《菊花雄鸡》 齐白石 99.5×46.4cm 中国画 中国美术馆藏
Rooster by Chrysanthemumportrays white petal and yellow pistil of the flower, red crown and black feathers of the rooster, mixed with brown colors. The rooster put away right foot and took the left,strolling under the chrysanthemum with happiness. The style of QI Baishi in depicting the chrysanthemum was pale and relaxing, and that of the rooster was clumsy and simple, fully portraying its thickness and steadiness. The posture and expression of the rooter’s eyes were most vivid and conveyed a kind of witty humor, reflecting his close observation of rural life. He wrote on the upper right of the painting:"A temporary artwork by burning midnight oil",showing his strong interest in painting under the light.