摘 要: 英语专业四级测试(TEM4)中的阅读测试是为了检验英语专业学生的阅读能力。本文以语篇衔接理论为基础,对其在2016年—2017年TEM4閱读测试中的应用进行了分析,旨在说明语篇衔接理论的重要性及应用价值。通过分析,本文发现,语篇衔接理论中语法衔接和词汇衔接在2016—2017年TEM4阅读测试中均有体现。语法衔接的指称、替代、省略、连接,词汇衔接的复述与搭配,相比而言,指称使用最多。在平时TEM4阅读测试练习中,英语教师应帮助英语专业学生加强语篇衔接理论的学习及应用。理论付诸实践,有助于英语专业学生进一步提高英语阅读能力。
关键词: 语篇衔接理论 英语专业四级测试 阅读测试
一说起测试,多数学生会眉头紧锁,部分学霸会喜笑颜开,总觉得这是展示自我能力的最佳平台。面对测试,为何学霸们能够游刃有余?笔者认为除了天赋之外,解题技巧也是重要因素之一。阅读测试题在英语测试中占据了较大的比例。因为现如今,阅读已经成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分,丰富多样的阅读题材给我们的生活增添了别样的色彩。在教学过程中,许多学生会要求英语阅读的辅导,一些教师却无从下手,觉得阅读就是依靠平时的积累,依靠个人的能力。其实,如果教师们将语篇衔接理论应用于英语阅读题型中,就可以把理论变成一种可教授学生的解题策略。本文将结合语篇衔接理论,对2016-2017年英语专业四级测试( TEM4)的阅读测试题进行分析。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section A第二篇阅读理解的第44题的题目“Which of the following is the best title for the passage?”。原文第一段的最后一句话:“Lets look at a few of them.”。学生如果对这句话中的语法衔接有所了解,就能很快解答出第44题。这道题考查了学生语法衔接中的指称衔接,根据上句话“And there are certain symbols which people in very different cultures recognize as representing peace.”,得知“them”指代“symbols”,所以第44题的最佳标题是“Popular Peace Symbols”。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section A第二篇阅读理解的第46题的题目“In North Europe mistletoe was often hung in doorway to indicate ?摇 ?摇.”。这个问题的题源在原文第六段中的最后一句话“It was often hung in doorway as a sign of friendship.”。学生首先得明了“It”指代什么。前面一句话是“The goddess Freyas son was killed by an arrow made of mistletoe, so, in honour of him, she declared that it would always be a symbol of peace.”。由此得知,“him”指的是“the goddess Freyas son”,“she”指的是“the goddess Freya”,“it”指的是“mistletoe”。前后两句用“it”指称衔接联系在一起,从而得出答案,“In North Europe mistletoe was often hung in doorway to indicate friendship ”。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section A第二篇阅读理解的第47题的题目“The origin of the ankh can date back to ?摇 ?摇.”。这个问题的题源在原文第九段中的第二句话“It was found in many Asian cultures, but is generally associated with ancient Egypt.”。这句话使用了指称衔接“It”,连接衔接“but”,以及省略衔接“(it) is...”,后半句如果表达完整就是“but it is generally associated with ancient Egypt”。因为省略衔接方式在语法衔接中使用最少,所以学生很容易忽视。连接衔接“but”提醒学生作者想要表达的侧重点在后半部分,所以在掌握省略衔接和连接衔接之后,学生还要清楚指称衔接“It”。答案必须联系上下文,看原文第九段的第一句话“The ankh is an ancient symbol which was adopted by the hippie movement in the 1960s to represent peace and love.”,由此得知,“It”指的是“the ankh”,代入原文中,“...but the ankh is generally associated with ancient Egypt.”,这样答案就很明了了“The origin of the ankh can date back to ancient Egypt.”。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section A第三篇阅读理解的第49题的题目“It can be inferred from Para. 7 that optimum penalties are ?搖 ?摇to the underclass.”。这个问题的题源在第七段的最后一句话“The problem is that almost any punishment-even the disgrace of being charged with a crime-is sufficienct to deter the middle calss, while for members of the underclass, probation may be translated as ‘I beat it.”。这句话使用了指称衔接“that”,“it”,连接衔接“while”。重点在“while”(然而)的后面“...while for members of the underclass, probation may be translated as ‘I beat it.”,“it”指代的是“punishment”,也就是说,下层社会人员会将缓刑理解为逃避罪责,所以对下层社会人员而言,处罚是无用的。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section B第52题的题目“What can be inferred from the last sentence of the passage?”。这道题的题源在阅读测试第一篇的最后一句话“I finally became the pick of them.”。这里用到了连接衔接“finally”和指称衔接“them”。首先学生需要清楚“them”指代的是什么。需要特别指出的是“pick”在这里作名词,意思是挑选出来的人,“the pick”指的是精华,最好的部分,所以“them”指的是“men”。由第六段最后两句话“Brother B went down to the Bank and bought that note.Then he dictated a letter, which one of his clerks wrote out in a beautiful round hand, and then the two brothers sat at the window a whole day watching for the right man to give it to.”,我们可得知,“it”指代“that note”也就是“that million-pound bank-note”。