

世界建筑 2018年6期


Original Architect: Wilhelm Neumann, Architects of the reconstruction: processoffice, Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture

1 外景/Exterior views






在室外,新的附属部分由公园中一处微妙、活泼的地标显示出来:圆形剧场风格的黄铜楼梯支撑起地下展厅带玻璃屋顶的广场。屋顶将美术馆的室内活动展示出来,并为展厅提供自然光。□ (尚晋译)

2 外景/Exterior views

A task to design a reconstruction and extension of the National Museum of Art of Latvia might paralyze one with the weight of responsibilities. Besides the prominence of being a house for the State's art history,the museum, built in 1905 is one of the most precious architectural monuments in Riga and Latvia. The reconstruction should have preserved these values providing the museum with a new efficient plan and premises that would fit to the extended museum's program, enriched with educational, social and cultural activities. To top it all, the extension should have provided a contemporary landmark in the city.

The glove was taken up successfully by young Lithuanians "Process office" and "Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture". Fresh yet respectful concept highlighting the original building, complemented with an underground annex, working as a public space at the street's level was selected as the best proposal at the international competition. Six years after, the museum was opened to the public, exposing 40,000 artefacts and the intriguing combination of old and new architecture.

The building of the Latvian National Museum of Art, designed by the museum's first director, the Baltic German architect and art historian Wilhelm Neumann(1849–1919), is an architectural monument of national importance and has served its purpose without major repair for 105 years. While optimizing the use of the existing spaces, adding new links, the architects favoured retention of the original building capacity and authentic details, preserving its architectural image and the undeniable visual dominance in the city.

The new functional strategy resulted in re-use of old derelict premises - administrative block was arranged instead of previous storerooms, empty attic converted into a new exhibition space, the roof accommodated with public terrace etc. The new program – exhibition halls,restaurant, conference, and educational rooms – is fitted in the new underground annex in the park, connected directly with the old building. Opting for an almost invisible intervention, ceding the stage to the historic building isn't something that one could expect from young and ambitious contemporary architects. However,due to ingenious design and functional solutions, careful detailing, a balance between keeping silent, respectful,but obviously modern was created in the new part of the museum. Moreover, the harmonious contrast between flamboyant abundance of baroque and classicism of Neumann's architecture and laconic, minimalistic palette of shapes, colours and materials of the new premises builds up intrigue and acts as a foil to the work of the both teams of the architects of different centuries.

3 首层平面/Ground floor plan

4 地下层平面/Floor B1 plan

5 剖面/Sections

6.7 内景/Interior views

The entrance, connecting the old and the new parts provides one more attraction to the visitors.The descending ramp reveals museum's archives and workshops: the myriads of rows of paintings, other artefacts and processes of restoration are exposed through a glazed wall.

Outside, the presence of new annex is given away by a subtle, playful landmark in the park: the square of the glazed roof of the underground exhibition hall is framed by brass amphitheatre-style stairs. The roof exposes the inner life of the museum and provides natural light to the exhibition hall. □ (Text by Rūta Leitanaitė)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 里加市财政局/Riga City Council Property Department

新扩建/New Extension: 3个展厅,艺术品仓库,修复车间,技术支持部/3 exhibition halls, artwork storages,restoration workshops, supporting and technical premises.

改建建筑师/Architects: Processoffice: Vytautas Biekša,Rokas Kilčiauskas, Marius Kanevičius, Giedrius Špogis, Ježi Stankevič, Austė Kuliešiūtė, Miglė Nainytė, Giedrė Datenytė,Mantas Petraitis, Sandra Dumčiūtė, Povilas Marozas,Sandra Šlepikaitė. Andrius Skiezgelas Architecture: Andrius Skiezgelas, Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Rasa Mizaraitė

改建施工/Restoration: Arhitektoniskās Izpētes Grupa:Artūrs Lapiņš, Marina Mihailova, Guntars Jansons

结构工程/Structural Engineering: Engineers' office Būve un Forma: Jānis Prauliņš, Jānis Krasts, Kaspars Šņore, Olga Opolčenova, Solvita Šņore, Māris Grāvītis

总面积/Total Area: 8249m²

公共空间/Public Space: 2500m²

建设周期/Period: 美术馆重建于2010年5月25日动工,2015年12月1日竣工/Reconstruction of the museum was announced on 25 May 2010, reconstruction was finished on 1 December 2015.

预算/Budget: €34,000,000

摄影/Photos: Norbert Tukaj




ZHANG Lufeng: It is not uncommon to see a new expansion to an old museum. It also is not a fresh concept to show respect for the old architecture by designing an underground expansion. The points truly worthy of discussion are: How do we enter the new area? How is the old building be connected to the expansion? How is the basement being designed? In this project, the new expansion can be entered from the old building via a gold, foil-covered ramp. This ramp is a masterstroke; it interconnects to the magnificent baroque style lobby in a way which is eye-catching and renders itself to a modern abstract sculpture.

Walking down to next floor, another stairway leading directly to the basement is revealed. Its bare concrete texture indicates the style of the new underground expansion. A square hall with a glass rooftop is the focal point of the underground space,functioning as a lighthouse by providing the irregularly shaped basement with an anchor point. Additionally,the glass rooftop doubles as a sunken square in the ground, natural and subtle. It is surrounded by steps so that people can relax on it and watch the people walking around in the underground hall. This interface unveils the invisible new expansion of the museum and acts as a crystal pool, connecting the ground and the underground. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

8 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

9 三层平面/Floor 2 plan

10 四层平面/Floor 3 plan

伊尔泽·帕克隆:在首都里加由公园和林荫道形成的环状绿带上,拉脱维亚国家美术馆的历史文物建筑及其扩建部分是最令人印象深刻的地点之一。尽管展厅的结构与尺寸足够满足20世纪初欧洲美术馆的标准要求,建筑的时新性、扩建的可能性、对不断变动的艺术场景的适应性,在美术馆最初建设的时期就业已置入商讨议程。百年时间以后,置于地下楼层的展陈空间扩建看来是处理现存历史建筑的一种合理回应,却也引起了关于完全隐藏新建结构的做法是否过于尊重历史建筑存留的热议。(陈茜 译)

Ilze Paklone: The monumental building of the Latvian National Museum of Art and its extension is one of the most impressive on the ring of parks and boulevards in Riga. Though the structure and the dimensions of the exhibition rooms correspond to the requirements of an art museum at the beginning of the 20th century Europe, the novelty and potential to extend the building, as well as to adapt it to the ever changing scene of art was already under discussion at the moment of building the museum. After hundred years the choice of an extension of the exhibition spaces under the ground level came as a logical reaction to the existent, again causing heated debates that the new hidden structure is almost giving too much respect to the historical substance.

11 内景/Interior views

12 内景/Interior views

13 内景/Interior views


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