

四川农业大学学报 2018年6期


基于双单倍体群体的小麦苗期根系性状的遗传分析 杨聪聪,张 涵,罗 伟,秦娜娜,丁浦洋,刘家君,邹亚亚,李 婷,左 芸,兰秀锦,马 建(1)

1986—2015年四川省杂交籼稻品种的产量构成因素与适应机插栽培的演进分析 刘 琦,周 伟,任万军(7)

不同玉米品种对镉吸收累积特性研究 袁 林,刘 颖,兰玉书,伍 钧,杨 刚(22)

根系互作强度对玉米/大豆套作系统下作物根系分布及地上部生长的影响 陈 平,杜 青,庞 婷,付智丹,杨燕竹,刘 佳,帅 鹏,孙丽霞,张瑞娣,杨文钰,雍太文(28)

初花后短日照诱导对小豆形态、生理参数及产量的影响 董伟欣,尹宝重,魏 岩,张月辰(38)

不同种源桤木嫁接幼苗的生长及光合特性 白文玉,铁烈华,冯茂松,汪亚琳,李文兵,谭 飞(46)

镉处理下不同青杨种群的生长、光合生理和镉吸收差异 魏 童,胡希智,王 盈,朱 鹏(52)

施用富集植物秸秆对水田芥生长及镉积累的影响 王 进,陈发波,林立金,吕秀兰,廖明安,蒋 伟,任 纬(60)

外源糖处理对草莓果实品质和主要生物活性物质的影响 凌亚杰,莫 琴,莫 凡,葛 聪,罗 澍,罗 娅(67)

增温和生物炭添加对农田土壤酶活性的影响 蒋 容,余 一,唐玉蓉,华治钧,鲜骏仁,杨占彪(72)

长足大竹象信息素结合蛋白CbuqPBP1克隆和表达分析 杨 桦,苏 婷,杨 伟,杨春平,周学莉,李一平(78)

中国荷斯坦牛产后体况与妊娠率相关性分析 贾先波,刘文娇,丁 鹏,陈仕毅,王 杰,赖松家(86)

南江黄羊ARHGAP11A基因SNPs筛选及其与生长性状的关联分析 王嘉欣,张德鹏,谭永乾,冯 静,宋天增,陈 愉,张红平,李 利(91)

粉状饲料中小麦粉碎粒度对肉鸡生产性能、消化器官发育和肠道健康的影响 钟丽梅,李东东,张克英,曾秋凤,白世平,王建萍,丁雪梅(100)

四川泸州黄羽山地乌骨鸡群体的肉用性能分析 覃 飞,刘 嘉,朱 庆,王 彦,尹华东,赵小玲(108)

杂交鲟腹水症的病理学诊断 黄小丽,冯 杨,成 霞,汪开毓(113)

中国柑橘全要素生产率演进及影响因素研究——基于Malmquist-Tobit模型的实证 李 丹,曾 光,陈 城(118)


小麦RIL群体苗期根系性状的遗传分析 张 涵,杨聪聪,罗 伟,秦娜娜,丁浦洋,刘家君,邹亚亚,李 婷,何 鹏,兰秀锦,马 建(125)

除草剂配施对机械旱直播稻田杂草控制及稻谷产量的影响 孙永健,朱 懿,孙园园,严奉君,蒋明金,杨志远,许远明,徐 徽,马 均(131)

羊粪-玉米秸秆高温堆肥优化配比研究 宋 春,徐 锋,赵 伟,叶 芳,王齐利,杨文钰(138)

弱光对不同耐荫大豆苗期根系以及光合特性的影响 胡 跃,佘跃辉,刘卫国,杨文钰,武晓玲(145)

用SSR标记揭示部分烤烟种质资源的遗传差异 刘 林,罗文学,官思成,彭 永,李 成,刘永建(152)

梵净山冷杉林凋落物动态及养分特征 黄先飞,张珍明,刘盈盈,何云松(161)

川西高寒灌丛草地不同海拔梯度土壤化学计量特征 刘 颖,宫渊波,李 瑶,朱德雯,刘 韩,帅 伟(167)

西南喀斯特高原峡谷石漠化生态系统植物群落特征及其与土壤理化性质的关系 温培才,王霖娇,盛茂银(175)

植被类型对土壤非水稳性团聚体交换性盐基离子分布的影响 伍炫蓓,何淑勤,王家沐,石 畅,赵弘益(185)

灭字脊虎天牛触角转录组中气味结合蛋白基因的鉴定及表达谱分析 吉帅帅,庄翔麟,刘乃勇(193)

淹水条件下水肥处理对竹叶花椒幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响 舒正悦,王景燕,龚 伟,唐海龙,赵昌平,周星宇(203)

茶树光合特性季节性变化研究 邹 瑶,陈盛相,许 燕,谭礼强,唐 茜(210)

狭叶柴胡侧根发育过程及影响因素研究 段莎莎,徐冬梅,余 马,舒晓燕,唐志康,刘 丹,侯大斌(217)

气象因素对成都平原夏季大气氮、磷连续性沉降的影响 邓欧平,张春龙,唐 锐,周正斌,刘 怡,冯香荣,张世熔(223)

猪乙型脑炎病毒基因Ⅰ型弱毒株免疫小鼠后诱导INF-γ的能力 王 侨,柴春霞,冯 瑶,曹钰莹,邓李霜,曹三杰,黄小波,文翼平,赵 勤,伍 锐(233)

短期摄入不同纤维源对猪生长性能、胴体性状、肉品质的影响 赵 瑶,张 玲,陈代文,余 冰,何 军,黄志清,毛湘冰,郑 萍,虞 洁,罗钧秋,罗玉衡(238)

痒螨病患兔皮损中细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-4和转录因子T-bet、GATA-3的表达 廖晓霞,赵习彬,赖为民,谢 跃,杨光友,古小彬(247)

鸭色素合成相关基因TYR外显子1单核苷酸多态性及其与羽色性状相关性分析 朱 谋,王继文(254)

EGCG通过NF-κB信号通路抑制感染ALV-J病毒的DF-1细胞凋亡 张 莹,尹华东,邬秀宏,杨海滨,钟应富,袁林颖,李中林,徐 泽(261)

大豆异黄酮对大鼠肝脏脂肪酸代谢的影响 陈 苹,李立科,陈晓林,李一帆,罗启慧,黄 超,刘文涛,陈正礼(267)

川西高原圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的麝香分泌及影响因素研究 郭妍妍,周 杨,蔡永华,程建国,付文龙,龙登隆,孟秀祥(273)


