李海萍 杨英
摘 要:为了更好地研究频道分配问题,引入了从顶点集到非负整数集的一个函数,即图的一个L(2,1)—标号。假设最小标号为零,图的L(2,1)—标号数就是此图的所有L(2,1)—标号下的跨度的最小数。对于路和圈的Cartesian积图的推广图——手镯图的标号数问题,给出了手镯图的定义,即是将拟梯子的两端重合而得到的图形,同时给出了其L(2,1)—标号数的定义,运用顶点分组标号法,根据圈的个数和每个圈的顶点数的不同进行分类讨论,研究结果完全确定了手镯图的L(2,1)—标号数的确切值,丰富了图的种类并完善了标号数理论。
中图分类号:O157.5 MSC(2010)主题分类:05C78 文献标志码:A
Abstract:In order to better study the channel assignment problem, a function from the vertex set to the set of all nonnegative integers is generated, that is the L(2,1)—labeling of a graph. Let the least label be zero, the L(2,1)—labeling number of a graph is the smallest number over the spans of all L(2,1)—labeling of this graph. Aiming at the problem of the L(2,1)—labeling numbers of the bracelet graph, which is a generalized graph from Cartesian products of the path and cycles, the definition of the bracelet graph is given, which is obtained by overlapping the two ends of a similarity ladder. At the same time the definition of the L(2,1)—labeling numbers is given. The L(2,1)—labeling number is completely determined by vertex grouped labeling method according to the difference of the circles' numbers and the vertices' numbers of the circles. The types of graphs are enriched and the labeling number theories are perfected.
Keywords:graph theory; L(2,1)—labeling; L(2,1)—labeling number; similarity ladder; bracelet graph
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