past years.The experiment in 2018 focused mainly on the physical process of lightning occurrence and development,as well as the electromagnetic effect by lightning discharge.For observation requirement,a new optical observation site within short distance was established,to improve the observation capability of the initial stage for artificially triggered lightning passage.


On 18-20 August 2018,two CAMS meteorologists who joined the Meteorological Team of China’s Ninth Arctic Expedition,Dr.Zhang Dongqi and Dr.Zhang Lei,completed the setting-up of two drifting Automatic Weather Stations in their expedition,with joint effort by the team.Data from the two stations have been transmitted through satellite,having been proved reliable.Establishment of the two stations indicates the continous supplement for lack of real-time observation data from the Arctic Ocean,providing data base for the scientific research in Arctic meteorology and climatology.


On 5-6 September 2018,the Scientific Conference for the 60th Anniversary of Weather Modification Work in China was held in Xi’an.Over 300 officials and experts from relevant agencies and institutes,local governments,universities and enterprises attended the meeting,including Dr.Yu Yong,CMA Deputy Administrator and Dr.Sun Ke,Vice President of Shaanxi Provincial Association for Science and Technology.The meeting was chaired by Dr.Li Jiming,CAMS Vice President.The Participants discussed over the key progresses in weather modification work and the future development in this area.20 experts were commended during the meeting for their great contributions to weather modification development in China while an exhibition of weather modification outcomes over the 60 years was also held.

2018年9月10—13日,利用台风“百里嘉”与“山竹”接连登陆我国的时机,华南季风/台风强降水协同观测科学试验项目及时开展了飞机针对台风天气的大气探测。“空中国王”飞机搭载先进的云微物理探测和气溶胶理化特性探测等设备,对台风外围云系开展共约9 小时的飞机探测,为探测工作提供了技术支撑。

On 10-13 September 2018,during the landing period of severe tropical storm Barijat and super typhoon Mangkhut on China,the project of“Coordinated Observation Experiments over Monsoon/Typhoon Strong Precipitation in South China Sea”conducted air-borne atmospheric sounding for typhoon.The Kingair was loaded with advanced equipment such as cloud microphysics sounder,aerosol physical and chemical properties detector,etc.,which completed air-borne sounding for nine hours in total,providing strong technical support.


On 21 September 2018,the Key Laboratory of Cloud-Precipitation Physics and Severe Storm(LACS)of CAS,Beijing Key Laboratory of Cloud,Precipitation,and Atmospheric Water Resources ,as well as Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics of CMA jointly signed the Agreement for Coordinated Innovation.Dr.Yu Yong,CMA Deputy Administrator and leaders of the above three Laboratories attended the signing ceremony.Cooperation will be developed among the Laboratories for numerical modeling,field experiments and supporting service,laboratory experiments,comprehensive field experiment,new methods of weather modification sounding,as well as operation equipment,etc.

2018年10月,第九届中国技术市场协会金桥奖揭晓,由气科院副院长周广胜研究员主持的“生态气象监测评估预警及其业务化”项目获此殊荣。该项目围绕三江源地区生态安全的气象服务需求,基于实际蒸散与植物生态生理特点的植被生产力模型(被冠名为周广胜模型)创建了青海省生态气象监测评估预警技术,并广泛应用于青海省农业气象业务。周广胜模型解决了国际著名Chikugo模型不适于干旱半干旱区的问题,基于该模型的研究论文发表在Global Change Biology(影响因子8.444)等知名学术期刊,相关成果被政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)收录,并选入中国科学院大学研究生教材。

In October 2018,result of the Ninth Golden Bridge Award of China Technical Market Association was released,and the project“Eco-meteorological Monitoring,Assessment,Early Warning and Operationalization”chaired by Prof.Zhou Guangsheng,CAMS Vice President and Researcher,won the award.Based on actual evapotranspiration and plant eco-physiological characteristics,a new natural vegetation productivity model(endowed Zhou Guangsheng Model)was established,upon which the monitoring,assessment and early warning technology in ecological meteorology in Qinghai was developed and widely applied in the agrometeorological operation in that province.Zhou Guangsheng Model has solved the issue that the internationally renowned Chikugo Model does not apply to the arid and semi-arid areas.The research papers based on this model are published in the well-known academic journals such asGlobal Change Biology(impact factor 8.444).The relevant results are included in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)and selected into the postgraduate textbook of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.


