Journal of Forensic Medicine CONTENTS IN BRIEF INDEX OF VOLUME 34 2018


法医学杂志 2018年6期

Special Topic on Postmortem Interval Estimation

Current Research and Prospects on Postmortem Interval Estimation//WANG Qi,LIN Han-cheng,XU Ji-ru,et al.(5):459

Standardized Application of Forensic Entomology and Application Data of Sarcosaprophagous Insects in China//WANG Yu,WANG Jiang-feng(5):468

Application of High-throughput Sequencing in Researches of Cadaveric Microorganisms and Postmortem Interval Estimation//FU Xiao-liang,GUO Juan-juan,LIU Zhuo-ying,et al.(5):475

Succession Law of Intestinal Flora after Death in SD Rats//LI Huan,LIU Rui-na,ZHANG Si-ruo,et al.(5):482

Homogeneity of Different Functional mRNA Indicators for Wound Age Estimation//DU Qiu-xiang,ZHU Xiyan,DONG Ta-na,et al.(5):487

Relationship between Early Postmortem Intervaland Electrical Conductivity of Rat Liver,Spleen and Kidney after Death in Rats//ZHENG Zhe,ZHAI Xiandun,XIA Zhi-yuan,et al.(5):492

Special Topic on New Technique of Forensic Toxicology

Determination of Oleandrin in Blood and Liver Samples by LC-MS/MS//ZHAI Jin-xiao,YAN Hui,SHEN Min,et al.(6):585

Analysis of Common Herbicides in Blood by UPLCHRMS//YANG Yang,ZHANG Xiao-guang,YU Feng,et al.(6):590

Retention Time of Four Common Poisons(Drugs) by GC-MS Qualitative Analysis//LIU Shao-dan,MIN Tao,WANG Mei,et al.(6):595

Decomposition Kinetics of Omethoate in Blood//LI Peng,WANG Hao-yu,BI Wen-ji,et al.(6):601

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Cathinones in Human Urine by SPE-GC-MS//WANG Ping,LIU Xiao-yun,LIU Yao,et al.(6):606

Research Status of New Designer Drug Methcathinone in Forensic Toxicology//DENG Yan-fei,LIU Liang,YANG Zhi-xi,et al.(6):611

Basic Research in Forensic Science

Establishment of the Mathematical Model for PMI Estimation Using FTIR Spectroscopy and Data Mining Method//WANG Lei,QIN Xin-chao,LIN Han-cheng,et al.(1):1

Relationship between FoxO1 Expression and Wound AgeduringSkinIncisedWoundHealing//CHEN Yang,JI Xin-yi,FAN Yan-yan,et al.(1):7

Application of Mixed-effect Model in PMI Estimation by Vitreous Humor//YANG Ming-zhen,LI Hui-jun,ZHANG Tian-ye,et al.(1):13

Time-dependent Expression of Nrf2 Protein and its Effects on Wound Repair in Skeletal Muscle//ZHANG Xiao-hong,LIU Ji,LI Na,et al.(1):18

Research Progress of Vitreous Humor Detection Technique on Estimation of Postmortem Interval//DUAN Wei-cheng,LAN Ling-mei,GUO Ya-dong,et al.(1):49

Research Progress and Forensic Application on the Pathogenesis of Coronary Artery Spasm//QUE Chunxing,YU Yi-jing,CHEN Han,et al.(1):60

Expressions of IL-1α,IL-1β and IL-13 mRNA in Lung Tissue and Serum of Rats Drown in Fresh Water//JIANG Mei-ling,LIU Zhi-jie,PAN Jing,et al.(2):111

Research Progresson Postmortem IntervalEstimation by Vitreous Humor//YANG Ming-zhen,ZHANG Tianye,LI Hui-jun,et al.(2):165

Effects of Temperature on FTIR Spectral Characteristics of Renal Tissue in Rats after Death//WANG Lei,WANG Qi,LIN Han-cheng,et al.(3):223

Study on Urinary Metabolic Profile in Rats with Deep VenousThrombosisBased on Pattern Recognition//CAO Jie,LÜXiao-ge,LI Yu,et al.(3):228