一个新的小麦-中间偃麦草的部分双二倍体及其白粉病与条锈病的抗性鉴定研究 杨 园,聂林曼,付体华(279)

中药材附子套作水稻对土壤性状及附子产量的影响 任品安,黄 晶,陈 鑫,余 马,侯大斌(286)

不同植物生长调节剂对甜荞产量的影响 宋毓雪,王 雨,孔德章,赵 权,王 炎,黄凯丰(292)

不同田间配置对套作大豆主要虫害的种群分布影响 汤忠琴,尚 静,张 磊,陈元凯,常小丽,杜俊波,雍太文,武晓玲,余 靚,曾淑华,孔凡磊,张 敏,杨文钰(297)

不同作物秸秆覆盖处理对硫华菊镉积累的影响 彭 麟,陈发波,黄佳 璟 ,温 铿,廖明安,林立金,蒋 伟,李华雄(303)

人造林窗下香椿幼林细根的养分内循环 周义贵,刘运科,苏 宇,李德会,李贤伟(309)

林分密度对生态公益林群落结构和物种多样性的影响——以新津文峰山马尾松为例 孙千惠,吴 霞,姚小兰,郝建锋,向 佳,张 荣,胡 欢(315)

不同施肥方式对毛竹林碳储量及土壤理化性质的影响 陈本学,刘广路,蔡春菊,李雁冰(323)

白桦BpERF1和BpERF2基因的克隆与表达模式分析 赵雅彬,张 博,胡 林,袁 浩,朱俊勇,孙丽芳,张文慧(329)

蓝花丹叶片不定根的诱导与光质对其白花丹素积累影响 朱 原,高素萍,罗良旭,胡 菊,雷 霆,付晓凤(337)

川西平原香樟林和香椿林中小型土壤动物群落结构特征 董玉梁,余 胜,卫芯宇,温娅檬,吴福忠(344)

黔中地区典型土地利用方式转变对微生物群落结构的影响 杜家颖,涂成龙,盛茂银,崔丽峰,陈琢玉,张林楷(350)

核桃杂交子代群体坚果主要矿质元素含量分析 蒲光兰,韦 莉,蔡利娟,周兰英,金银春,贾瑞芬,孙 权(357)

矿质元素与“恭城水柿”顶腐病发生研究 徐 阳,邓全恩,吴开云,龚榜初,陈学初,莫明全,童静亮(365)

一个新的薄皮甜瓜叶色突变体的生理特性及超微结构分析 赖 艳,付秋实,吕建春,周梦迪,何 茂,许炜萍,王怀松,黄 志(372)

不同鸡品种BTN2基因SNP和INDEL分析 王统苗,郑圣晗,张 莘,陈博雯,刘本帅,张 扬,王志秀,常国斌,陈国宏(380)

唐家河国家级自然保护区中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)的线粒体遗传多样性分析 李 彪,赖 康,鲜方海,向国栋,周 明,欧阳菠,钟 赟,余姣姣,杨建东(386)

紫茎泽兰杀螨喷剂的制备及其临床效果评价 翁嘉华,石 真,胡延春,胡力文,符 杰,左之才,彭广能,邓俊良(392)

妥曲珠利复合纳米胶束的制备 李 锐,任丹丹,周建瑜,符华林,刘 畅,申 芸,凡国庆(398)

正规金融对西部民族地区脆弱性贫困的治理研究——以宁夏农村为证 张华泉(405)

农民合作社提升农户自我发展能力的效果分析——基于四川秦巴山区的实证 刘宇荧,王雪姣,傅新红(413)


遗传解析西藏半野生小麦和优异普通小麦品系后代的农艺性状 邓 梅,何 鹏,罗 伟,兰秀锦,马 建(421)

玉米太空诱变核不育突变体矮化性状的QTL定位及分析 牛群凯,杨 聪,时子文,曹墨菊(429)

干旱胁迫下玉米叶片可溶性糖光谱估测研究 王仲林,谌俊旭,程亚娇,范元芳,冯伟,李昊宸,吕金灿,杨文钰,杨 峰(436)

滨海沙地5种人工林细根与表层土壤化学计量特征 胡欢甜,邱岭军,葛露露,孟庆权,林 宇,何宗明,王柯远,董 强(444)

金马河流域滩涂湿地植物多样性特征 胡建成,古岐川,王 瑜,白湘雨,胡 鑫,肖 瑶,廖馨仪,曾瑞琪,王玉荧,杨 刚,鲜骏仁(450)

青花椒种植对土壤颗粒组成及分形维数的影响 周于波,龚 伟,王景燕,唐海龙,赵昌平,黄 帅,林 梅(457)

普陀山苔草对铅锌的富集特性及生理响应研究 马建玲,黄金龙,朱雪梅,邵继荣,文 雯,李志强,何 芳(463)

4种楝科树种幼苗对土壤镉污染的生长生理响应与镉富集特征 石 坚,徐 睿,张 健,陈良华,冯民富(472)

混种鬼针草属植物对葡萄幼苗生长及镉积累的影响 黄佳 璟 ,林立金,陈发波,王 铤,刘 磊,廖明安,任 纬(481)

不同浓度硒处理对豆瓣菜生长及硒富集的影响 李克强,陈发波,林立金,廖明安,黄科文,李华雄,薛莞莞(488)

不同氮源对菹草生长和水质的影响 李印霞,刘碧波,刘帅霞,武秀琴,范 玲(494)

太子参蛋白提取工艺优化及SDS-PAGE分析 晋海军,王海霞,张 涛,向守艳(500)

猪-人异种移植相关基因CMAH的克隆、表达及功能生物信息学分析 张 霞,秦彩艳,霍海龙,王淑燕,王 配,潘伟荣,张永云,陈园园,霍金龙(507)

血清5型和13型副猪嗜血杆菌二价灭活苗的制备和免疫效果评价 朱 璐,范小兵,王正皓,代 科,文心田,曹三杰,赵 勤,文翼平(514)

低聚木糖对生长育肥猪生长性能、胴体性状和肉品质的影响 谢 菲,罗钧秋,陈代文,余 冰,何 军,黄志清,毛湘冰,郑 萍,罗玉衡,虞 洁(520)

亚硒酸钠对黄曲霉毒素B1致雏鸡胸腺细胞死亡受体通路活化的缓解作用研究 梁 娜,彭 西,吴邦元,方 静(527)

四川、山东、河北省鸡蛋中重金属Cd、Cr、Pb的溯源分析 吴彩梅,罗 成,张 娟,王建萍,张军民,赵青余,刘光芒,林 燕,白世平,张克英(535)