On 14-18 November 2018,CAMS attended the 20th China Hi-Tech Fair,as part of the Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST)delegation,during which model of cloud precipitation radar observing system and the model of Modern Ark 60 rain enhancement aircraft were exhibited.Dr.Hu Zhiqun,CAMS Researcher,and Dr.Zhou Xu introduced to visitors the application of radar sounding technologies in severe weather monitoring and warning,as well as the theory and process of weather modification.

2018年11月5—17日,国内首套“闪电成像阵列”(LMA:Lightning Mapping Array)在广州雷电野外科学试验基地落户。该阵列由美国研制,用于雷暴电过程的实时无遗漏精细化三维探测。灾害天气国家重点实验室雷电团队此次引进并架设组网的LMA阵列共有10个子站,布设在试验基地周围50 km 范围,用于人工触发闪电的精确定位,所获取的相关资料将具有非常重要的科研价值。

On 5-17 November 2018,the first set of Lightning Mapping Array(LMA)in China was installed in the lightning field test base in Guangzhou,which was developed by the US agencies and applied for the three-dimensional real-time seamless sounding of thunderstorms.The lightning research team of LASW/CAMS took the responsibility of introducing this LMA and establishing the network,which consisted of 10 sites and was deployed within 50 km.This LMA is for the accurate location of artificially triggered lightning,the data of which is of great value to relevant scientific research.

根据2018年12月有关消息,由气科院院长端义宏研究员等主持完成的“台风监测预报系统关键技术”项目荣获2018年国家科技进步二等奖。该项目在多源资料同化方法和技术、初值形成技术和物理过程参数化技术等方面取得突破,建立了台风数值预报系统,由 海、陆、空多个方面对台风进行立体观测,使我国的台风预报水平大幅提高。项目还建立了亚太地区最完整的台风多源资料数据库,其数据集被世界气象组织全球热带气旋资料库IBTrACS收录。该项目成果已应用于我国各级气象部门,并被推广至亚太区域的其他国家使用,标志着我国台风数值预报水平跻身世界先进行列。

Information in December 2018 showed that the project“Key Technologies of Typhoon Monitoring and Forecasting System”,which was led by Dr.Duan Yihong,CAMS President and Researcher,together with other experts,won the Second Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award of China.The project has made several breakthroughs in multi-source data assimilation methods and technologies,initial value formation as well as physics parameterization,etc.,which has established a typhoon numerical prediction system,with a three-dimensional observing system of ocean,land and air,significantly improving the typhoon forecasting capability in China.The project has also developed the most complete multi-source data base for typhoon in the Asian-Pacific Region,the data set of which has been recruited by the WMO IBTrACS Data Base for global tropical cyclones.The research outcomes of the project has been applied widely in relevant meteorological services in China and also introduced to other countries in the Asian-Pacific Region,marking an advanced capability of China’s typhoon prediction in the world.


In 2018 CAMS won: one Second Prize of“National Science and Technology Progress Award of China”(Duan Yihong),one“Golden Bridge Award of China Technical Market Association”(Zhou Guangsheng),one First Prize of“Outcomes in Meteorological Scientific and Technological Advancement”(Li Ying),two Second Prize of“Science &Technology Award of Jiangsu Province”(Wang Hongyan,Liu Liping),one Second Prize of“Science &Technology Advancement Award of Henan Province”(Ma Yuping),one Third Prize of“Science &Technology Advancement Award of Liaoning Province”(Guo Jianping),one Young Talent by the Third National“10000 Talents Plan”of China(Zuo Zhiyan),one“Zoujingmeng Award for Talents in Meteorological Science and Technology”(Che Huizheng),one“National Leading Accounting Talent ”(Yan Lihua),one“Young Scientist Award of Shi Yafeng Cryosphere and Environment Fund”(Ding Minghu),two“National Distinguished Meteorological Scientific and Technological Youths”(Zheng Dong,Shen Xiaojing),one CMA“Individual of Excellence for Meteorological Service of Significant Events”(Liu Boqi),two“Applied Patents”(Ding Minghu,Tian Biao).