Correlation between Movement Distance of Small Intestinal Contents and Survival Time in Female Rats after Feeding//CHEN Lin,FANG Jun-jie,MENG Gang,et al.(3):233

Role of HMGB1 in Post-traumatic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stressin RatLung Tissues//LUJian-feng,ZHANG Qing-jie,LI Xue-hao,et al.(4):347

Estimation on Formation Time of Thrombus//YANG Chen-teng,ZUO Min,WANG Song-jun,et al.(4):352

Assessment of the Original Height of L1-2after Vertebral Compression Fracture//ZHUO Pei-pei,WANG Mao-wen,YU Xiao-ying,et al.(4):359

Infrared SpectralCharacteristics of ElectricalInjuries on Swine Skin Caused by Different Voltages Based on Machine Learning Algorithms//DONG He-wen,LI Wei,LI Shi-ying,et al.(6):619

Liver Tissue-related Metabolic Mechanism of Different Infusion Volumes for Hemorrhagic Shock//LI Mengni,HU Zhi-mei,PANG Yuan,et al.(6):625

PathologicalChanges of PetechialHemorrhage after High Temperature Treatment//CHEN Qing,CHEN Chang-can,BAI Jie(6):631

Optic Nerve Crush Induces Changes of Hydrogen Sul-fide Synthases Expression in the Rat Retina//ZENG Ming-wei,WANG Tao,FEI Cheng-ping,et al.(6):635

Behavioral Characteristics and Medicolegal Identification of Infanticide//DING Yang,LU Qin,WANG Chun-guo,et al.(6):659

Analysis of Cause of Death

Analysis of 124 Suicide Cases in Wuhua District in Kunming//FU Hua,DAI Wei-wei,JIA Peng-lin,et al.(3):253

Forensic Pathology Analysis of 363 Sudden Death Cases in Yunnan Province//SUN Zhong-chun,YANG Qi-kun,JIA Peng-lin,et al.(4):384

Forensic Analysis of 24 Cases of Long-term Antipsychotics Use-Induced Sudden Unexpected Deaths//YE Xing,SHI Cheng,SHEN Yi-wen,et al.(6):644

Analysis of 13 Cases of Abnormal Death after Drinking//WANG Cheng-yi,YANG Li-ping(6):648

Injure Manner

Analysis on Injury Manners of 31 Cases of Bennett Fracture and Rolando Fracture//ZHOU Xiao-rong,RAN Dan(3):257

Traffic Accidents

Research Progress of Traffic Accident Reconstruction Technology Based on PC-Crash Software//HE Yongwang,ZENG Xiao-feng,YAN Wen,et al.(3):276


Research Progress on Determination of Drowning Site//ZHAO Jian,XU Lun-wu,KANG Xiao-dong,et al.(1):55

Application of Specific Fragment Length Polymorphism of Algae rDNA in Identification of Drowning Cases//YUAN Wen-yong,TANG Xiao-hui,ZHOU Shun-ping,et al.(5):516

Sudden Death

Forensic Pathological Identification and Antidiastole of Commotio Cordis//TIAN Mei-hui,GAO Wei-min,JIA Yu-qing,et al.(5):538

Forensic Entomology

Molecular Identification of Sarcosaphagous Flies in Luoyang Based on28S rRNAGene Sequence//ZHAO Lin-lin,ZHAI Xian-dun,ZHANG Zhen,et al.(2):114

Technique of Forensic Clinical Medicine

Research Progress of the Effects of Monocular Visual Impairment on Binocular Vision//TAN Si-lei,CHEN Jie-min,WANG Meng,et al.(1):67

Research Progress on Function Evaluation Standard and Method of Lower Extremity Impairment//ZHANG Min,FAN Li-hua,RAN Dan,et al.(2):175

Development of Lung Compression Degree Measurement Software of Pneumothorax and Its Application in Forensic Medicine//WU Yong-bo,WU Bin,LI Yang,et al.(3):260

Estimation of Lung Volume in Normal Population Using MSCT//YANG Yu-jie,SHANG Min,LI Yan-wei,et al.(5):504