饲粮NDF水平对山羊营养物质表观消化率及瘤胃古菌结构与组成的影响研究 张雪娇,王立志,王之盛,薛 白,彭全辉(542)

大口黑鲈消化道组织结构及黏液细胞的类型和分布 赵柳兰,陈侨兰,杨 淞,符红梅,叶 星,李胜杰,杨世勇,杜宗君(549)

藏区农牧户多维贫困测度研究——以甘肃藏区为例 张海霞,杨 帆,庄天慧(555)

农药使用技能培训对农户个人防护行为的影响分析——以我国5省1153个粮食种植户为例 杨曼莎,赵 霞(562)


森林凋落物分解过程与土壤动物的相互关系研究进展 吴福忠,谭 波(569)

川辐小麦品种农艺和品质性状改良演化 蒋 云,张 洁,宣 朴,杜文平,陈 谦,张 军,王 颖,郭元林(576)

QuEChERS-高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定小麦中的8种真菌毒素 肖全伟,吴文林,刘玲利(584)

四川省2011—2015年审定水稻迟熟品种农艺与米质性状分析 何 芳,付 洪(592)

四川省套作玉米茎腐病致病镰孢菌的分离与鉴定 周欢欢,严 雳,王对平,雍太文,龚国淑,尚 静,杨文钰,常小丽(598)

不同耕作方式下气候条件对小麦条锈病的影响——基于面板数据极大似然分位回归模型的分析 刘 诚,孙志鹏,季振义,王 刚(605)

苦荞黄酮醇合酶基因FtFLS4的克隆及其在大肠杆菌的表达 李青青,张润敏,石冠蓝,姚攀锋,王晓丽,李成磊(611)

薄荷醇和茉莉精油对马铃薯抑芽效果研究 黄 涛,叶 旭,黄雪丽,李昕昀,梅 猛,余丽萍,邹 雪,王西瑶(618)

亚高山粗枝云杉人工林对冬季降雪过程中4种金属养分元素的截留效应 谭思懿,刘 利,刘 辉,赵海蓉,谭 波,吴福忠(626)

官司河流域不同林分枯落物水源涵养与土壤磁化率 冯 宇,彭培好,刘贤安,韩子钧,庞 溯(633)

桢楠种子的发芽与多胚特性及初生苗的生长特征 谭 飞,陈 洪,胡红玲,廖玉华,胡庭兴,陈玉凤,周光良,王 曦(640)

连云港市主要公共绿地树木多样性研究 谢春平,盛英杰,刘大伟,南程慧,方 彦,刘 东(648)

石漠化治理区主栽经果林地土壤肥力诊断与评价 肖 杰,刘子琦,李开萍,文雅琴,陈 海(658)

四川省农村有机废物能源化的区域管理规划方案——以崇州地区为例 恽云波,邓欧平(665)

黄芪多糖对鸡淋巴细胞体外增殖及脾脏淋巴细胞分泌细胞因子和相关mRNA表达的影响 朱轶锋,韩顺顺,张克英,尹华东(674)

评定全脂米糠的肉鸭净能值的研究 陈宣名,文 敏,王 菊,赵 华,陈小玲,刘光芒,田 刚,蔡景义,贾 刚(681)

基于高通量测序技术的新疆传统干奶酪乳酸菌多样性分析 赵顺先,关统伟,向慧平,张国栋,张习超,欧梦莹,林宜锦,王鹏昊(688)

三峡库区不同杂交组合肉牛生长曲线拟合分析 罗宗刚,王 玲,伏彭辉,张龚炜,周 沛,左福元(696)

异色瓢虫对枫杨刻蚜的捕食功能反应 张 伟,马若影,蒋春先,李 庆,杨群芳,蒋素蓉,王海建(702)

我国三七价格波动特征与变动规律研究——以云南文山三七为例 闫桂权,何玉成,聂 飞(708)


卵穗山羊草1My亚基特异性分子标记开发 郑 柯,易滢瑾,赵来宾,刘冬梅,许 凯,郝 明,张连全,刘登才,甯顺腙(717)

118个小麦新品系的农艺性状和分子标记评价 陈朝阳,易晓余,熊 君,杨 珂,许 珂,匡成浩,张志鹏,丁 丽,蒲至恩,陈国跃,李 伟(722)

控释氮肥比例对玉米氮代谢关键酶活性及干物质积累的影响 金 容,郭 萍,周 芳,杜伦静,刘斌祥,孔凡磊,袁继超(729)

60Co-γ射线诱变大豆“桂夏7号”突变体筛选 孙孟园,白 云,李振宇,黎 艳,蒋亨珂,孙 歆,余 靓,刘春燕,杜俊波,杨文钰(737)

不同间套作模式对大豆农艺性状及系统经济效益的影响 周 颖,陈 平,杜 青,庞 婷,付智丹,张晓娜,任建锐,杨文钰,雍太文(745)

施肥与覆盖处理对雷竹林土壤养分化学计量特征及肥料贡献率的影响 苏 宇,刘 鸿,李贤伟, 范 川,刘晟男,张小国,陈露蔓(751)

温度和水分对华西雨屏区毛竹林土壤氮矿化的影响 桂慧颖,李雪江,王景燕,龚 伟,黄 帅,唐海龙,周于波(758)

霸王岭自然保护区黑桫椤种群结构特征分析 谢春平,赵柏松,刘大伟,方 彦(765)

铜胁迫对白三叶和高羊茅混种富集特性及抗性的影响 邓乔予,刘沛霖,胡建成,胡林容,杨远祥(772)

野菜少花龙葵的硒富集特性研究 吴彩芳,鲍荣粉,廖慧苹,刘 飘,孙 静,廖明安,林立金,任 纬(778)

茶树腋芽多倍体诱导与快速鉴定方法研究 翟秀明,唐 敏,邬秀宏,罗红玉,侯渝嘉(785)

岷江上游小流域NDVI与环境要素的多尺度耦合关系研究 熊亚兰,张科利,朱雅晗,夏 丽(792)

家兔CETP基因多态性与肉质性状的关联分析 王 杰,党树璋,罗 刚,贾先波, 陈仕毅, 赖松家(798)

牛抵抗素克隆及高效可溶性表达研究 阳明贤,左之才,李 碧,王 宇(802)

UCP1基因多态性与牛耐寒性的关联分析 罗 刚,王 杰,赖添赋,甘明川,赖松家(808)

基于16SrRNA基因测序技术研究低聚异麦芽糖对奶牛瘤胃细菌菌群的影响 郭 成,郭婷婷,胡丹丹,张力莉,徐晓锋(815)