所以答案就是我得到了百万英镑的钞票。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section B第53题的题目“Why does the UN use the olive branch in its symbol?”。 首先,学生需要清楚指称衔接“its”指代的就是UNs。这道题的题源在阅读理解第二篇第八段中的最后两句话“Whatever the history, the olive branch is a part of many modern flags symbolizing peace and unity. One well-known example is the United Nations symbol.”,由此可知,“The olive brach symolizes peace and unity”。
2017年TEM4阅读测试Section A第一篇阅读理解的第41题的题目“In Para.4, the phrase ‘hit the jackpot means ?摇 ?摇according to the context.”。这道题的题源在原文第四段中的第二句和第三句话。“The aptly-named Fisher, who ran a commercial salvaging operation, had been trying to locate the underwater treasure for over 16 years when he finally hit the jackpot! His dreams had come true but finding and keeping the treasure wasnt all plain sailing.”。这里用到了连接衔接“finally,but,and”,指称衔接“he, his”。从语境中我们可以得知“he”指的是“Fisher”,同理可得,“his dreams”指的是“Fishers dreams”,也就是说“ Fishers dreams had come true but finding and keeping the treasure wasnt all plain sailing.”。由“but”这一连接衔接得知前后是转折的关系,也就是说Fishers虽然实现了梦想,找到了金银财宝,但找到并保存财宝并不总会一帆风顺。所以答案是“In Para.4, the phrase ‘hit the jackpot means found the treasure according to the context.”。
2017年TEM4阅读测试Section B第51题的题目“What does This in Para.2 refer to?”。这道题的题源在第一篇阅读理解第二段第一句和第二句话“Now, although Leprechauns are interesting characters, I have to admit that I was more interested in the stories of their treasure hoard. This, as all of Ireland knows, they hide at the end of the rainbow.”。这里用到了连接衔接“now”,指称衔接“I, their, this, they”。由语境得知,“their”指的是“Leprechauns”,所以,“their treasure hoard”指的是“Leprechauns treasure hoard”。 “they”指的是“Leprechauns”。“This, as all of Ireland knows, they hide at the end of the rainbow”,正常语序应该是“as all of Ireland knows, they hide this at the end of the rainbow”,那么“this”指的就是刚刚提到过的“Leprechauns treasure hoard”。
2017年TEM4阅读测试Section B第53题的题目“Why did Miriam wear a new net blouse on Sunday afternoon?”。这道题的题源在第二篇阅读理解第四段的第二句和第三句话。“She was wearing a new net blouse that she thought became her. It had a high collar with a tiny ruff, making her, she thought, look wonderfully a woman, and dignified.”。这两句话中使用了指称衔接“she, her, it”,由上下文我们可以得知,“she, her”指的是“Miriam”,“it”指的是“a new net blouse”,所以这道题的答案就是“She thought it made her look wonderful and dignified.”。
2016年TEM4阅读测试Section A第三篇阅读理解的第50题的题目“Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?”。选项A .Lawlessness and Poverty,只能是搭配衔接。选项B. Criminal Justice System,只讲到了文章内容的一方面,因为文章一开头就提到“Two sides almost never change...”。选项C.Welfare Grants,同理可得,也只是讲到了文章内容的一方面。选项D. Disease of Despair,题源在文章第十一段的最后第二句话“The deadly disease is hopelessness.”。这一句话使用了词汇衔接方式中的重述衔接。“despair”与“hopelessness”是同义词。所以答案应该是D。
2017年TEM4阅读测试Section A第三篇阅读理解的第49题的题目“Which of the following statement about reading and writing is CORRECT?”。 选项A中的“always”一词过于绝对,选项B,原文第七段只说了“writing”的重要性,并未提及“reading”。选项D,原文第八段第一句话就已经说明,过去人们的想法并非如此,所以“always”一词使用不当。选项C的出处在原文第六段最后一句话“Reading was often a co-operative activity-someone would read aloud to a group, often from a religious text such as the Koran or the Bible.”。 这一句话使用了词汇衔接方式中的重述衔接,简言之,“ reading was a co-operative activity”。选项C中 “immediate interaction” 的表现形式之一是“a co-operative activity”。所以答案应该是C。
[1]Halliday, M.A.K.. Introduction to Functional Grammar [M]. London: Edward Arnold, 1985/1994:324-325.