


张 鹏

(1.长江师范学院 电子信息工程学院,重庆 408003;2.华中科技大学 同济医学院,湖北 武汉 430030)


2 理论计算方法








2、分别对每一条退卷积后的SEC分布曲线,w(logM), 依据方程(3):





图1 方法流程图Fig.1 Illustrating the new method

3 结果与讨论


虽然,修正的退卷积方法可以消除涨落,但是为了进一步证明修正的退卷积方法是正确的。我们进行了测试。给定一系列σ 和 τ值利用方程(1)分别卷积一条实验SEC分布曲线。再用同样的σ 和 τ值进行退卷积运算。如果退卷积的曲线可以和原来的实验曲线重合,那么说明修正的退卷积方法是正确的。图3展示了测试的结果。

图2 传统Ishige退卷积算法和本文加入了最大熵算法的修正退卷积算法的运算结果比较。(a)实验SEC数据用传统Ishige退卷积算法结果;(b)实验SEC数据用本文加入了最大熵算法的退卷积算法(方程(6))的结果。其中σ=0.2以及τ=0.01。退卷积运算的迭代次数是1000次。实验数据来自文献[17]。所有数据均已归一化。Fig.2 A comparison on results from traditional Ishige algorithm and that with maximum entropy method added upon for deconvolution procedure. (a) raw SEC data deconvoluted by traditional Ishige algorithm; (b) raw SEC data deconvoluted by Ishige algorithm with maximum entropy method. σ=0.2 and τ=0.01. Time of iteration in deconvolution is 1000 times. Raw SEC data was taken from [17]. All the data has been normalized.

图3 (a)从上至下分别使用σ=0.2,τ=0.01;σ=0.4,τ=0.02以及σ=0.6,τ=0.03带入方程(1)卷积的结果;(b)(a)图的相应退卷积结果。实验数据来自文献[17]。所有数据均已归一化。Fig.3 (a) Convoluted results respectively with given σ=0.2,τ=0.01;σ=0.4,τ=0.02 and σ=0.6,τ=0.03 (from top to bottom); (b) the corresponding deconvoluted results for (a) from top to bottom. Raw SEC data was taken from [17]. All the data has been normalized.

图3(a)展示了给定的三组σ 和 τ值带入方程(1)卷积一条原始实验曲线的结果。图3(b)展示了相应的退卷积结果与原始实验曲线的比较,与图(a)相比,显然它们重合的很好。证明修正的退卷积算法是正确的。图4 (a)和(b)分别展示了在σ 和 τ空间中一条Metropolis抽样轨迹以及方程(5)中χ随计算迭代次数变化的曲线。本例中,σactual和τactual值分别是0.45和-0.02。σguess和τguess的值分别是0.70和0.00。显然,轨迹成功地从从初始值(start)搜寻到目标值(end)。相应的,在迭代计算的过程中,χ也汇聚于稳定值。

图4 (a)在σ 和 τ空间中一条Metropolis抽样轨迹;(b)方程(5)中χ随计算迭代次数变化的曲线。Fig.4 (a) The Metropolis sampling trajectory of χ in space of σ and τ; (b) Tendency of value of χ with iteration time.

对于本文的方法,做了7组测试,如表1所示。为了定量的描述σconverged和τconverged的值与σactual和τactual的值的接近程度。本文给出了相对误差δσ和 δτ。它们的表达式是



表1 本文方法的7组测试,δσ 和 δτ 是相对误差Table 1 Seven groups of test about our method, δσ and δτ are the relative error


图5 (a)不同样品的实验SEC分布曲线分别用σconverged和τconverged以及σactual和τactual卷积的结果比较。为了清楚展示,每条曲线的纵坐标向上平移。Fig.5 A comparison on the convoluted results of raw SEC data using σconverged and τconvergedbetween using σactual and τactual. All the data has been normalized. In order to distinguish different samples, curves were shifted on the vertical axis. In here, the parameters in table 1 shows the largest relative error through seven groups of test were chosen, that are, σactualis 0.300, τactual is -0.030, σconverged is 0.309 and τconverged is -0.036.

4 结论


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Some new thoughts of definitions of terms of sedimentary facies: Based on Miall's paper(1985)