云南地方绵羊品种遗传多样性分子评价 梁家充,朱 兰,孙利民,杨红远,袁跃云,李东江,洪琼花(822)

牛角地黄汤对金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性的影响及转录组学分析 冯 烁,张亚飞,栗云鹏,杨佐君,孙英健(831)

旧院黑鸡绿壳蛋群体的筛选及其与东乡绿壳蛋鸡纯系杂交后代的生产性能杂种优势分析 刘 嘉,李富贵,覃 飞,苗小猛,于雪珂,杨福领,张 羽,朱 庆,王 彦,尹华东,李地艳,舒 刚,赵小玲(839)

达氏鲟和西伯利亚鲟精子超微结构的比较研究 刘 钊,赵仲孟,杨世勇,黄小丽,田 莉,杨 淞,冯 杨,段 靖,杜宗君(845)

响应面法优化鲟鱼肝脏铁蛋白提取工……饶承冬,叶 浪,邓 静,白稚子,戴卓君,李沛隆,李树红,王彩霞,张志清,陈安均,刘兴艳,申光辉,吴贺君,罗擎英,黎杉姗,苏 赵,李美良(851)


Total 2018 Table of Contents


Genetic Analysis of Root Traits at Wheat Seedling Stage Based on A Double Haploid Population YANG Cong-cong,ZHANG Han,LUO Wei,QIN Na-na,DING Pu-yang,LIU Jia-jun,ZOU Ya-ya,LI Ting,ZUO Yun,LAN Xiu-jin,MA Jian(1)

Evolution Analysis on Yield Components and the Machine-Transplanted Cultivation Adaptability of Indica Hybrid Rice Varieties of Sichuan Province during 1986—2015 LIU Qi,ZHOU Wei,REN Wan-jun(7)

Effects of Rice Straw-Derived Biochar on Iron Forms in Coastal Saline Paddy Soil GUAN Lian-zhu,PAN Lin-lin,ZHANG Yun,GAO Xiao-dan,ZHANG Guang-cai,JIANG Xue-nan,ZHANG Ting,ZHAO Ya,YE Chao,ZHANG Ya-Nan,LI Li(15)

Variations of Cadmium Absorption and Accumulation among Corn Cultivars of Metal Pollution in Soil from Lead-Zinc Mining Area YUAN Lin,LIU Ying,LAN Yu-shu,WU Jun,YANG Gang(22)

Effects of Root Interaction Intensity on Crop Roots Distribution Above-Ground Growth in a Maize/Soybean Relay Intercropping System CHEN Ping,DU Qing,PANG Ting,FU Zhi-dan,YANG Yan-zhu,LIU Jia,SHUAI Peng,SUN Li-xia,ZHANG Rui-di,YANG Wen-yu,Yong Tai-wen(28)

Effects of Short-Day Photoperiod Inducement after Early Flowering on Morphological,Physiological and Yield in Adzuki Bean DONG Wei-xin,YIN Bao-zhong,WEI Yan,ZHANG Yue-chen(38)

Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Grafted Alnus Seedlings from Different Provenances BAI Wen-yu,TIE Lie-hua,FENG Mao-song,WANG Ya-lin,LI Wen-bing,TAN Fei(46)

Growth,Photosynthetic Physiology and Cadmium Enrichment of Populus cathayana of Four Populations and Their Responses to Cadmium Stresses WEI Tong,HU Xi-zhi,WANG Ying,ZHU Peng(52)

Effects of Applying Accumulator Plant Straw on Growth and Cadmium Accumulation of Nasturtium officinale WANG Jin,CHEN Fa-bo,LIN Li-jin,LYU Xiu-lan,LIAO Ming-an,JIANG Wei,REN Wei(60)

Effects of Exogenous Sugar Treatment on Fruit Quality and Main Bioactive Compounds in Strawberry LING Ya-jie,MO Qin,MO Fan,GE Cong,LUO Shu,LUO Ya(67)

Effects of Warming and Biochar Addition on Soil Enzyme Activities in Farmland JIANG Rong,YU Yi,TANG Yu-rong,HUA Zhi-jun,XIAN Jun-ren,YANG Zhan-biao(72)

Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of CbuqPBP1 Gene in the Bamboo Snout Beetle,Cyrtotrachelus buqueti YANG Hua,SU Ting,YANG Wei,YANG Chun-ping,ZHOU Xue-Li,LI Yi-ping(78)

Correlation Analysis between Cow Body Condition and Pregnant Rate of Chinese Holstein JIA Xian-bo,LIU Wen-jiao,DING Peng,CHEN Shi-yi,WANG Jie,LAI Song-jia(86)

The Novel SNPs in ARHGAP11A Gene and Their Association with Growth Traits in Nanjiang Yellow Goats WANG Jia-xin,ZHANG De-peng,TAN Yong-qian,FENG Jing,SONG Tian-zeng,CHEN Yu,ZHANG Hong-ping,LI Li(91)

Effects of Wheat Grinding Particle Size on Production Performance,Digestive Organ Development and Intestinal Health of Broilers in Meal Diets ZHONG Li-mei,LI Dong-dong,ZHANG Ke-ying,ZENG Qiu-feng,BAI Shi-ping,WANG Jian-ping,DING Xue-mei(100)

The Analysis of Meat Production Performance on Luzhou Yellow-Feather Mountainous Chickens QIN Fei,LIU Jia,ZHU Qing,WANG Yan,YIN Hua-dong,ZHAO Xiao-ling(108)

Pathological Diagnosis of Ascites Disease with Hybrid Sturgeon HUANG Xiao-li,FENG Yang,CHENG Xia,WANG Kai-yu(113)

Measuring the Total Factor Productivity of Citus in China and Studying Its Influence Factors——the Empirical Analysis Based on the Malmquist-Tobit Method LI Dan,ZENG Guang,CHEN Cheng(118)


Genetic Analysis of Root Traits of RIL Population at Seedling Stage ZHANG Han,YANG Cong-cong,LUO wei,QIN Na-na,DING Pu-yang,LIU Jia-jun,ZOU Ya-ya,LI Ting,HE Peng,LAN Xiu-jin,MA Jian(125)

Effects of Different Herbicides Combined Application on Weed Control and Grain Yield under Mechanical Dry Direct-Seeding SUN Yong-Jian,ZHU Yi,SUN Yuan-Yuan,YAN Feng-Jun,JIANG Ming-Jin,YANG Zhi-Yuan,XU Yuan-Ming,XU Hui,MA Jun(131)

Research on the Optimum Ratio of Sheep Manure and Maize Straw for High Temperature Compost SONG Chun,XU Feng,ZHAO Wei,YE Fang,WANG Qi-li,YANG Wen-yu(138)

