

重庆与世界 2018年5期

□ 文/本刊记者 刘丁睿 图/本刊记者 唐安冰


“A Tour in China—Leaders of the Chinese Media Abroad Visited Chongqing in 2018”, an activity gathered high-ranking figures of over 20 Chinese Media units from 12 countries, including America,France, Spain, Czech, Belgium, Australia and so on. They paid a five-days in-depth visit in Jiulongpo District, Shapingba District, Yubei District, Liangjiang New Area and other regions in Chongqing and carried out intensive report. During the visit, they greatly appreciated the achievements of Chongqing’s efforts of making itself into a highland of openness in China inland and its long history and rich culture.

瑞典·《北欧时报》社长 何儒:


He Ru, president of Nordic Chinese Times·Sweden:

"I am very concerned about the operation of the China-EU Railway in northern Europe, which is very popular there. During the visit, I learned that the China-EU Railway(Chongqing) has now nearly ten trains to Europe each week with goods such as laptops, mobile phones and motorcycle accessories. I think this channel is of high economic content and significant meaning. In recent years, there have been many"Chinese Intelligent Manufacturing" appearing in the European market, such as HUAWEI mobile, the outstanding representative of "Chinese Intelligent Manufacturing". On this visit, I found that Chongqing already has many key product technologies. I think the future development direction of enterprises in Chongqing must be building their own brands,which is the right direction for them to go in the future.”

捷克·《布拉格时报》副社长 李志中:

Li Zhizhong, vice president of Prague Chinese Times·Czech:

"I have been in Prague for 20 years, witnessing the development of Prague and paying attention to that of China. We can see the fine development of Chongqing from the West Logistics Park and Railway Container Center Station. After the opening of the China-EU Railway (Chongqing), goods can be directly transported to Germany, and goods from European can also be returned through this railway. We have seen a large number of European goods transported to China and China exports things over there, which makes me feel that China is becoming more and more developed, and we Chinese are getting more and more confident. "

匈牙利·《联合报》副总编辑 刘浩然:


Liu Haoran,deputy editor-in-chief of United Daily News·Hungary:

"Hungary is interested in deep participation in infrastructure,production, trade and other areas of cooperation of the Belt and Road construction. During this visit in Chongqing, I learned about the operation of China-EU Railway(Chongqing), which departs from Chongqing and shortens the distance between Chongqing and Europe. I am very proud and hope that through the China-EU Railway (Chongqing) link, the products made in China will be more refined and penetrated into the European market to meet the needs of the European market seamlessly. This will not only enrich the varieties and categories of China's export products, but also enrich the logistics line of China-EU Railway (Chongqing).”


加拿大·《七天》社长 尹灵:


Yin Ling, president of Seven Days·Canada:

"23 years ago, when I first came to Chongqing, it was really" dilapidated " there at that time. Our interview was mainly focused on the architecture, which is very distinctive and unique. Several times later, especially after it became directly under the jurisdiction of the central government, the degree of openness and development of the city is beyond everyone's imagination. This time, what impressed me most is the construction of the museum group here. From Chongqing to China and from China to the world, it really is widen its way with greater impact. "

美国·海外电视网总编辑 莫利人:


Mo Liren, editor-in-chief of American Overseas TV Network :

"I first came to Chongqing in the 80s (last century), the impression it gave me was a city of fog and mountain. Every time I came to Chongqing, I could feel the change and great development here. During this visit, the most impressive moment was that when I stood in the Port of Orchard by the Yangtze River. I see that the communication between Chongqing and the world is closer and the transported goods are more abundant,making Chongqing becomes a window for the world to see China. Also, the continuous improvement of the openness of Chongqing inland, the closer communication with the international world and the geographical advantage of the interconnected waterway,highway and railway of the Port of Orchard will further increase the openness of Chongqing. "

美国·《亚省时报》社长 甄凯婴:


Zhen Kaiying,president of Arizona Chinese News·America:

“Before I came to Chongqing, I did some background knowledge about Chongqing. I knew that Chongqing was an economically developed modern metropolis after Chongqing became a city directly under the central government. The open, inclusive and enterprising spirit of Chongqing attracted countless people to work and live here.After this trip to Chongqing, I have a deeper understanding that it is a fashionable, dynamic city with modern urban atmosphere. It is also a beautiful city boasts of urban as well as rural culture. The beauty of Chongqing is embodied in the scenic spot in or beyond the village and the everlasting lush mountains and lucid water in the countryside. The well-being of the people is shown in the eyes of the farmers and the content smile on their faces.”

新西兰·中华新闻通讯社副总编辑 任雪冬:


Ren Xuedong,deputy editor-in-chief of China News Communication Office·New Zealand:

“It is my third time to come to Chongqing. Through the visit, I get a deeper understanding about Chongqing by witnessing its promising innovation-driven and hightech development, wide openness and rich historical and cultural accumulations. In particular,I feel so inspired to hearing the story about the research and development group of Chongqing Moxi Science and Technology Limited,who applied their ice-breaking fruit to production. Actually I have seen other enterprises like this in many other cities,but only Chongqing possesses the key techniques in the field of grahene and boasts of a batch of newest elites. I see from them a dauntless, pioneering, innovative and opening Chongqing with faith and determination.

毛里求斯·《华声报》社长 杨茸:


Yang Rong, president of Sinonews·Mauritius:

“What amazed me most is the cultural innovative projects in Chongqing, which represents me its effort to support and build cultural quality brands. It is no doubt an extremely attractive road of sustainable development for allowing historical and cultural flavor accompanied the economy developing course.”


日本·《中日新报》社长 刘成:


Liu Cheng, president of China and Japan News·Japan:

“As a person who has concerned with Chinese culture and Japanese culture for so long, I was deeply touched by Chongqing this time. It passes history, greeting me with its extensive cultural landscape and rich accumulation.”


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