
An Exploration of Remittance Letters of the Li Yunhong Clan

(by PENG Zhan,ZHONG Xing-en)

Abstract:The Cuba-based Chinese Li Yunhong and his relatives have left behind a large number of remittance letters. This paper makes a case study of their correspondence before and after the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The letters written prior to the war were mainly about returning to their native place and erecting houses and the related activities like pressing for payment, debts and repayment. In the post-war period, the remittance letters had the life and safety of their relatives in China as the theme. These letters show the conditions of Chinese living in Cuba in different periods and reveal that factors like international and domestic economic and political climate and the conditions of overseas Chinese had a great impact on economy and life of their clan members back at home.

Keywords: Chinese in Cuba; Li Yunhong’s clan; Remittance letters


(by HUANG HAI-juan)

Abstract:Taishan’s rural fairs began to be built and upgraded during the late Qing Dynasty and became considerable in 1920s and 30s. The arcade buildings in these market towns represent the physical achievements realized under the then Taishan county government. Taishan’s fairs were known as the “Qiao Xu”, related to overseas Chinese. This paper takes Gongyi Port, which was of considerable scale, as an example to explore the changing relationship between merchants and local governments and get an insight into the role and status of businessmen, including overseas Chinese businessmen, in the physical construction of modern Taishan.

Keywords: Taishan; Fairs; Merchants and bureaucrats


(by SONG Xu-min)

Abstract: As a dragon-boat type community, Liyue is of three characteristics: dragon-centered deity belief, dragon-boat reverence and full participation of the residents; dividing the township into areas and retaining of deities by virtue of various dragon boats; and the marathon-style race system with a view to training rowers and crowd-raising funds for the races. The three characteristics serve to build a dragon-boat type community from the belief level, organizational level and social level.

Keywords: Liyue;Liyue Dragon-boat Race; Dragon-boat type community


(by SITU Wei-min)

Abstract:Since the establishment of the prefecture and county system in the Qin Dynasty, the county had been the most stable administrative unit in feudal China. However, at the end of the 19th century, the county system was impacted and was hard pressed to continue due to the decline of the authority of the central government. In Kaiping, Guangdong, the mass overseas emigration of the population led to the rise of Qiaoxiang communities, which reinforced the entrenched clan force and enabled it to dominate the local administration.

Keywords: Qiaoxiang communities; County administration; Trading ports; Prohibition policy; Patriarchal influence


(by PANG Guang-hua,WU Jun)

Abstract: Chen Yuan’s letters are an important source of materials for the study of his academic life. They are to a certain extent irreplaceable, for they can more fully reflect from various angles the outstanding achievements of Chen Yuan in historiography and philology.

Keywords: Chen Yuan; Letters; Historiography; Philology


(by CUI Zhuang)

Abstract: Liang Qichao made a number of comments on Zhang Xuecheng’s academic position, which not only directly promoted the rise of research on Zhang Xuecheng, but also had great influence on the related academic research of later generations. It follows that the value of Liang Qichao-style comments on academic history and his academic heritage cannot be ignored.

Keywords: Liang Qichao; Zhang Xuecheng; Judgments; Influence


(by CEHE Xiao-hui)

Abstract:The Complete Collection of Song Poems contains poems of over 9000 poets. Such voluminous records entailed repetitions. Scholars have done a lot of revision, such as Chen Xin and Zhang Ru’an in their works. Recently, through examination of literature, I found that over 20 poems attributed to Ye Mengde, Li Guang, Li Bing and others are the same as some attributed to other poets, so it is necessary to reexamine the authorship of these poems.

Keywords:The Complete Collections of Song Poems; Re-attribution; Ye Mengde; Li Guang; Li Bing


(by FU Dong-sheng,PENG Si-yuan)

Abstract:From January 8, 1939 through September 15, 1942, the “Children Troupe” launched a large-scale anti-Japanese-aggression national salvation campaign at the auxiliary capital Chongqing. The troupe gave more than 300 performances with a combined audience of about 450,000 people. Wu Xinjia, Chen Mo, and Shi Lenghe made outstanding contributions to the organization, propaganda, and children’s drama theory research and development during the Anti-Japanese-aggression War. The troupe played an important role in promoting the unprecedented prosperity of drama in Chongqing during the period and the creation of children’s drama throughout the country, and thus secured its place in the history of drama.

Keywords:Children's Troupe; Children’s drama during the Anti-Japanese-aggression War; Chen Mo; Shi Linghe


(by WANG Ze-hao)

Abstract:Enhancing the national cultural soft power and creating a Chinese good story have become a joint theme of the elite culture and mass culture in the context of globalization and new media. As a myth under the consumerism ideology, the popular narratives of the supernatural flooding the screen have a great influence on the identity construction of the Chinese popular culture. Transverse connection and comparative analyses of topic works, the film “The Great Wall”, the cross-media narrative text “River God”, and the super IP Series “Three Lives”, and analyzing the symptoms of popular culture and the problems in identity construction are a way to overcome the negative influence of the consumerism ideology.