Effects of Low Light on Root System and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Shade Tolerant Soybean Seedlings HU Yue,SHE Yue-hui,LIU Wei-guo,YANG Wen-yu,WU Xiao-ling(145)

Accessment of Genetic Difference among Some Flue-cured Tobacco Germplasms Using SSR Markers LIU Lin,LUO Wen-xue,GUAN Si-cheng,PENG Yong,LI Cheng,LIU Yong-jian(152)

Litterfall Dynamic and Nutrient Characteristics of Abies fabric(Mast.)Craib in the Fanjinshan HUANG Xian-fei,ZHANG Zhen-ming,LIU Ying-ying,HE Yun-song(161)

Soil Stoichiometric Characteristics of Alpine Shrub Meadow at Different Elevations,Western Sichuan LIU Ying,GONG Yuan-bo,LI Yao,ZHU De-wen,LIU Han,SHUAI Wei(167)

Characteristics of Plant Community and Its Relationships with Soil Physic-Chemical Properties in the Rocky Desertification Ecosystem of Karst Plateau Canyon,Southwest China WEN Pei-cai,WANG Lin-jiao,SHENG Mao-yin(175)

Effects of Vegetation Types on Distribution of Exchangeable Base Cations within Non-Water-Stable Soil Aggregates WU Xuan-bei,HE Shu-qin,WANG Jia-mu,SHI Chang,ZHAO Hong-yi(185)

Identification and Expression Profile Analysis of Odorant Binding Protein Genes from Xylotrechus quadripes Chevrolat(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae) JI Shuai-shuai,ZHUANG Xiang-lin,LIU Nai-yong(193)

Water and Fertilizer Effects on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Zanthoxylum armatum Seedlings under Water logging Stress SHU Zheng-yue,WANG Jing-yan,GONG Wei,TANG Hai-long,ZHAO Chang-ping,ZHOU Xing-yu(203)

Seasonal Changes of Photosynthetic Characteristics in Tea Cultivars ZOU Yao,CHEN Sheng-xiang,XU Yan,TAN Li-qiang,TANG Qian(210)

Root Development and Its Impact Factors in Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd DUAN Sha-sha,XU Dong-mei,YU Ma,SHU Xiao-yan,TANG Zhi-kang,LIU Dan,HOU Da-bin(217)

Effects of Meteorological Factors on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Deposition of Chengdu Plain during the Summer DENG Ou-ping,ZHANG Chun-long,TANG Rui,ZHOU Zheng-bin,LIU Yi,FENG Xiang-rong,ZHANG Shi-rong(223)

The Ability of GenotypeⅠ Swine Japanese Encephalitis Live-Attenuate Strain to Induce INF-γ in Mice after Immunization WANG Qiao,CHAI Chun-xia,FENG Yao,CAO Yu-ying,DENG Li-shuang,CAO San-jie,HUANG Xiao-bo,WEN Yi-ping,ZHAO Qin,WU Rui(233)

Effect of Short-Term Feeding of Different Fibrous Sources on Growth Performance,Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Growing Pigs ZHAO Yao,ZHANG Ling,CHEN Dai-wen,YU Bing,HE Jun,ZHENG Ping,MAO Xiang-bing,YU Jie,LUO Jun-qiu,HUANG Zhi-qing,LUO Yu-heng(238)

Expression of Cytokine Factors IFN-γ,IL-4 and Transcription Factors T-bet,GATA-3 in Psoroptic Mange with Different Lesion Scores in Rabbits LIAO Xiao-xia,ZHAO Xi-bin,LAI Wei-min,XIE Yue,YANG Guang-you,GU Xiao-bin(247)

Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of First Exon of the Melanogenic-Related TYR Gene and the Plumage Color Traits of Ducks ZHU Mou,WANG Ji-wen(254)

Epigallocatechin Gallate(EGCG)Inhibited the Apoptosis in ALV-J-Infected DF-1 Cells by Inactivation of Nuclear Factor κB Pathway ZHANG Ying,YIN Hua-dong,WU Xiu-hong,YANG Hai-bin,ZHONG Ying-fu,YUAN Lin-ying,LI Zhong-lin,XU Ze(261)

Effects of Soy Isoflavone on Hepatic Fatty Acid Metabolism of Rats CHEN Ping,CHEN Xiao-lin,LI Li-ke,LI Yi-fan,LUO Qi-hui,HUANG Chao,LIU Wen-tao,CHEN Zheng-li(267)

Study on the Musk Secretion and Influencing Variables in Captive Male Forest Musk Deer in West Plateau of Sichuan Province GUO Yan-yan,ZHOU Yang,CAI Yong-hua,CHENG Jian-guo,FU Wen-long,LONG Deng-long,MENG Xiu-xiang,LI Wen-bing,TAN Fei(273)


Characterization of A New Wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium Partial Amphiploid with Resistance to Stripe Rust and Powdery Pildew YANG Yuan,NIE Lin-man,FU Ti-hua(279)

Effects of Relay Intercropping of Chinese Herbal Medicine Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux and Riceon Soil Properties and Aconite Yield REN Pin-an,HUANG Jing,CHEN Xin,YU Ma,HOU Da-bin(286)

Effect of Plant Growth Regulator on Yield of Common Buckwheat SONG Yu-xue,WANG Yu,KONG De-zhang,ZHAO Quan,WANG Yan,HUANG Kai-feng(292)

Effects of Different Field Configuration Modes on Population Distribution of Soybean Major Insect Pests TANG Zhong-qin,SHANG Jing,ZHANG Lei,CHEN Yuan-kai,CHANG Xiao-li,DU Jun-bo,YONG Tai-wen,WU Xiao-ling,YU Liang,ZENG Shu-hua,KONG Fan-lei,ZHANG Min,YANG Wen-yu(297)

Effects of Mulching with Different Crop Straw Treatments on Cadmium Accumulation of Cosmos sulphureus PENG Lin,CHEN Fa-bo,HUANG Jia-jing,WEN Keng,LIAO Ming-an,LIN Li-jin,JIANG Wei,LI Hua-xiong(303)

Internal Nutrient Cycling of Fine Roots of Toona sinensis Seedings in the Artificial Canopy Gap ZHOU Yi-gui,LIU Yun-ke,SU Yu,LI De-hui,LI Xian-wei(309)

Effects of Stand Density on Community Structure and Species Diversity of Ecological Non-Commercial Forest——A Case Study on Pinus massonianain Wenfeng Mountain,Xinjin District,Sichuan Province SUN Qian-hui,WU Xia,YAO Xiao-lan,HAO Jian-feng,XIANG Jia,ZHANG Rong,HU Huan(315)

