王维婷 郭溆 刘超 程安玮 孙金月
Abstract In order to explore the oil use value and the development prospect of seeds from delayed picked okra pods, we analyzed the fatty acid composition and oil content of seeds from 24 varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus widely cultivated in China. The results showed that the oil content varied from 6.750% to 23.893% in the dry seeds of the tested okra varieties. The fatty acid components were mainly linoleic acid (37.83%~52.42%), palmitic acid (25.99%~30.27%), oleic acid (14.94%~25.66%), and stearic acid (2.14%~4.19%); the content of unsaturated fatty acids was higher than that of saturated fatty acids,and the content of monounsaturated fatty acids was higher than that of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Keywords Okra; Seeds; Oil content; Fatty acid composition
黄秋葵(Abelmoschus esculentus L.)属锦葵科,广泛分布在热带到亚热带地区[1,2]。黄秋葵的幼嫩果荚富含果胶、粘多糖、膳食纤维、蛋白质等营养成分,得到了中国消费者的广泛认可,其种植面积迅速增加[3]。但黄秋葵嫩荚适宜采摘时间短暂,延迟采摘后的大量籽实通常被丢弃。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 脂肪提取方法
取10 g干燥后的黄秋葵籽实,粉碎后放入索氏提取器,2~3滴/秒、40~60℃萃取6 h,萃取剂为200 mL正己烷。将萃取液置于旋转蒸发器除去萃取剂,干燥至恒重,-20℃避光保存备用[10,11]。
1.3 气相色谱分析
使用Agilent 7890A进行检测,AT-FFA色谱柱为30 m×320 mm× 0.33 μm。进样口温度:260℃;分流比:30∶1;柱流速(N2):5 mL/min,恒流模式;FID温度:260℃;H2流速:25 mL/min;空气流速:300 mL/min;尾吹气(N2)流速:20 mL/min;柱溫程序:初始温度170℃,以20℃/min 升温至230℃,保持25 min。
1.4 数据统计
试验数据采用 Microsoft Excel 2010 和 SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析。某一脂肪酸含量(%)=某一脂肪酸的峰面积/(全部峰面积之和-内标面积)×100。
2 结果与分析
2.1 脂肪含量
Duncans分析结果(表2)显示,不同品种间脂肪含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),品种9含量最高(23.893%),品种14含量最低(6.750%),与大豆脂肪含量(8.2%~ 27.0%)相似[13]。
2.2 脂肪酸种类
2.3 主要脂肪酸含量
3 討论
4 结论
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