Keywords:Myths; Pretty-face-based economy; Cultural identity; Record of the supernatural things


(by SHI Tao)

Abstract:Nowadays, women play a decisive role in the trend of family splitting and the future of the new family. They lay the foundation for the splitting and preserve the integrity and stability of the new family. The change in the role and influence of women in household division reflects the power struggle between social changes and the old clan forces and will have a profound impact on the development of women and rural construction.

Keywords:rural women; household division; influence


(by DONG Si-yan)

Abstract:An empirical analysis of the 2002, 2007 and 2012 input-output tables of Guangdong Province reveals that the manufacturing and producer services of Guangdong are at a welcome stage of “coordinated interaction”. By stimulating an effective demand of the manufacturing enterprises for the producer services, enhancing the quality and magnitude of the productive service industry, and adopting a coordinated development strategy by producer service enterprises of “bringing in” and “going out” can promote the integration of the two sectors and promote the development of service-oriented manufacturing so as to realize the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

Keywords:Guangdong Province; Manufacturing industry; Producer services; Direct consumption coefficients


(by LIU Chun-xia)

Abstract:The Yongjia School was an important school of thought in the Southern Song Dynasty, which formed a tripartite balance with Zhu Xi school and Lu Jiuyan school in the reign periods Qiandao and Chunxi, and is of great significance in China’s intellectual history. The Yongjia school was also known as the utilitarian school, focusing on studying classical works and pursuing utility, and military research was an important part of its efforts. Its representatives such as Xue Jixuan, Chen Fuliang, and Ye Shi all have left works on military research, which were the embodiment of their pursuit of utility.

Keywords:Yongjia School; Military works; Classical works; Pursuit of utility.


(by LIN Juan)

Abstract:Examination of the change in the connotation of modern media from the perspective of the shift of modern western philosophy reveals that with the shift come disenchantment and reenchantment of the media. The re-enchanted media in a certain way has dominated the production of fact or meaning and changed the linear process from the sender to the receiver via the media into a complex intertexual process featuring clamour of numerous sounds.

KeywordsMedia; Disenchantment; Philosophy shift; Martin Heidegger; Marshall McLuhan


(by BAI Bing)

Keywords:Bronze inscriptions ; Zhua Ya; Kao; Gui


(by NIU Hui-fang)

Abstract:Personal reference is a key element in narrative texts and has important value to text coherence. For this study a small database is established based onShiShuoXinYuand attribute labeling of personal reference forms is made. An analysis of the forms of the personal reference and discourse function reveal that the narrative theme, the distance between the anaphora and antecedent,and the relationship between the characters in the narrative can all affect the choice of personal reference.

Keywords:ShiShuoXinYu; Discourses; Reference


(by JIANG Yan-yan,LI Deng-qiao)

Abstract:In recent years, a special group of words “qing+X”has come into the Chinese vocabulary with high frequency. “Qing”has become a quasi-prefix. This paper examines the “Qing + X”structure and its distribution, explores the semantic expression and lexicalization of related expressions and analyzes the external and internal causes for the popularity of the new word group.

Keywords:Qing+X; Quasi-prefix; Lexicalization


(by XU Ming-yang,FU Zhao-gui)

Abstract:The whole meaning of such structure as “I think” is greater than the sum of their parts. Therefore, they satisfy the definition of a construction. The “I think” construction has undergone a process of grammaticalization, which is also a process of transition from literal meaning to construction meaning. It expresses certain evidential meaning and pragmatically it indicates the speaker’s inference or estimation of the development or result of an event based on known information or the existing context. However, there exist great differences about its syntactic status. Funtionalism holds the views that it is an isolated parenthesis and there is no syntactic relation between it and the following clause, but generativism insists that there exists a pure syntactic relation between this construction and the clause following it.

Keywords:I think; Construction; Grammaticalization


(by CHEN Chun-hui)

Abstract:To create first-class Sino-foreign cooperative education projects is a new demand on the development of higher education in China made by the Belt and Road national strategy and the “Double First-class initiative”. China needs to draw on the world’s three largest disciplines evaluation system and construct a selection and evaluation system for its first-class Sino-foreign cooperative education projects in term of the three levels of educational niche, cooperative ecological chain and ecological environment. Sino-foreign cooperative education projects in Guangdong are used as an example to verify the selection of an evaluation system and the related results show that selection evaluation system can effectively and objectively select first-class Sino foreign cooperative education projects, distinguish by gradient each project’s teaching ability, scientific research capacity and social service competence.

Keywords:First-class Sino-Foreign cooperative education projects; Ecological niches; Cooperative ecological chains; Evaluation systems; Empirical analyses


(by WANG Tian-jian)

Abstract:Computer-based test papers are generally generated through random combinations of questions from test question banks. The empirical results obtained by applying the generalizability theory tool mGENOVA show that the effects of interaction between candidates and test papers is far higher than the candidates’ impact on the test results; the generalizability coefficient and the reliability index of the test is much lower than the ideal level; adjusting the number of questions and the weighting of various tasks within a reasonable limits can raise the generalizability coefficient and reliability index to a certain extent but fall short of the ideal level. Randomly generated test papers lead to the non-equivalence of different examinees' test papers, thus reducing the reliability of the test.

Keywords:College English; Computed-based tests; Generalizability Theory