Effects of Fertilization Modes on Carbon Reserves and Soil Physi-Chemical Properties in a Phyllostachys edulis Forest CHEN Ben-xue,LIU Guang-lu,CAI Chun-ju,LI Yan-bing(323)

Cloning and Expression Analysis of BpERF1 and BpERF2 Genes from Betulaplatyphylla ZHAO Ya-bin,ZHANG Bo,HU Lin,YUAN Hao,ZHU Jun-yong,SUN Li-fang,ZHANG Wen-hui(329)

Adventitious Roots Induction from Leaves Explantsinvitro and Effect of Light Quality on Its Plumbagin Accumulation in Plumbago auriculata Lam. ZHU Yuan,GAO Su-ping,LUO Liang-xu,HU Ju,LEI Ting,FU Xiao-feng(337)

Meso-Micro Soil Fauna Community Structure in Cinnamomum camphora and Toona sinensis Plantations in Western Sichuan Plain DONG Yu-liang,YU Sheng,WEIXin-yu,WENYa-meng,WUFu-zhong(344)

Effect of Land Use Change on Microbial Community Structure in Central Guizhou Province DU Jia-ying,TU Cheng-long,SHENG Mao-yin,CUI Li-feng,CHEN Zuo-yu,ZHANG Lin-kai(350)

Analysis on Mineral Elements of Walnut Hybrid Progeny PU Guang-lan,WEI Li,CAI Li-juan,ZHOU Lan-ying,JIN Yin-chun,JIA Rui-fen,SUN Quan(357)

Relationships between Mineral Elements and TopRot Occurrence in 'Gongchengshuishi' Persimmon XUYang,DENG Quan-en,WU Kai-yun,GONG Bang-chu,CHENG Xue-chu,MO Ming-quan,TONG Jing-liang(365)

Analysis of Physiological Characteristics and Chloroplast Ultrastructure of A New Leaf Color Mutantin Melon LAI Yan,FU Qiu-shi,LYU Jian-chun,ZHOU Meng-di,HE Mao,XU Wei-ping,WANG Huai-song,HUANG Zhi(372)

SNP and INDEL Analysis of BTN2 Gene in Different Chicken Breeds WANG Tong-miao,ZHENG Sheng-han,ZHANG Xin,CHEN Bo-wen,LIU Ben-shuai,ZHANG Yang,WANG Zhi-xiu,CHANG Guo-bin,CHEN Guo-hong(380)

Genetic Diversity of Apiscerana cerana Based on Mitochondrial DNA in Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve,Sichuan,China LI Biao,LAI Kang,XIAN Fang-hai,XIANG Guo-dong,ZHOU Ming,OUYANG Bo,ZHONG Yun,YU Jiao-jiao,YANG Jian-dong(386)

Preparation of Eupatorium adenophorum Acaricidal Spray and Evaluation of Its Clinical Effect WENGJia-hua,SHI Zhen,HU Yan-chun,HU Li-wen,FU Jie,ZUO Zhi-cai,PENG Guang-neng,DENG Jun-liang(392)

Preparation of Toltrazuril Composited Nano-Micelles LI Rui,REN Dan-dan,ZHOU Jian-yu,FU Hua-lin,LIU Chang,SHEN Yun,FAN Guo-qing(398)

Research on the Performance of Governance of Formal Finance to Fragile Poverty in Western Minority Areas——From the Real Evidence of Ningxia Countryside ZHANG Hua-quan(405)

Impact of Agricultural Cooperatives on the Self-Development Ability of Small Household——The Empirical Evidence from Qinlin-Daba Mountain Regionin Sichuan LIU Yu-ying,WANG Xue-jiao,FU Xin-hong(413)


Genetic Analysis of Agronomic Traits for the RIL Population Derived between Tibet Semi-Wild Wheat and A Local Wheat Line DENG Mei,HE Peng,LUO Wei,LAN Xiu-jin,MA Jian(421)

QTL Mapping of Dwarf-Associated Traitsin the Maize Male Sterile Mutant Obtained by Space Flight NIU Qun-kai,YANG Cong,SHI Zi-wen,CAO Mo-ju(429)

Assessing the Soluble Sugar of Maize Leaves in Drought Stress Based on Hyperspectral Data…WANG Zhong-lin,CHEN Jun-xu,CHENG Ya-jiao,FAN Yuan-fang,FENG Wei,LI Hao-chen,LYU Jin-can,YANG Wen-yu,YANG Feng(436)

Stoichometry of Fine Roots and Topsoil of Five Plantations in Coastal Sandy HU Huan-tian,QIU Ling-jun,GE Lu-lu,MENG Qing-quan,LIN Yu,HE Zong-ming,WANG Ke-yuan,DONG Qiang(444)

Characteristics of Wetl and Plant Diversity in Jinma River Basin HU Jian-cheng,GU Qi-chuan,WANG Yu,BAI Xiang-yu,HU Xin,XIAO Yao,LIAO Xin-yi,ZENG Rui-qi,WANG Yu-ying,YANG Gang,XIAN Jun-ren(450)

Effects of Planting Zanthoxylum armatumon Soil Particle Composition and Fractal Dimension ZHOU Yu-bo,GONG Wei,WANG Jing-yan,TANG Hai-long,ZHAO Chang-ping,HUANG Shuai,LING Mei(457)

Lead and Zinc Accumulation Characteristics and Physiological Responses of Carexputuoshanensis sp.MA Jian-ling,HUANG Jin-long,ZHU Xue-mei,SHAO Ji-rong,WEN Wen,LI Zhi-qiang,HE Fang(463)

Growth and Physiological Responses and Cadmium Enrichment Characteristics in Four Meliaceae Seedings Exposed to Cd Pollution in Soil SHI Jian,XU Rui,ZHANG Jian,CHEN Liang-hua,FENG Min-fu(472)

Effects of Intercropping Bidens L.Species on Growth and Cadmium Accumulation of Grape Seedlings HUANG Jia-jing,LIN Li-jin,CHEN Fa-bo,WANG Ting,LIU Lei,LIAO Ming-an,REN Wei(481)

Effects of Different Concentrations of Selenium on Growth and Selenium Accumulation of Nasturtium officinale LI Ke-qiang,CHEN Fa-bo,LIN Li-jin,LIAO Ming-an,HUANG Ke-wen,LI Hua-xiong,XUE Wan-wan(488)