Inference on Injury Mechanism of Ankle Fracture by Lauge-Hansen Classification//HONGXiang,BAO Chao-sheng,ZHENG Wei-long(5):512

Progress on the Muscle Function Evaluation and Its Forensic Application//ZHUO Pei-pei,GAO Dong,RAN Dan,et al.(6):665

Identification of Degree of Injury(Disability)

Retrospective Analysis of 24 Cases of Forensic MedicalIdentification on Traumatic Tympanic Membrane Perforations//CHENFang,YANGXiao-ping,LIU Xia,et al.(4):392

Medical Dispute

Forensic Pathological Examination on 73 Medical Malpractice Cases of Pediatrics//ZHANG Zhi-wei,ZHENG Zi-yu,LI Rong,et al.(2):147

Research Status on Off-label Use in Appraisal for Medical Malpractice//LENG Bing-ning,WANG Xu(2):171

Forensic Analysis on 52 Medical Malpractice Cases of Cardiac Death//LU Jia,ZHANG Yun-lou,LUO Lin(4):389

Analysis on Forensic Expertise of 49 Medical Disputes in Prenatal Examination//YANG Xiao-ping,CHEN Fang,LIU Xia,et al.(5):508

Forensic Anthropology

Stature Estimation for Sichuan Han Female Based on Whole-spine X-ray Photography//CUI Jing-hui,LUO Ying-zhen,FAN Fei,et al.(1):23

Automated Assessment for Bone Age of Left Wrist Joint in Uyghur Teenagers by Deep Learning//HU Ting-hong,HUO Zhong,LIU Tai-ang,et al.(1):27

Assessment of Height Prediction Model Based on SNPs Loci//JIAO Hui-yong,SUN Ya-nan,JING Xiao-xi,et al.(2):132

Age Estimation of Adult Living Donor by Pubic MSCT Three-dimensional Reconstruction//FANG Jun-jie,QIN Ming,XIAO Sheng-bin,et al.(2):150

Research Progress of Age Estimation Based on Age-related Changes of Dentin-pulp Complex//CHU Guang,ZHANG Zhi-yong,ZHOU Hong,et al.(3):280

Age Estimation and Age-related Facial Reconstruction of Xinjiang Uygur Males by Three-dimensional Human Facial Images//PAN Si-yu,CHEN Shi-ting,TANG Kun,et al.(4):363

Technique of Forensic Biology

Comparison of Bacteria ERIC-PCR Fingerprints of Index Fingers and Contactants//LIU Yun-ting,SUN Da-ming,SHI Shao-pei,et al.(1):33

Research Progress of CircRNA and Its Application Prospect in Forensic Medicine//TU Chun-yan,JIN Kaidi,SHAO Cheng-chen,et al.(1):73

Establishment of 43-plex SNP Typing System and Its Forensic Application//LI Ya-nan,LI Min,JIANG Lei,et al.(2):126

Establishment of DNA Genetic Marker Identification System for Plant Evidence//LI Hui,XIA Pan,WANG Chuang,et al.(2):138

Effect of Benzidine Test on DNA Analysis of Bloodstain//JIN Ming,BA Hua-jie,ZHU Ai-hua,et al.(2):157

Application of RapidHITTM200 System in Forensic Medicine//SUNShuai,TIANYu-miao,TANGJiming,et al.(2):161

Application of Touch DNA in Investigation Practice//LU Xuan,XU Zhen,NIU Qing-shan,et al.(3):294

Detection and Analysis of 12 SuspectedAmelogeninAllelic Loss Cases//BI Jie,CHANG Jing-jing,YU Chun-ying(4):396

Comparison of Single Piece of Dandruff DNA Extraction under Microscope and EZ-tape Method//BAI Xiao-gang,JIAN Hui,WANG Hui,et al.(4):401

Extraction of DNA from Sperm Cells in Mixed Stain by Nylon Membrane Bushing Separation Technique//MA Jun,TONG Qi,GAO Liang-bi,et al.(4):417

Analysis ofCSF1POandD18S51Loci Based on Ion Torrent PGMTMPlatform//YANG Yi-zun,PING Yuan(5):520

