

厦门航空 2018年4期



The picturesque Songyin Creek has been praised by so many people, includingWang Wei, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty.Songyin Creek is an upstream tributary of Ou River, with a total length of 114 kilometers and a river width of 100 meters. Its drainage area is 2,055square kilometers, and the fertile Songgu Plainwasaggraded by its deposition of sediment through hundreds of years. Since Zhejiang Province is dedicated to "treat sewage, control fl ood, drain waterlogging lands, ensure water supply and promote water saving," dams are everywhere on Songyin Creek. The60-kilometergreenwaysalong the two sides of the creek are very lush and attract many birds there, which is a pleasing ecological picture scroll.


Songyin Creek, Songyang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province



快门:0.6 s





Quebec invites you to a sweet journey to watch whales and seals

In April, Quebec ushers in the sweetest spring time of a year. The snow and ice of the St. Lawrence River begin to melt away in the warm winds. Visitors can take a cruise to the whale-watching resort Tadoussac and enjoy romantic encounters with the huge and elegant sea creatures including humpback whales, blue whales and beluga whales. Bright spring day is also the season of maple sugar when Quebec holds the annual Maple Sugar Festival.At that time, maple sugar huts across Quebec will be dressed in festive costumes to greet people from all over the world with delicious maple sugar.



美国向中国市场推出 “城市自选探索通票”(Explorer Pass),并提供中文网站服务和银联在线支付功能,包括芝加哥、拉斯维加斯、新奥尔良、洛杉矶在内的美国热门城市都涵盖其中。与分别购买单一景点的门票相比,通票最多能节省55%的成本,还能为游客在出行时提供自主选择权和时间上的灵活性。在购买一年内,任何没激活的通票可以按照原购买路径,获得全额退款。

Use Explorer Pass to save up to 55%to Chicago and Las Vegas

The United States introduces the"Explorer Pass" to the Chinese market, provides Chinese website services and accepts UnionPay online payment. US popular cities including Chicago,Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Los Angeles are all included in the list of the Explorer Pass.Compared with the purchase of ticket for a single attraction,Explorer Pass can save up to 55% of the cost. Besides, it also enables tourists to freely make choice and fl exibly adjust time when traveling. Within one year of purchase, any non-activated Explorer Pass can be fully refunded through the original purchase way.




Are you ready for this year's Japan Cherry Blossom Festival?

Since ancient times, the Japanese have seen cherry blossoms as the embodiment of spring and the deities of fl owers. Every season when cherry blossoms are full-blown, a variety of cherry blossom viewing events are held throughout Japan. In Nihonbashi,Tokyo, the “Nihonbashi Sakura Festival” will be held. There are many cherry blossom attractions such as the Edo Sakura-dori and Shirahama green belts in Nihonbashi. “Nihonbashi Sakura Festival” combines a quaint streetscape with cherry blossoms and lights to create a brand new landscape, allowing visitors to watch and admire the beauty of sakura while enjoying the romantic springtime.




Chinese citizens can scan face to enter Australia from May

Recently, the Australian government issued a circular: From May 2018, Chinese citizens will be able to enter the customs in Australia by scanning face. Passengers who are qualified to enter Australia by scanning face will be required to submit their own facial information to the Department of Home Affairs thr ough the mobile phone APP when applying for a visa. After being audited and approved by the Department of Home Affairs, your information will be automatically checked in at the Australia Customs Service. Passengers who are unaccustomed or unwilling to use mobile phones can go to the Australian Visa Application Centre and submit biometric information.


冬日,共赏无量山烂漫樱花 南涧无量山樱花节
魁北克Strøm Nordic水疗中心
Les Chinois et les dépanneurs au Québec : une incursion asiatique au cur du Québec francophone
松阳:以科技为引领 推进产业转型林业增效