Effects of Different Nitrogen Sources on the Growth of Potamogetoncrispus and Water Quality LI Yin-xia,LIU Bi-bo,LIU Shuai-xia,WU Xiu-qin,FAN Ling(494)

Optimization of Extraction Process of Pseudostellariae Radix Protein and SDS-PAGE Analysis JIN Hai-jun,WANG Hai-xia,ZHANG Tao,XIANG Shou-Yan(500)

Cloning,Expression and Functional Bioinformatics Analysis of Immune Rejection Candidate Gene CMAH Related to Pig-Human Xenotransplantation in Banna Mini-Gig Inbred Line ZHANG Xia,QIN Cai-yan,HUO Hai-long,WANG Shu-yan,WANG Pei,PAN Wei-rong,ZHANG Yong-yun,CHEN Yuan-yuan,HUO Jin-long(507)

Preparation and Immune Efficacy of Prepared Bivalent Inactivated Vaccine of Serovar 5 and Serovar 13 Against Haemophilus Parasuis ZHU Lu,FAN Xiao-bing,WANG Zheng-hao,DAI Ke,WEN Xin-tian,CAO San-jie,ZHAO Qin,WEN Yi-ping(514)

Effects of Dietary Xylo-Oli gosaccharide on Growth Performance,Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality in Growing-Finishing Pigs XIEFei,LUO Jun-qiu,CHEN Dai-wen,YU Bing,HE Jun,HUANG Zhi-qing,MAO Xiang-bing,ZHENG Ping,LUO Yu-heng,YUJie(520)

Protective Effects of Dietary Sodium Selenite on the Activation of Death Receptor Pathway in Thymus of the Chicks Exposed to AFB1LIANG Na,PENG Xi,WU Bang-yuan,FANG Jing(527)

The Source Analysis of Cadmium,Chromium and Lead in Hen Eggs from Sichuan,Shandong and Hebei Province of China WU Cai-mei,LUO Cheng,ZHANG Juan,WANG Jian-ping,ZHANG Jun-min,ZHAO Qing-yu,LIU Guang-mang,LIN Yan,BAI Shi-ping,ZHANG Ke-ying(535)

Effects of Dietary NDF Levels on Apparent Digestibility of Nutrients and the Composition of Rumen Archaea in Goats ZHANGXue-jiao,WANG Li-zhi,WANG Zhi-sheng,XUE Bai,PENG Quan-hui(542)

Analysis of the Histological Structure,the Types and Distribution of Mucous Cells of Digestive Tractin Largemouth Bass(Micropterus Samoides) ZHAO Liu-lan,CHEN Qiao-lan,YANG Song,FU Hong-mei,YE Xing,LI Sheng-jie,YANG Shi-yong,DU Zong-jun(549)

Study on Multidimensional Poverty of Farmers and Herdsmenin Tibetan Areas——Evidence from Gansu Tibetan Areas ZHANG Hai-xia,YANG Fan,ZHUANG Tian-hui(555)

The Impact of Pesticide Use Skill Training on Farmers' Personal Protective Behavior——The Case of 1153 Grain Growers from5Provinces YANG Man-sha,ZHAO Xia(562)


A Review on the Interactions between Soil Fauna and Forest Litter Decomposition WU Fuzhong,TAN Bo(569)

Progress of Chuanfu Series Wheat Cultivars on Agronomic and Quality Traits JIANG Yun,ZHANG Jie,XUAN Pu,Du Wenping,CHEN Qian,ZHANG Jun,WANG Ying,GUO Yuanlin(576)

Determination of Eight Mycotoxins in Wheat by QuEChERS-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry XIAO Quanwei,WU Wenlin,LIU Lingl(i584)

Plant Characters and Grain Quality Elements Analysis for Late Group Rice Varieties Registered between 2011 to 2015 in Sichuan Province HE Fang,FU Hong(592)

Identification of Fusarium Species Causing Maize Stalk Rot in Maize Soybean Relay Intercropping Pattern in Sichuan Province ZHOU Huanhuan,YAN Li,WANG Duiping,YONG Taiwen,GONG Guoshu,SHANG Jing,YANG Wenyu,CHANG Xiaol(i598)

Effects of Climatic Conditions on Wheat Stripe Rust under Different Tillage:Analysis on Panel Data Maximum Likelihood Quantile Regression Model LIU Cheng,SUN Zhipeng,JI Zhenyi,WANG Gang(605)

Cloning of Flavonolsynthase Gene FtFLS4 from Tartary Buckwheat and Expression in E.coli LI Qingqing,ZHANG Runmin,SHI Guanlan,YAO Panfeng,WANG Xiaoli,LI Chengle(i611)

Study of Menthol and Jasmine Oil on Potato Sprout Inhibition HUANG Tao,YE Xu,HUANG Xueli,LI Xinyun,MEI Meng,YU Liping,ZOU Xue,WANG Xiyao(618)

Interception of Four Metal Nutrient Elements within Snowfall in a Subalpine Spruce Plantation TAN Siyi,LIU Li,LIU Hui,ZHAO Hairong,TAN Bo,WU Fuzhong(626)

Water Conservation of Forest Litter and Soil Magnetic Susceptibility in Different Forest Types of Guansi River Watershed FENG Yu,PENG Peihao,LIU Xianan,HAN Zijun,PANG Su(633)

A Study on the Correlation among Germination Rate,Polyembryony Rate,Seed Size of Phoebe Zhennan S.Lee TAN Fei,CHEN Hong,HU Hongling,LIAO Yuhua,HU Tingxing,CHEN Yufeng,ZHOU Guangliang,WANG X(i640)

Tree Diversity of Main Public Green Space in Lianyungang City XIE Chunping,SHENG Yingjie,LIU Dawei,NAN Chenghui,FANG Yan,LIU Dong(648)

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Soil Fertility in Economic Fruit Forests of Rocky Desertification Control Area XIAO Jie,LIU Ziqi,LI Kaiping,WEN Yaqin,CHEN Ha(i658)

Regional Resource Management of Energetic Utilization of Rural Organic Waste in Sichuan Province:A Case Study in Chongzhou YUN Yunbo,DENG Ouping(665)

Effect of Astragalus Polysacchride on Cell Proliferation of Lymphocytes and Splenic Lymphokines Secretion and Related mRNA Expression in Spleen of Chick ZHU Yifeng,HAN Shunshun,ZHANG Keying,YIN Huadong(674)

Evaluating Net Energy of Full-Fat Rice Bran for Ducks CHEN Xuanming,WEN Min,WANG Ju,ZHAO Hua,CHEN Xiaoling,LIU Guangmang,TIAN Gang,CAI Jingyi,JIA Gang(681)

