

世界建筑 2018年6期


Architect: Arches

1 外景/Exterior view

2 模型/Model






优雅的建筑美学,是藉由极简的建筑手法和一丝不苟的细节设计来实现的。□(黄华青 译)

3 夜景/Night view

Featuring picturesque hilly relief, abundant green areas in the whole territory and, unfortunately,high level of urban sprawl, Vilnius is one of the sparsely urbanised capitals in Europe. While the city is struggling with the outcomes such as mobility, social welfare, economic and infrastructural challenges,promoting compactness, the citizens are still enjoying possibilities to live in a dream. This dream features an individual house with a plot of the land, preferably isolated from the neighbours and close to the city's attractions and services.

Villa on the valley in Vilnius is one of the incarnation of those dreams. And, the dreams not only of the owners,but of the architects as well, must be added. Quoting the architects, they were granted with a chance, credits and tools to opt for the ultimate quality of living environment and innovative design in an exceptional environment.

The Villa is located on the slope of prehistoric bank of the river, which today is part of Pavilniai regional park. The beauty and serenity of the location is striking even more, when knowing that there's a densely built residential area, adjacent hospital and a busy street in a close vicinity.

Due to the regulations of the Park, the villa was built on the location of the former wooden homestead, which burned several years ago. It overlooks the valley at the same time exposing itself as a strong statement of contemporary architecture.The irregular shape of the house corresponds to the landscape. The ground floor is partly hidden in the slope and thanks to the black shale finish, it"disappears" in the shadows, making the building visually smaller. The first floor volume, finished with natural wood, celebrates expressive, yet laconic,forms of volumes that interprets the silhouette of a traditional sloped house.

The interior spaces are smartly orientated towards the most precious views in such a way that almost every room has its own open-air terrace. The terraces and courtyards are arranged in different levels, providing privacy, enabling to enjoy both morning and evening sun.

Elegant aesthetics is achieved with minimal architectural means, yet very meticulous implementation of every detail. □ (Text by Rūta Leitanaitė)




HAN Linfei: The "Villa on the Valley" in Vilnius is located in the Pavilniai Regional Park, along the bank of a river. The architecture is designed so that it seems like it overlooks the valley. The ground floor is styled to look"hidden"; its facade is covered with shale slabs and it's placed partially under the sloping fields, which creates the feeling that the building is floating. The upper floor and its rooftop utilise natural wooden materials. The form of the house is echoed through its irregular pitched roofs, which have been cut simply and firmly to show the power of the building. This allows the gabled roofs,a distinctive feature of Lithuanian chalets, to be on full display. Due to the uneven ground level, the windows face in different directions giving views of diverse elevations and orientations. The interior uses the best orientation of the landscape to offer a panoramic view and almost every room features an outdoor terrace.From inside the building, a substantial number of continuous open windows enable the natural scenery outdoors to unveil gradually as if unfolding a scroll.Such design style creates harmony between indoors and outdoors. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

项目信息/Credits and Data

类型/Type: 独栋别墅/Single Family Villa

面积/Area: 416m2

摄影/Photos: Norbert Tukaj

4 平面图/Plans

5 剖面/Sections

6 概念方案/Schemes

7-10 内景/Interior views




Anamaria Andritoiu: The dynamic shapes for both the plan and the overall volume of the building are organic and congruent with the surrounding landscape. This, along with natural choice of exterior finishing, stone and wood help the building blend into the natural environment.

The perpendicular orientation of the first floor relative to the second floor allows for the creation of exterior spaces that can be used as terraces for the living area. The living room, placed on the higher level and open on all sides, doubled by the adjacent terraces offers an unimpeded panoramic view of the beautiful landscape surrounding the villa.

All interior spaces are well illuminated by generous glazing, while keeping the day/night areas separated with appropriate privacy and exposure.