Application of miniSTR Loci and Its Detection System for Degraded Materials in Forensic Medicine//WANG Xin,CHEN Wei-zhong,ZHANG Jian,et al.(5):532

Progress in the 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing in Forensic Science//SONG Guo-qing,CAO Yu,LI Hui,et al.(5):542

Quantification and Genotyping of Trace Biological Samples//SONG Li,LIU Song,WU Hui,et al.(6):656

Population Genetics

Forensic Application of SiFaSTRTM23plex DNA ID System in Han Population ofEastern China//BAO Yun,SHENG Xiang,ZHANG Jia-shuo,et al.(2):120

Efficiency Analysis of EX16+10Y Kit on Detection of the UygurPopulation in Xinjiang Province//BI Gang,ZHANG Chen,DONG Yan,et al.(2):154

Assessment on Application of 24 Y-STR Loci in Forensic Science//LI Min,HUANG Lei,WANG Xin-jie,et al.(3):236

Genetic Polymorphisms of 19 STR Loci in Populations of Three Culture Region in Shandong//ZHANG Shanshan,TANG Yu-qiu,ZHANG Mao-xiu,et al.(3):264

Genetic Polymorphisms of 27 Y-STR Loci in Dongxiang Population ofGansu Province//LIUYa-ju,GUO Li-hong,LI Jin,et al.(3):270

Application of Multiple Kits in Special Parentage Testing Cases//GAO Hong-mei,WANG Chang,ZHANG Shan-shan,et al.(4):405

Genetic Polymorphisms and Mutations of 30 Y-STR Loci in Chinese Han Population//WU Wei-wei,SU Yan-jia,MEI Xing-lin,et al.(4):411

Genetic Polymorphisms of 18 Autosomal STR loci in ChangshaHan Population//SUNJia-sheng,TIAN Qing-hua,ZHAO Lin,et al.(5):526

Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism and Genetic Distance of 19 Autosomal STR Loci in Jiangsu Han Population//PAN Meng,CUI He,JU Xiao-bin,et al.(6):650

Paternity Identification

Genetic Parameters of SNP Loci in Next Generation Sequencing Kits and Their Comparison//ZHOU Mi,ZHANG Ke,WANG Jun(3):242

Formula Derivation for the Probability Distribution of IBS Score in Unrelated IndividualPairs//ZHAO Huan-dong,ZHAO Shu-min,CHEN Yu-xiang,et al.(4):370

Individual Identification

Progress on Molecular Biology for Forensic Ancestry Inference//SUN Kuan,HOU Yi-ping(3):286

Research Progress on InDel Genetic Marker in Forensic Science//SHENG Xiang,BAO Yun,ZHANG Jiashuo,et al.(4):420

Research Progresson Discrimination of Monozygotic Twins//XU Qian-nan,LI Cheng-tao,LIU Xi-ling(6):672

Technique of Forensic Toxicology

Analysis of Arsenic Compounds in Blood and Urine by HPLC-ICP-MS//LIN Lin,ZHANG Su-jing,XU Wei-cong,et al.(1):37

Correlation of Genetic Polymorphism,Alcoholic Beverage Type and Ethanol Metabolism//YE Yi,CHEN Fan,LU Xiang,et al.(2):142

Rapid Determination ofCocaine and Its Metabolite Benzoylecgonine in Hair by LC-MS/MS//PAN Meiru,QIANG Huo-sheng,SHEN Bao-hua,et al.(4):375

Determination of Endosulfan Concentrations in Biological Samples by GC-MS/MS//ZHANG Fan,QIAO Jun-yuan,YU Ming-jun,et al.(4):379

Poison(Drug)in Toxication

Identification of New Designer Benzodiazepine Diclazepam in Drug Facilitated SexualAssault//XIANG Ping,SHEN Bao-hua,YAN Hui,et al.(3):248

Forensic Psychiatry

Application of Activities of Daily Living Scale in Mild Psychiatric Impairment Assessment//LIU Lu,LI Haozhe,CHEN Chen,et al.(1):44

Analysis of Late Positive Component of Event-related Potentials by Face Expression Images in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with Mood Disorders//DONGRixia,DU Xiang-dong,YANG Jian-gong,et al.(6):640