Diversity Analysis of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Xinjiang Traditional Dry Cheese Based on High Throughput Sequencing Technology ZHAO Shunxian,GUAN Tongwei,XIANG Huiping,ZHANG Guodong,ZHANG Xichao,OU Mengying,LIN Yijin,WANG Penghao(688)

Analysis of Growth Curve of Different Cross Combinations of Beef Cattle in Three Gorges Reservoir Area LUO Zonggang,WANG Ling,FU Penghui,ZHANG Gongwei,ZHOU Pei,ZUO Fuyuan(696)

Predation Response of Harmonia Axyridis Against Kurisakia Onigurumi ZHANG Wei,MARuoying,JIANGChunxian,LIQing,YANGQunfang,JIANGSurong,WANG Haijian(702)

Research on the Characteristics of Price Fluctuation and the Rule of Price Changes of Panax Notoginseng in China:Taking Yunnan Wenshan Panax Notoginseng as an Example YAN Guiquan,HE Yucheng,NIE Fe(i708)


Development of PCR Marker Specific for Subunit 1My of Aegilops ovata ZHENG Ke,YI Yingjin,ZHAO Laibin,LIU Dongmei,XU Kai,HAO Ming,ZHANG Lianquan,LIU Dengcai,NING Shunzong(717)

Evaluation of Agronomic Traits and Molecular Markers in 118 New Wheat Strains CHEN Zhaoyang,YI Xiaoyu,XIONG Jun,YANG Ke,XU Ke,KUANG Chenghao,ZHANG Zhipeng,DING Li,PU Zhien,CHEN Guoyue,LI Wei(722)

Effects of Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer Ratio on the Nitrogen Metabolism Key Enzymes Activities and Dry Matter Accumulation of Maize JIN Rong,GUO Ping,ZHOU Fang,DU Lunjing,LIU Binxiang,KONG Fanlei,YUAN Jichao(729)

Screen of60Co-γ Ray Generated Mutants from Soybean'Guixia7' SUN Mengyuan,BAI Yun,LI Zhenyu,LI Yan,JIANG Hengke,SUN Xin,YU Liang,LIU Chunyan,DU Juno,YANG Wenyu(737)

The Effects of Agronomic Traits of Soybean and System Economic Benefits in the Different Intercropping Patterns ZHOU Ying,CHEN Ping,DU Qing,PANG Ting,FU Zhidan,ZHANG Xiaona,REN Jianrui,YANG Wenyu,YONG Taiwen(745)

Responses of Soil Stoichiometry Characteristic and Fertilizer Contribution Rate to Intensive Management in a Phyllostachys praecox Forest SU Yu,LIU Hong,LI Xianwei,FAN Chuan,LIU Shengnan,ZHANG Xiaoguo,CHEN Luman(751)

Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization of Phyllostachys heterocycla Plantation in the Rainy Area of Western China GUI Huiying,LI Xuejiang,WANG Jingyan,GONG Wei,HUANG Shuai,TANG Hailong,ZHOU Yubo(758)

Study on the Population Structure of Alsophila podophylla Bawangling Nature Reserve XIE Chunping,ZHAO Baisong,LIU Dawei,FANG Yan(765)

Effects of Copper Stress on the Enrichment Characteristics and Resistance of White Clover and Tall Fescue DENG Qiaoyu,LIU Peilin,HU Jiancheng,HU Linrong,YANG Yuanxiang(772)

Selenium Accumulation Characteristics of Wild Vegetable Solanum photeinocarpum WU Caifang,BAO Rongfen,LIAO Huiping,LIU Piao,SUN Jing,LIAO Mingan,LIN Lijin,REN Wei(778)

Tea Auxiliary Bud Induction and Rapid Identification ZHAI Xiuming,TANG Min,WU Xiuhong,LUO Hongyu,HOU Yujia(785)

Multi-Scale Coupling Relationships between NDVI and Environmental Factors in Sub-Watershed of the Minjiang River Upper ReachesXIONG Yalan,ZHANG Keli,ZHU Yahan,XIA Li(792)

CETP Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Rabbit Meat Quality Traits WANG Jie,DANG Shuzhang,LUO Gang,JIA Xianbo,CHEN Shiyi,LAI Songjia(798)

Bovine Resistin Cloning and Its High Level of Soluble Expression YANG Mingxian,ZUO Zhicai,LI Bi,WANG Yu(802)

Association Analysis of UCP1 Gene Polymorphism with Cold Resistance of Cattles LUO Gang,WANG Jie,LAI Tianfu,GAN Mingchuan,LAI Songjia(808)

Effect of Isomaltooligosaccharides on Rumen Racterial Flora in Dairy Cows Based on 16SrRNA Gene Sequencing Technology GUO Cheng,GUO Tingting,HU Dandan,ZHANG Lili,XU Xiaofeng(815)

Molecular Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Native Sheep Breeds in Yunnan Province LIANG Jiachong,ZHU Lan,SUN Limin,YANG Hongyuan,YUAN Yueyun,LI Dongjiang,HONG Qionghua(822)

Effect of Niujiaodihuang Decoction on Drug Resistance and the Genetic Transcription of Staphylococcus aureus FENG Shuo,ZHANG Yafei,LI Yunpeng,YANG Zuojun,SUN Yingjian(831)

Selection of the Green-Shell Egg Individuals from Jiuyuan Black Chickens and the Heterosis Analysis of Its Cross with Dongxiang Green-Shell Chicken for Production Performance LIU Jia,LI Fugui,QIN Fei,MIAO Xiaomeng,YU Xueke,YANG Fuling,ZHANG Yu,ZHU Qing,WANG Yan,YIN Huadong,LI Diyan,SHU Gang,ZHAO Xiaoling(839)

Comparatively Study on the Sperm Ultrastructure of Acipenser dabryanus and Acipenser baerii LIU Zhao,ZHAO Zhongmeng,YANG Shiyong,HUANG Xiaoli,TIAN Li,YANG Song,FENG Yang,DUAN Jing,DU Zongjun(845)

Optimization of Extraction Process of Ferritin from Sturgeon Liver by Response Surface Methodology RAO Chengdong,YE Lang,DENG Jing,BAI Zhizi,DAI Zhuojun,LI Peilong,LI Shuhong,WANG Caixia,ZHANG Zhiqing,CHEN Anjun,LIU Xingyan,SHEN Guanghui,WU Hejun,LUO Qingying,LI Shanshan,SU Zhao,LI Meiliang(851)

(End of the Vol.36)


I Have the Right to Be a Child
APRIL siRNA对SW480裸鼠移植瘤的影响